Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 253 There are other requirements

Chapter 253 There are other requirements
No way!There are also three notebooks, how many women has this shameless man harmed.

But that's good too, with these criminal evidences, he definitely doesn't dare to confront his master anymore.

Thinking of this, Murong Xuehan suddenly felt that the video recording just now seemed a bit unnecessary.

After Zhou Zhao left the office, Murong Xuehan appeared and put away all four notebooks.

While collecting the notebook, Murong Xuehan discovered another secret.

In a small notebook, there is actually a string of numbers and surnames recorded.

For example, Mr. Wang, eight zero zero zero;

Mr. Li, a pair of jade bracelets.

Mr. Ao, forty-nine gold a catty.

Seeing this, Murong Xuehan understood that this was definitely a record of bribery.

Murong Xuehan stretched out his hand, and the small notebook floated into Murong Xuehan's hand.

It turned out that Murong Xuehan was sent by Qin Yan to collect Zhou Zhao's criminal evidence.

If Zhou Zhao is to be subdued, he must produce favorable evidence.

Of course, Qin Yan can also use force to coerce Zhou Zhao, or use Zhou Zhao's family to coerce Zhou Zhao, but Qin Yan thinks that is too violent.

Now it is a civilized society, and Qin Yan will only use force if it is unreasonable.

Ten minutes later, Murong Xuehan put four notebooks of embarrassment and a notebook of accepting bribes in Qin Yan's hands: "Master, this is the criminal evidence I collected. The crimes this kid committed are to put him out of jail." No problem either!"

Qin Yan glanced at the bribery notebook, it was true.

The amount above is so large that it is simply unbelievable.

The previous news said that a director of the Land Bureau took [-] million yuan in bribes, Qin Yan was a little hard to believe.

Because [-] million is an astronomical figure in Qin Yan's eyes, even if it becomes [-] yuan, it can kill him more than a dozen times.

Now Qin Yan believed it, because the headmaster of a school could accept so many bribes, let alone the Land and Resources Bureau.

When Qin Yan saw the shy diary, he was stunned.

He didn't expect Zhou Zhao to be so disgusting that he actually posted the woman's one on it.

Some of them are curly, some are straight, some are black, some are yellow, it is really strange.

Seeing Qin Yan's unbelievable eyes, Li Tianba curled his lips:
"Master, you are making too much fuss! What's the matter! We had a prince in the Tang Dynasty. Every time he pampered a woman, he would goug out her left eye, soak it in a special liquid, and place it in his study."

"It is said that by doing this, every woman he loved will be kept by his side, and their souls will have fun with him every night."

"During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, Shi Le, the king of Zhao, saw a woman he liked, so he dressed her up beautifully."

"When he was having fun at night, when the woman was pushed to the pinnacle of happiness, he cut off the woman's head. This way the woman's expression can be preserved intact."

"The next day, Shi Le put the woman's head on a plate and enjoyed it with the people around him. He cooked the woman's body and ate it with the people around him!"

After listening to Li Tianba's words, Qin Yan was so disgusted that he almost vomited.

"Tianba! I believe the former one is true, but the latter one is too ridiculous!"

Although Qin Yan knew that many nobles in ancient times were evil and cruel and didn't take human life seriously at all, he still felt that it was impossible to be so cruel.

Li Tianba shrugged his shoulders: "Master, what I said is true! If you have time, you can search the Internet for random things. It is about things of that era."

It turns out that during the five chaos in China, the Xiongnu, Xianbei and other ethnic minorities never brought military rations.

When they were hungry after the battle, they captured the captives and ate them. After eating the captives, they went to the surrounding villages and towns to arrest people.

Elderly people generally don't eat it, because the meat is too old to bite.

They like to eat women and children.

Children were called little fat sheep at that time, and women were called two-legged sheep.

Among them, women are the most miserable. They are ravaged by soldiers at night and killed and eaten during the day.

If it wasn't for the emergence of Ran Min, the god of war, the descendants of Yan and Huang in the north would have been eaten up by these barbarians.

Qin Yan didn't even know there was such a thing.

"Master, Zhou Zhao is back, you can let him make a choice with these things!" Murong Xuehan pointed to Zhou Zhao and said to Qin Yan.

Following the direction Murong Xuehan pointed, Qin Yan saw Zhou Zhao walk into the office.

Qin Yan nodded and took Li Tianba to the principal's office.

Zhou Zhao walked into the office, and when he saw the desk drawer being opened, he was taken aback.

After a few seconds, Zhou Zhao came to his senses, strode over to the desk and checked the diary inside.

"Principal Zhou, are you looking for them?" Qin Yan walked to the door of the office, shook the notebook in his hand, and looked at Zhou Zhao with a smile.

"You..." Zhou Zhao looked at Qin Yan and the notebook in Qin Yan's hand in disbelief.

not good!The notebook was taken away by Qin Yan. If he spread the contents, not only will I be ruined, but I will also go to jail.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhaohong's flushed face turned extremely pale in an instant.

No, I must take it back.

Zhou Zhao clenched his fists and looked at Qin Yan angrily.

Qin Yan turned around and closed the door, swaggered and sat on the sofa, then put the notebook on the armrest of the sofa, and patted the notebook.

It was like telling Zhou Zhao, see, your evidence is in my hands.

"Give it back to me!" Zhou Zhao rushed towards Qin Yan.

Before Qin Yan could speak, Li Tianba lifted Zhou Zhao up.

Zhou Zhao clenched his fist and slammed Li Tianba's arm, but he found that he was like hitting a stone. Not only did he not hurt Li Tianba, but his hand hurt.

"Principal Zhou, why are you so excited! Come on, let's sit down and talk!"

Qin Yan winked at Li Tianba.

Li Tianba nodded and put Zhou Zhao on the office chair.

Zhou Zhao glanced at Li Tianba in astonishment. He never thought that Li Tianba was so strong, and he never dared to be impulsive again.

"Principal Zhou, I must have these diaries, you must go to the central square tomorrow to apologize to me!"

"This this……"

Apologizing to Qin Yan in front of the whole school is definitely a shame.

But Zhou Zhao weighed it, losing face is better than being ruined.

He gritted his teeth and said with determination: "Okay! I apologize! I hope you can return these diaries to me after I apologize!"

Qin Yan shook his head, raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Zhou Zhao with a smile.

"Ah? Why?" Zhou Zhao couldn't figure out why Qin Yan didn't return the notebook to him since he had already apologized.

Qin Yan took a deep breath: "Because I have other requirements!"

 Fourth update.Four more today, five more tomorrow.Among them, there are three guaranteed minimum changes, which are added rewards for the full [-] book coins, and added changes for the monthly pass. In fact, the monthly pass is less than [-].But let's add more!Everyone watches the fifth watch every day. If you watch the fourth watch for two consecutive days, you may not be used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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