Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1981 To the Qian Family

Chapter 1981 To the Qian Family

In stark contrast to "Zhou Xiaoyu" is the real Zhou Xiaoyu. Because He Li used to stay up late and affected her body, her own milk was getting less and less. Zhou Xiaoyu had to drink milk powder to eat.

Lao He and her younger brother didn't like her, let alone her children, so they had no choice but to marry Qian Jiang, an honest man with poor legs.

In her opinion, at least the child can eat, and the He family asked the Qian family for a gift of [-] yuan.

Honestly, the Qian family pieced together the money, and it was only on Zhou Xiaoyu's full moon that they got the money together and sent it to the He family.

After He Li knew that the Qian family had come to give gifts, she stopped them before they entered the door, "Just give the gift money to me, not my parents!"

"Can I give it to you? Can your father agree?" The person who answered was Qian Jiang's aunt.

Of course they hoped that He Li would take the money back, and the living standard of the young couple would be better after taking it back.

"I am the one who will marry Qianjiang. If you don't give me the money, I won't marry." He Li knows that the Qian family is already heavily in debt to collect the gift, and she will not have a good life with her children. .

The child was crying from hunger these two days, and Lao He didn't buy a bucket of milk powder for the child. At this time, He Li was completely disappointed with her family.

If she gave the money to her father, her father would not give her a dowry.

"Well, if I give you the money, will you marry me?" Qian Jiang's sister-in-law asked.

"Of course, this is the life-saving money for me and my child. I know how to repay my kindness, and I will take the child to Qianjiang's house in a while." He Li knew that she had cut off the money, and her father would definitely hurry up. she left.

She left by herself to save herself troubles, and it would be bad to scare the children.

"That's it! Then what if your father goes to Qian's house to make a fuss?" Aunt Qian Jiang said in embarrassment.

"If he's shameless, let him make trouble." He Li said with a smile.

"Okay then, take this money!" Qian Jiang's aunt gave the money to He Li after speaking.

He Li took the paper bag and took out 1000 yuan from it, "Take this money back and give it to Qianjiang. If I hold it, my father and my younger brother will snatch it away. I will go back and hold the child. You don't want to enter the house. Let's go back."

He Li left after finishing speaking. She took the money and ran back to the room immediately. At this time, Zhou Xiaoyu was out of breath from crying. The crying child was thrown out.

He Li went back to the house and took her luggage, and went out with the baby in her arms.

He Li's younger brother saw it, "Dad, what is my sister doing?"

He Li's younger brother asked worriedly, he was waiting for a [-] dowry gift at this time, if He Li left at this time, he would definitely not be able to get the money.

"Don't worry about her, she'll be back in a while, she's penniless now, where can she go!" Lao He glanced at He Li, and his backpack couldn't carry much.

He Li walked directly to the village entrance, took the bus into the city, and bought a can of milk powder for her child, as well as two small clothes and diapers.

He Li took a taxi and went directly to Qian Jiang's house.

When many relatives of the Qian family saw He Li bringing the child, they rushed out to greet her. Some helped to hold the child, some helped to carry the things, and some asked the taxi driver for the price.

"His aunt, can this be done?" Qian Jiang's mother asked worriedly.

"Sister-in-law, don't be confused. The girl can do whatever she wants, and you don't care if the old He family is willing or not. After all, it will be He Li who will live with Qianjiang in the future." Qianjiang's aunt said with a smile.

"I'm relieved when you say that. I'm afraid that people from the He family will come to make trouble. After all, the son of the He family is not easy to mess with." Qian Jiang's mother knew that Qian Jiang was often bullied by the son of the Qian family.

"What trouble can they cause? The gift money was returned by the daughter as a dowry. In the future, you will help her take care of the children. After two years, you will wait to have a grandson." Qian Jiang's aunt said with a smile.

At Qianjiang's house, the child drank milk powder for the first time, and fell asleep after drinking it. The Qian family had already prepared bedding for the child.

Seeing the sleeping child, He Li wanted to cry very much. Her own child almost starved to death. Fortunately, Qianjiang took her in. After all, it is difficult for a woman like her to find a husband.

After Qian Jiang saw He Li, he didn't know what to say, but after He Li took out the milk powder and the bottle, he immediately understood and went to make milk powder for the child.

After He Li came, all the relatives of Qian's family left, and Qian Jiang's mother cooked in the kitchen.

The old He's family saw that the Qian family who gave the gift money never came.

"Dad, have the family backed down on this money? Could it be that you asked for too much money and they couldn't get it together!"

"Now the gift money is 15, do I want more than [-]?" Old He said unconvinced.

"My sister hasn't come back yet, could something happen?"

At this moment, Lao He's phone rang.

"I'm not going home anymore. You want to get the gift money separately." He Li felt that the happiest thing she did was now.

She hated her family very much. As a grandparent, she didn't even buy milk powder for her granddaughter.

If they treated her better during this time and took good care of her child, she might give them the gift money, but they didn't care if she was starving and her child was crying. She didn't want to go home again in her life.

I thought that the biological parents were related by blood, and they would take good care of her child for her sake, but they didn't expect them to ignore her.

Although her mother complained to her that she was not in charge of the family's money, she could at least borrow a few hundred yuan for the sake of the child.

"What did you say? You shameless thing, where are you now? Come back quickly?" Old He said angrily.

He Li's younger brother didn't have to think that his sister must have run away, but he didn't know that her sister was at Qianjiang's house.

"Sister! What did you do? Today is the day for the Qian family to celebrate a big gift, don't you know?"

"I know, the money was brought back by me as a dowry." He Li smiled when she spoke.

"What? Sister, that's my money for marrying my wife!" He Li's younger brother yelled loudly.

"If you marry a daughter-in-law, you can marry if you have money. You want to use my gift as soon as you part." He Li hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Dad, my sister is a picky eater. She said that the gift money has become a dowry." Brother He Li said angrily.

"What? Just pretend that I never gave birth to such a shameless daughter." After finishing speaking, Old He went back to the bedroom angrily.

"Dad, 10 yuan is gone, we should go to Qian's house to get it back!" He Li's younger brother said unwillingly.

"You don't think I am ashamed, I am not allowed to go, I will not have this daughter in the future, nor will I have a son-in-law like the Qian family." Old He said angrily.

"If you do this, what will they do when they come here?" Qian Jiang said worriedly.

"My dad really wants face, he won't come." He Li looked at Qian Jiang and said with a smile.

At this moment, the two looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

"That's good. I'll help my mother cook first. You can rest." Qian Jiang made an excuse.

(End of this chapter)

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