Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 288 Who Will Die

Chapter 288 Who Will Die

Seeing that the protagonists of both sides are on the bar, the supporters of both sides are also on the bar.

"Master Mao, kill him, we support you!" Mao Zhantong's supporters shouted arrogantly.

"Master ghost doctor, kill them, we support you!" Qin Yan's supporters roared loudly, not to be outdone.

"Everyone be quiet! Everyone be quiet! This is a ghost market, not an arena! Please don't make trouble!" Xu Wang shouted.

But Mao Zhantong didn't give Xu Wang face at all.

In Mao Zhantong's view, Xu Wang is nothing more than a manager of a ghost market, and he is not worthy of carrying his shoes.

"Qin Yan, die!" Mao Zhantong yelled loudly, chanted a mantra, took out a mahogany sword and rushed towards Qin Yan.

The other young members of the Mao family also pulled out their peach-wood and jujube-wood swords and rushed towards Qin Yan.

Murong Xuehan, Hu Xiaomei and others, ghosts and demons stood in front of Qin Yan one after another.

Li Tianba squatted down slightly, touched the ground with his feet, and shot out like cannonballs, standing in front of Mao Quyu and Mao Zhenning: "Let me play with you two!"

Mao Quyu and Mao Zhenning were well aware of Li Tianba's strength, they dared not neglect, they took out a talisman with their left hand, and a mahogany sword with their right hand, looking at Li Tianba warily.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Mao Zhantong and other disciples of the Mao family fought against Murong Xuehan and Qin Yan's supporters one after another, and violent battles erupted.

However, Mao Zhantong and other Mao family disciples were defeated and were repelled one after another. The two sides were divided into two camps again and confronted each other.

Qin Yan was going to make a move at first, but he never expected that he didn't need to make a move at all.

Mao Zhantong didn't expect that Qin Yan's cohesive force would be so strong that there would be so many people, ghosts, and demons working for him.

snort!You think you have someone to support you, but doesn’t Lao Tzu have someone to support you?
Mao Zhantong turned his head and shouted to his supporters: "Brothers, follow me and kill this shameless ghost doctor!"

"Master Mao is mighty, kill the ghost doctor!"

"Young Master Mao is domineering, kill the ghost doctor!"


Hearing so many people, ghosts, and demons respond, Mao Zhantong was extremely proud.

Qin Yan, do you see that Lao Tzu's supporters are not vegetarians, and there are more supporters than you.You just wait to die!
"Kill!" Mao Zhantong yelled, and rushed towards Qin Yan and the others with the disciples of the Mao family.

But when Mao Zhantong rushed halfway, he found that his supporters hadn't followed except his disciples of the Mao family.

Mao Zhantong was very surprised, turned his head and said loudly: "Come on! Go up and kill them!"

"Yes! Go up and kill them!"

"Master Mao! Go! We support you!"


Mao Zhantong's supporters were all excited and shouted loudly, fearing that Mao Zhantong would not hear them, and the momentum was much stronger than that of Qin Yan.

"Then come with me quickly!" Mao Zhantong waved the mahogany sword in his hand, preparing to call on his supporters.

Mao Zhantong's supporters shouted enthusiastically:

"Yes! Young Master Mao, go! Kill them!"

"Yes! Young Master Mao! I am optimistic about you! Kill!"


Um?what's the situation?Why are they only shouting slogans but not taking action?

Mao Zhantong was a little confused, he had never seen such a situation before.

In the past, when he went to other places, he almost always responded, and his followers would be like crazy under his leadership, tearing his opponents to pieces.

But he didn't know that those people in the past echoed under his leadership because he could easily overwhelm his opponents.

Followers are very happy with the kind of thing that beats a dog in the water.

But now it's not the same as before.

Although the strength of Qin Yan's side is not as good as that of the Mao family, but with the addition of those followers, they can completely crush the Mao family. Even if they participate, it will be an extremely fierce battle, and they don't want to die.

Thigh hugging is for benefit, not for death.

If they die because of hugging their thighs, they would rather not hug their thighs.

Coupled with the fact that these followers of Mao Zhantong are nothing but fools, it is naturally impossible to help Mao Zhantong sincerely.

"Master Mao, go! Get rid of them!"

"Yes! Master Mao! We firmly support you!"


Mao Zhantong's supporters continued to shout slogans loudly, with an imposing manner.

"Then why don't you follow me! You're just shouting for something!" Mao Zhantong was angry, and he felt that these people were really shameless.

Mao Zhantong turned around and grabbed the clothes of one of the supporters: "Go! Follow me!"

Um?This is to force us!run quickly!We don't want to die!It would be foolish to die just to hold your thigh!

The people, ghosts, and demons who followed Mao Zhantong saw that something was wrong, and immediately ran away in fright.

It turned out that there were nearly a hundred people behind Mao Zhantong, but now there is only one left in Mao Zhantong's hands.

And this one didn't run away because Mao Zhantong held his hand.

"Master Mao, please let me go! I don't want to die!" The supporter knelt down on the ground with a thud.

Seeing Qin Yan's followers fighting against the enemy, seeing death as home, and seeing his followers all running away, Mao Zhantong felt extremely angry in his heart.

What the hell!How did I collect such a pile of trash just now.

"Damn! Let me die!"

In a rage, Mao Zhantong waved his palm and slapped the guy on the head.

The follower immediately disappeared into thin air.

Seeing Mao Zhantong's viciousness, those followers who hid in the distance turned pale with fright, patted their chests and said to themselves in their hearts:

Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise that guy would be my role model!It turns out that in this world, hugging your thighs is also risky!In the future, you must keep your eyes open and follow the capable ones!Otherwise, it is very likely to become cannon fodder!

Qin Yan clapped his hands and walked out from the crowd: "Awesome! Awesome! It turns out that Mao Zhantong, the young master of the Mao family, only spread his anger on innocent people!"

"Qin Yan, don't be arrogant, without their support, I can still destroy you!"

For the sake of face, Mao Zhantong yelled loudly.

In fact, even he didn't believe it when he said it.

"Don't bother you to kill me, I will kill you now!"

Qin Yan squinted his eyes and looked at Mao Zhantong coldly, raised the corner of his mouth to show a sneer, and at the same time drew out the locust tree sword and stabbed Mao Zhantong with a loud shout.

When Murong Xuehan saw that the master had made a move, she led Qin Yan's followers to shout, and also went to kill Mao Zhantong and other Mao family members.

Seeing so many people killing him, the corners of Mao Zhantong's eyes twitched.

But Mao Zhantong pretended to be calm and said: "Everyone, don't be afraid! Let's go together! Kill!"

Encouraged by Mao Zhantong, the Mao family children rushed to Qin Yan and others.

But Mao Zhantong took the opportunity to turn around and escape.

 The fourth watch, there is another watch before twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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