
Chapter 1000 Hidden really deep, not to be underestimated!

Chapter 1000 Hidden really deep, not to be underestimated!
"A bloody ghost? Are you sure you read it right? But you, an ordinary person, how can you see ghosts?"

From the first moment he saw the two Taoist priests, tall and short, Tong Yan had already noticed that they were not cultivators, but ordinary people.There is still a big difference between ordinary people and those who cultivate immortals. From an intuitive point of view, people who cultivate immortals walk more lightly, and there is a very weak air flow swimming outside their bodies, but ordinary people are different, because they have not yet escaped. Fanchao vulgar, so the footsteps are a little heavy, the most important thing is that there is no true energy in the body, so naturally there will be no surplus true energy overflowing the body and wandering around the whole body.

But now, the tall Taoist actually said that he not only saw two black shadows, but also saw a bloody evil ghost. How could Tong Yan not be puzzled by this?

Hearing this, the tall Taoist immediately said decisively: "Benefactor, please believe me, I don't need to lie to you at all. Instead of lying to you, wouldn't it be better if I didn't say anything? I'm 100% sure, that's a Ghost."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Master Daoist, I just said it casually, you don't need to pay too much attention to it. Maybe the reason you can see it is because this place is a Taoist temple, with the spirit of the gods, and any evil spirits will be exposed. Okay, let’s go on, what happened next? What happened later?”

The tall Taoist thought for a while, and then continued: "Later, I saw those two black shadows stopped for some reason. After that... and after that, I saw that evil ghost seemed to hold the two black shadows together. The shadows were eaten! But I'm not completely sure, anyway, those two shadows disappeared inexplicably."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning.have eaten?Is it really going to be eaten?If this is the case, the strength of the evil ghost is probably not weaker than that of the ghost king.

But he also felt that something was wrong, if the murderer who killed the ghost messenger was really an evil ghost, then the guy who hunted and killed the fire scorpion in the holy water pool must be someone else.

After all, in the final analysis, the evil spirit has no reason to hunt and kill the fire scorpion, because the evil spirit does not have a physical body, even if it gets the fire scorpion's body, it may not be able to regenerate itself, right?

But if such an assumption is made, it seems a little bit possible.That is, the evil ghost that the tall Taoist priest saw was originally cultivated by the person who hunted and killed the fire gnats.The guy who hunted the fire scorpion thought he was being targeted by the underworld, so he manipulated the evil spirits to deal with the two ghost messengers, so the ghost messenger was killed.

Of course, all of this is just Tong Yan's own speculation, and before there is any definite evidence, these can only be treated as conjectures.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked again: "Master Dao, what happened to the evil ghost after eating the two shadows? Did he do anything else?"

The tall Taoist shook his head and said: "I don't know what happened after that, because the evil spirit seemed to have found me and gave me a hard look. I was frightened at the time, so I hurriedly closed the window and hurried Go to bed and rest."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Being discovered by the evil spirits, you are still safe and sound. Daoist Master, you are really blessed. Thank you for telling us this, go and take care of your master. If he wakes up , just call us, we will wait in this yard."

The tall Taoist nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll go now. Two benefactors, you can do what you want!"

With that said, he turned around and immediately walked towards the house.

After he entered the room, Xiao Hei hurriedly said to Tong Yan: "Brother, do you still remember the shorter Taoist priest? He went down the mountain. According to the tall Taoist priest, he was sent down by his master to do some business. What do you say?" Going down the mountain at this time, what will you do?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled lightly and said, "When the little Taoist priest comes back, he will find out as soon as he asks. Instead of making wild guesses here, we might as well do something meaningful."

Xiao Hei was puzzled and said, "Brother, do something meaningful? What are you doing?"

Tong Yan looked up at the sky, it was already noon, so he said, "Cook, eat!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei smiled and said, "Brother, I can only eat, but I can't cook either."

Tong Yan curled his lips and said: "I knew I couldn't count on you, so you stay here and watch. I'll go to the kitchen of this Taoist temple to see if I can make something to eat. When I'm done, I'll serve it right away." come over."

Xiao Hei laughed and said, "Okay, brother, you've worked hard. I'm waiting for your lunch!"

Tong Yan was really speechless to Xiao Hei. An ice dragon is actually interested in eating. This is a world full of wonders.

In fact, Tong Yan's original intention was not to cook, but to walk around in this Taoist temple.Normally speaking, Taoist temples are the dojos of gods and spirits in the world, and demons and ghosts must be avoided, so why would they come here uninvited?
But the tall Taoist said that he did see an evil ghost, so why did the evil ghost come here suddenly?It is not impossible to be sent here, but Tong Yan thinks such an assumption is a bit far-fetched.So naturally, he thought of another hypothesis, that is, there is something in this Taoist temple that attracts the evil ghost.It is precisely because of this that the evil spirit will boldly break into this Taoist temple.As for whether it is true or not, it can only be finally determined after careful inspection.

Tong Yan didn't delay, waved to Xiao Hei, and walked out of the backyard directly.

Back in the front yard, Tong Yan didn't go to the kitchen first, but decided to visit the tall Taoist's room.Why go there to see, because he wants to know one thing.

In addition to Sanqing Hall and Wenchang Hall, there are four rooms in the front yard, which are all connected.One is a kitchen, two fasting rooms are used for living, and one should be a toilet and washing place.

Tong Yan, the cook, knew because he saw a tall Taoist priest come out of it with rice.Therefore, one of the remaining three rooms must be his daily living place.That being the case, they can only be found one room at a time.

He started looking for the second room, because the first room was the kitchen, and according to the sequence, only one of the three rooms, two, three, and four, was the bedroom of a tall Taoist priest.

But after looking for two rooms in a row, he didn't gain anything.The second room was indeed a bedroom, but it was the room of the short Taoist priest.The third room was a thatched hut, which stinks to the sky.This leaves only the fourth room.

Unlike the first two rooms, the door of the fourth room was locked.Tong Yan was a little helpless, so he could only hold the lock and pull it off forcefully.

At this time, he didn't bother to care about so many customs. After all, he came here for only one purpose, and that was to clear up the grievances of Blind Chen.

Pushing it forward, the door opened immediately.Without hesitation, he raised his leg and walked in.

But just walking into this room, he felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.He looked carefully at the surrounding walls, and then couldn't help showing a sneer.

"Evil thief, you hide really deep enough, it seems that I underestimated you."

Why did he say this?Did he discover something?
(End of this chapter)

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