Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 252 Diary

Chapter 252 Diary

Back in the principal's office, Zhou Zhao frowned and sat down on the office chair with a dark face.

Seeing the principal's face livid with anger, Han Chu was so frightened that he didn't even dare to vent his breath, and stood in front of the desk in an orderly manner, waiting for Zhou Zhao to speak.

"Director Han, go and find out who this Qin Yan is from!" Zhou Zhao said through gritted teeth.

"Okay!" Han Chu nodded, turned around and left the principal's office.

As soon as the door was closed, Han Chu breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

He thought Zhou Zhao was going to scold him severely today, and even demoted his position, but Zhou Zhao didn't say anything.

Han Chu knew Zhou Zhao very well. This old man was very cruel to his subordinates who failed to accomplish their tasks, ranging from deducting bonuses to demotions and salary cuts.

After Han Chu left, Zhou Zhao immediately picked up his mobile phone and called Zhao Pengfei's father, Zhao Jude.

After a while, Zhao Jude answered the phone: "Hello! Principal Zhou, is the matter settled?"

Zhao Jude thought that Zhou Zhao had already settled the matter, so he was very polite when he spoke.

Zhou Zhao sighed: "Dong Zhao, I'm sorry, something happened!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Zhao told Zhao Jude everything that happened just now.

After listening to Zhou Zhao's words, Zhao Jude frowned, and couldn't believe his ears: "What? There is such a thing?"

At the beginning, Zhao Jude was planning to throw Qin Yan into the detention center, and bribed the prison bully to disable Qin Yan, so that Qin Yan would have a hard life for the rest of his life.

If Qin Yan is really so familiar with people in this system, his plan may be aborted.

"Yes!" Zhou Zhao said with a sigh, his tone full of helplessness.

"Okay! I understand! But you must fire him! Otherwise, you will be reported for embezzling project funds!"

Before Zhou Zhao could speak, Zhao Jude hung up the phone.

What?You bastard, how dare you threaten me!I do!

Zhou Zhao was already upset, but now that he was threatened by Zhao Jude, he felt even more upset.

But Zhou Zhao has nothing to do, because his handle is indeed in Zhao Jude's hands.

In fact, this was also the reason why Zhou Zhao had no bottom line to help Zhao Pengfei in school.

With a "snap", Zhou Zhao dropped the phone to the ground and yelled furiously: "Zhao Jude, wait, one day I will kill you!"

Walking back and forth in the office twice, Zhou Zhao's eyes suddenly flashed two cold lights.

He stretched out his hand to call Tan Jingjing, the school belle.

Tan Jingjing is a freshman in the art department. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a great figure.The most important thing is that Tan Jingjing is a dancer, and her body is as soft as water.

Zhou Zhao just had a taste of Tan Jingjing two days ago, and he still has a lot of aftertaste.

Zhou Zhao picked up the phone on his desk and called Tan Jingjing.

After a while, Tan Jingjing rang Zhou Zhao's office.

"come in!"

With a "bang", the door opened, and Tan Jingjing walked in very charmingly, and said in a coquettish tone, "Big baby, call me!"

For girls like Tan Jingjing, their performance opportunities are generally introduced by their leaders. In order to get more opportunities to appear on the scene, they have to choose to dedicate their bodies and youth.

In fact, beauties like Tan Jingjing are better, after all, they are beautiful, and someone is willing to have them.

Like some other girls in the art department, if they are of average appearance, no one will want them at all, and no one will even want them for free.

The current society is like this. There are so many beautiful girls who are willing to dedicate their bodies in order to appear on the camera. Those who are powerful and powerful can't play with them, so how can they choose some girls with average looks.

"Baby! Give my brother a dance! I just like watching you dance on my belly."

"Okay! No problem! People like to dance for my big baby!"

The two of them didn't even know that when they were having fun, Murong Xuehan had already floated in. She picked up her mobile phone and recorded all the scenes in the office.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Zhao and Tan Jingjing separated.

"Oh! Baby, why did you drop your iPhone? You're so rich! What phone are you going to buy next? Buy me one too! How about we make a couple match?"

Tan Jingjing said with winking eyes, blushing all over her face.

"Okay! No problem!"

Zhou Zhao readily agreed.

After Tan Jingjing left, Zhou Zhao got dressed, took out a diary, and started diary on it.

When Murong Xuehan saw the content above, she was stunned.

She didn't expect that what was written on it was actually a shameful diary.

At the top of each page is the name, height, measurements, and other basic information of the woman he has been in love with.

This shameless person actually keeps a diary, he is the scum of scum.

Murong Xuehan glanced at the thickness of the notebook, it was at least one finger thick.

A finger-thick notebook has at least 100 pages, which means that Zhou Zhao has slept with at least 100 women.

But when Zhou Zhao locked the notebook in the drawer, Murong Xuehan unexpectedly saw that there were three same notebooks in the drawer.

 Third more.

(End of this chapter)

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