Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1980 Golden Body Baby

Chapter 1980 Golden Body Baby
Many people speculated that Mr. Ni must have won a lottery ticket, otherwise there is no way to explain the source of his money.

"As long as you take good care of Xiaoyu, nothing else matters. We should take care of her." Princess Jiuyao said to Teacher Ni.

The other people thought the same way. If something happened to Zhou Xiaoyu, they would be the ones to blame. If they discussed with the Ni family that they would take care of Zhou Xiaoyu, it would be unreasonable, so they had to tell Teacher Ni and his wife.

"My own child, can I take good care of it? Don't worry." Teacher Ni's wife is taking care of Zhou Xiaoyu at home at this time. Because the child is still young, it is easy to freeze when carrying her out, so only Teacher Ni greets guests at the hotel.

Although the child was not present, the photos taken by Mr. Ni for the child were scrolled and played on the stage screen of the hotel.

Xiaobai drove to the Electric Valley Hotel quickly, asked Hu Xiaoxian the name of the private room and entered the room.

Teacher Ni talked to everyone in the private room and then went out to greet other people.

"You guys are so mean, you keep everything from me!" Xiao Bai said dissatisfiedly after entering.

"If we tell you, you must tell Zihan, who is not hiding it from you?" Hu Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"Why do you keep avoiding him? He actually knows he's wrong." Xiao Bai said in a low voice.

"I went to look for him yesterday, why didn't I realize that he knew his mistake!" The wizard said bluntly to Xiao Bai.

"He must have said the angry words on purpose. We have a common topic, and he doesn't hide anything from me." Xiaobai said with a smile.

"I hope he can be like what you said, and we don't want to embarrass him. No matter who we are here, as long as we do something that hurts our friends or hurts human beings, don't blame everyone for neglecting him. After all, we owe others sooner or later. I have to pay it back." The wizard said seriously.

"The wizard is right. We are people with spells. After all, human beings are ordinary people. We must not hurt innocent people." Li Tianba said seriously.

Everyone was angry not because Zihan was jealous, but because he hurt the innocent and plotted against his friends behind his back.

No matter what group it is, such people are avoided by everyone.

"It just happened to be all here today. We will return to the big world in a while. If there is any good news in the future, we will get together again." Li Tianba raised his glass and said.

Everyone picked up their glasses and drank a glass of wine.

"Why don't you stay for a few more days, Hua Jing and Chen Yilin just got married, and you are leaving!" Princess Jiuyao said dissatisfied.

"I'm used to it in the big world, and there's nothing to do here." Li Tianba said with a smile.

"You miss Xiaocui and Xiaoyue!" Princess Jiuyao joked.

Li Tianba said with a smile: "I must have thought about it, otherwise could I go back in such a hurry?"

"Well, since you are leaving, we won't keep you anymore, but you three, stay in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion after you go back, and nothing can happen!"

Princess Jiuyao originally wanted to keep Murong Xuehan, she wanted to help Murong Xuehan find his memory.

"We know, we will come back to play with you often." Hu Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"Zhou Xiaoyu", who was over the full moon, received more than 100 million gifts. Her parents and grandma were very happy, and they never thought that their children would be so blessed.

"Zhou Xiaoyu" behaves very well at home, except for breastfeeding and sleeping, as long as she is not hungry, she never cries.

Teacher Ni's mother looked at her lovely granddaughter. Since the child was born, there have been many happy events in the family, but people in the village said that the child is a murderous person, and she has always been very concerned about this matter.

It's okay for her to be unhappy, but she didn't dare to tell her son, let alone Zhao Huiping, because she was afraid that something would happen to her family if she said it.

Today, the child is surrounded by gifts and money, and the home is also decorated very beautifully, and the child is dressed as a princess.

The sisters who have a good relationship with Zhao Huiping followed Mr. Ni to Mrs. Ni's house after eating in Diangu, and wanted to see the children in person.

When they saw Mr. Ni's BMW, everyone was shocked, "Brother Ni, you won't really win the lottery!"

"Hush, don't make any noise." Teacher Ni said with a smile.

When the car was driving towards the urban area, "Brother Ni, isn't your home on the South Second Ring Road? How can you drive to the city center?"

"We've moved!" Teacher Ni said flatly.

In fact, everyone already guessed it when they entered the Electric Valley. Mr. Ni’s family must have made a fortune, otherwise they would not have entered such a high-end restaurant to spend the full moon with their children.

Zhao Huiping was exhausted from confinement, and she was so happy to have friends come to see her. At the same time, she could let them see her mansion. She had been waiting for the arrival of her sisters a long time ago.

"Wow, your house is so big!" Zhang Jing exclaimed after seeing Teacher Ni's house.

The others had the same expressions as Zhang Jing.

"You guys are here, I miss you so much, you didn't even say to come and see me." Zhao Huiping said pretending to be angry.

"Pingping, your house is so beautiful, this house is quite expensive." Zhang Jing asked.

"Well, it's quite expensive." Zhao Huiping said with some pride.

Now there is a special childcare wife at home to take care of the children, and she is very leisurely at home, and now that she is confinement, she can go out for a walk.

"Pingping, how can you live in such a big house after giving birth to a child? Could it be that Teacher Ni really won the lottery ticket!"

Zhao Huiping was very embarrassed at this time, and didn't know how to explain it to his friends, after all, it was not a small sum.

"No, it was given to the child by the family, and we follow the child to get rich." Zhao Huiping is a teacher, he can't lie, he can only tell the truth.

Jiuyao and others are relatives of her daughter, so they are naturally members of her family, and it is not a lie.

"What? It's for the child. You gave birth to a golden baby!" the friend said excitedly.

"Don't you guys want to see the child? Come and have a look!" Zhao Huiping quickly changed the subject.

Several people were stunned when they saw the child's room. There were too many presents, and everyone couldn't believe that having a child would be such a success. If having a child could get everything, all women would marry and have children.

"Let me invite you to go out for tea. I have been at home for a month, and I want to go out too." Friends were touching the child's hands and faces, and some even kissed, she really didn't expect it.

Usually, when the nanny holds the child, she will wash her hands first, and then hold her after changing clothes. Her friends are so unscrupulous after seeing the child. She is afraid that the child will be infected with bacteria, so she hastened to tell several people.

"Okay, the child is still young, and we have been in the room for a long time and the air is not ventilated. Let's go out and play with Pingping." Zhang Jing said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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