Chapter 287

Xu Wang sighed, and shook his head helplessly: "Master Ghost Doctor, I'm really sorry, my friend left after leaving the ghost farm inheritance, I can't tell you!"

In fact, the owner of the ghost farmer's inheritance is sitting in the secret room at this moment.

It seems that you can only buy at a high price.

Qin Yan was very sorry and sighed in his heart.

However, for the ghost farmer's inheritance, Qin Yan is bound to get it, no matter how high the price is, he will buy it.

"Brother Ghost Doctor, I support you! My mother and I will give you all our family savings!" Hu Xiaomei looked at Qin Yan with clear eyes.

"Master ghost doctor! I support you too! I still have some ghost gold here, please accept it!" The carp spirit immediately donated generously.

Other people, ghosts, and demons also donated money one after another, some gave ghost gold, some gave magical artifacts, and some gave ghost flowers and grass.

After a while, there were many treasures in Li Tianba's arms.

Seeing everyone's support for him, Qin Yan was very moved. He immediately took out dozens of communication symbols and marked them:
"Thank you for your help. For all the friends who sponsored me just now, I will give you another communication talisman. But this communication talisman is different from the previous one. This is a healing talisman. As long as your relatives and friends are sick, as long as You light this communication talisman, and I will be there at any time!"

Hearing what Qin Yan said, everyone was immediately shocked.

"What? No way! They treat us for free!"

"It's so wonderful! The Ghost Doctor, Gao Yi!"


The voices of praise and flattery suddenly sounded in the room.

Qin Yan cupped his fists and arched: "Everyone, then I'll go to the auction table!"

"Master Ghost Doctor, we will go with you!"

Qin Yan's followers followed Qin Yan out of the room and walked towards the high platform.

The moment Qin Yan left the room, Xu Wang raised the corner of his mouth and showed a sneer.

When Qin Yan walked under the high platform, he saw Mao Quyu, Mao Zhantong and other Mao family members.

Mao Quyu and the others also saw Qin Yan and others.

Um?Why are the Mao family here?Could it be that they also came here for the inheritance of ghost farmers?

Thinking of this, Qin Yan suddenly remembered that Mao Zhantong is the body of the Nine Yins, and he can also inherit the inheritance of the Hundred Ghosts. Although it is not as smooth as him, he can inherit it after all.

Huh?Why is Qin Yan here?Is he also for the inheritance of ghost farmers?That must be the case. Qin Yan is a body of nine yin and nine yang, so he can naturally inherit the inheritance of ghost farmers.

Just how didn't they see Ma take off?
Thinking of this, Mao Quyu and others couldn't help but look into the crowd, wanting to see if Ma Tengfei and others were there.

When they saw that Ma Tengfei, Ma Zehong and others were not there, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Mao, this is that idiot ghost doctor, you should accept him quickly!"

"Yes! Take him! This guy is too arrogant! He lied to us for a gift!"


The shameless followers of Mao's family saw Qin Yan immediately with hatred and screamed loudly.

What?Qin Yan is that ghost doctor?This is too outrageous!When did Qin Yan become a ghost doctor!

No, the ghost doctor's inheritance should be mine!
Mao Zhantong thought angrily in his heart, he felt that the whole world should revolve around him, and he was the center of the world.

Mao Quyu narrowed his eyes and looked at Qin Yan with cold eyes.

Qin Yan was not a ghost doctor before, why did he suddenly become a ghost doctor? Could it be that he had some adventures after we separated?

no!No matter what he said today, he must die here. Once he returns to the Ma family, the strength of the Ma family will increase out of thin air.

Mao Quyu's idea has always been that if he can't get it, others can't get it either.

What's more, Qin Yan is the deadly enemy of their Mao family.

After Mao Gongyu saw Qin Yan, he also cursed secretly in his heart.

Damn, I actually met this evil star here, I better run quickly!They want to die let them die!

Thinking of this, Mao Gongyu slowly withdrew from the crowd and disappeared into the ghost market.

Although the Mao family has more than a dozen members, and their overall strength is stronger than Qin Yan's, but Mao Gongyu met a yin and yang ghost before, saying that his nemesis is Qin Yan, and no matter where he meets Qin Yan in the future, he must stay away, otherwise there will be a bloody disaster .

That yin and yang ghost is very powerful, Mao Gongyu firmly believes in this.

"You scum! You still have the face to mention gifts! Shame on you!"

"Yeah! These people are really shameless! They want to suck up all the pee they urinate, it's amazing! Hahaha!"

Qin Yan's followers immediately counterattacked.

Qin Yan didn't expect that instead of fighting with the Mao family, his own followers and the Mao family's followers actually did.

Hearing the words of Qin Yan's followers, although those shameless people blushed a little, they still cursed one after another.

It was as if poop had been stuffed into his mouth, and it stinks so badly.

Not to be outdone, Qin Yan's followers also yelled loudly, and their words were unbearable.

In a short time, all kinds of obscene words floated in the ghost market.

You are paralyzed, your daddy is like a bullet, "da da da" from everyone's mouth.

And their mouths are like the muzzles of machine guns.


At this moment, a dry cough sounded from the high platform, and Xu Wang stood on the high platform and looked down.

Seeing the ghost market manager come out, people's yelling and cursing slowly stopped.

"Everyone, the auction will officially start now, and I hope everyone will bid enthusiastically!"

"Wait a minute!" Mao Zhantong yelled loudly.

"Do you have any comments, Fellow Daoist?"

"I'm going to kill him cheaply, and please postpone the auction!"

Mao Zhantong did this to eliminate competitors.

If Qin Yan died, the people present would definitely not dare to bid with their Mao family. Then their Mao family could get the ghost farm inheritance at the lowest price.

It can be said to be a good deal that kills two birds with one stone.

In fact, Qin Yan thought so too!

If the members of the Mao family were killed by him, absolutely no one would dare to bid with him, and he could also get the inheritance of the ghost farmer at a very low price.

"Okay! I'll accompany you!"

Qin Yan just weighed the strength of his side and the Mao family.

Although the Mao family has two masters at the level of celestial masters, Li Tianba can definitely block it by himself.

As for the other Taoists and Taoists, although there are more people than him, he has a group of loyal followers.

The combined strength of these people, ghosts, and demons can definitely overwhelm the Taoists and Taoists of the Mao family.

As for the followers of the Mao family, from Qin Yan's point of view, they were nothing but fools.

Don't look at the excitement now, but a real battle broke out, and they are definitely faster than rabbits.

For the sake of small gifts, they can change their words again and again, and they can imagine it for their own lives.

 the third
(End of this chapter)

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