Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1982 Name

Chapter 1982 Name
Qian Jiang's legs are not particularly serious. Except for some problems with his legs, everything else is fine. If it wasn't for the problems with his legs, he probably would have gotten married a long time ago.

He Li touched Zhou Xiaoyu's small face, and watched the light rain outside the window, and she realized that she hadn't named the child yet.

"Can I call you Xiaoyu?" He Li asked Zhou Xiaoyu, and Zhou Xiaoyu suddenly laughed. The smile in her sleep was very cute.

"Then mom will call you Xiaoyu from now on!" He Li said with a smile.

He Li's father, Lao He, endured it for his own face. After all, his daughter and a child can have a meal outside, and he is actually satisfied.

If He Li was at home with the child, he would be reluctant to support the two of them, and there would be many gossips. Now that his daughter is married, he has become clean, and no one will gossip after a long time.

But He Li's younger brother couldn't do it. After all, he was young and vigorous, and he soon came to Qianjiang's house behind his father's back.

"What are you doing here?" He Li glanced at her brother, and then looked away from him.

His younger brother didn't regard her as his own sister, and he didn't regard the child as his own niece. She didn't have much affection for her brother at first. Although they were siblings of the same mother, the relationship between the siblings had never been good since childhood.

"Why are you so shameless? You took the initiative to deliver it to your door? I came here to ask for a gift money. Give me the gift money. You can stay here as long as you want." He Li's younger brother said angrily.

Qian Jiang was about to come out, but his mother grabbed her and shook his head, signaling him not to go out.

"What's none of your business? Gift money has nothing to do with you, so hurry up and leave." He Li said coldly.

"Are you looking for a taxi? If I don't see the money today, I won't leave."

At this moment, He Li's younger brother really wanted to beat He Li up, but this was Qianjiang's village after all, and he was unfamiliar with this village, so no one would help him when he fought.

"If you don't leave, I'll call the police. If you don't want to cause trouble, get out!" He Li was not polite at all when she spoke.

"Dare you, if you don't give the bride price, you won't go home in the future, and the old He family will not have you as a daughter in the future."

He Li's younger brother knew that his sister could really call the police. He was usually fooling around, and he was most afraid of the police.

If he is really given criminal detention, he won't be able to bear it!There is a stain in the life history, and it is even more difficult to marry a daughter-in-law.

"Are you kidding me? When our mother was hungry, no one of you took care of it. Now that you see the money, you are jealous. Even if I die in the future, I will never go back to that house." He Li was angry. Said.

"We don't care about you. How did you come to Qianjiang's house? If I hadn't been a matchmaker, would Qianjiang have taken you as a bargain?" He Li's younger brother said angrily.

"There are many people who want to marry me, but I don't want to, so get out now." He Li said through gritted teeth.

He Li's younger brother knew that he couldn't make sense with his sister, so he had to wander around in other rooms to find Qian Jiang.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and leave now!" Seeing her younger brother wandering back and forth in the room, He Li looked for Qian Jiang.

"I don't want to talk to you, I'll tell Qian Jiang!" He Li's younger brother has only one purpose and that is to ask for money.

I thought I thought of a good way to get the best of both worlds, but I didn't expect to be beaten by my sister.

Qian Jiang quickly came out of the kitchen, "Xiao Hui is here, let's eat at home, I'm helping my mother cook!" Qian Jiang said with a smile.

"You know the purpose of my coming, don't pretend to be confused, I'm here to get the gift money." He Li's brother said bluntly.

"I told you, you go now, the gift money has nothing to do with you."

He Li pushed Qian Jiang, meaning that he didn't need him here when he went back to his kitchen.

But Qian Jiang was afraid that He Li would suffer a disadvantage if he went out alone, so he didn't move.

"Why don't you go in, as long as I'm here!" He Li said angrily.

"The gift money was brought back by He Li as a betrothal gift, and this gift money was originally intended for He Li to raise her children. Xiaohui, if you treat He Li as your sister, don't mention the gift money from now on. If you insist on asking for the gift money, I'm sorry we didn't!" Qian Jiang looked at He Li's brother and said angrily.

Although Qian Jiang knew his younger brother's personality, he didn't expect their sibling relationship to be so bad. Since He Li didn't want to give it to her brother or to her family, he wouldn't give it to her. relation.

"Qian Jiang, don't you want to live anymore? How dare you talk to me like that!"

"I'll call the police if you're going or not, we don't welcome you here!" He Li looked at her younger brother and said angrily.

Brother He Li saw Qian Jiang going out with his sister through the same nostrils, so he had no choice but to go home.

Because of the wrong time of reincarnation, two people with different identities cast themselves into the wrong family. Zhou Xiaoyu, who had no worries about food and clothing, grew up in the countryside, under the circumstance that his uncle kept harassing their family.

After He Li's younger brother left, the Qian family and He Li finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Qian Jiang said embarrassingly: "The meal is ready, I will watch the child and you can eat first."

After talking about Qianjiang, he went to accompany the child.

He Li didn't know whether it was right or wrong to live with Qianjiang. She felt a little guilty, feeling that she was taking advantage of the Qian family. After all, if the child could eat enough at this time, she would be satisfied if the two of them could have a place to live.

When other children are full moon, relatives and friends will give them red envelopes and clothes, but my own child has nothing and is hungry with her. Thinking of this, He Li couldn't help crying.

Qian Jiang thought he had said something wrong, "What's wrong with you, if you don't want me to watch the child, I'll move the dining table to the room, and you eat in the room!"

He Li waved her hand, "I'm fine, you go and look after the child, I'll go to the kitchen to eat."

After Zihan came out from Tingting's place, he went to Mo Yuxin instead of going back to the hotel. He was responsible for Mo Yuxin's affairs. Since they helped him, he couldn't cross the river and tear down the bridge.

Mo Yuxin did not expect that Zihan would take the initiative to help him solve the matter, "What day is it today, Young Master Han is in such a good mood."

Mo Yuxin couldn't believe it. After all, Hua Jing married Chen Yilin, Zihan should be depressed, she thought Zihan would delay her for a while, or even leave her alone.

Although she has savings to terminate the contract, she will be poor after the contract is terminated. When the time comes without a job, her quality of life will be greatly reduced.

"The way you are now has a direct relationship with me. If I don't care about you, am I still human? Take me to your company." Zihan said it very gentlemanly, but only he knows what Zihan's purpose is.

(End of this chapter)

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