
Chapter 999 Bite your tongue and seal it, the night of death!

Chapter 999 Bite your tongue and seal it, the night of death!
The tall young Taoist saw the old Taoist yelling, so he hurried up to meet him. "Master... Master, what's wrong with you? No one is going to kill you, and there is no one behind you? Master, calm down, it's okay, it's okay."

He called this old Taoist priest Master, which shows that this old Taoist priest should undoubtedly be the owner of the Holy Water Temple.But not long after the temple master came back, why did he become like this all of a sudden?
"Don't kill me, don't kill me, please... please don't kill me. I will not talk nonsense, I will not say anything. I... ah..." Shouting here, the cruel scene unexpectedly staged.

This old Taoist actually... he actually bit off his own tongue!

He definitely didn't commit suicide, because he was afraid of death, otherwise he wouldn't be so afraid.Then why did he bite off his tongue?I'm afraid there is only one reason, that is, he knows some secrets and is threatened by others.And as long as there is no tongue, it is naturally impossible to tell this secret.But did he really think that he could keep the secret like this?Only the dead can keep secrets, but he is still alive, so there is always a way for him to tell all the secrets he knows.

"Woo... woo..." With only half of his tongue in his mouth, he bent over and howled, this scene was really uncomfortable.

The tall Taoist priest was so anxious that he was a little overwhelmed. He just supported the old Taoist priest, completely in a daze.

Seeing this, Tong Yan sighed softly, then stepped forward quickly, and tapped the old Taoist's neck with one finger.The old Taoist fainted immediately after being touched by him.

Before the tall Taoist could speak, he directly ordered: "Hold him into the room, and I will use my true energy to heal his wounds later."

The tall Taoist priest really panicked, nodded quickly and said: "Okay, thank you." He picked up the unconscious old Taoist priest, and immediately walked quickly towards the house.

Tong Yan looked around and made sure there was nothing unusual, so he and Xiao Hei also walked into the room.

The old Taoist should be an elegant person. Not only calligraphy and paintings are hung on the walls of this room, but also exquisite tea sets are placed on the only coffee table.The furniture used in the room is also antique, comparable to the study rooms of those literati in ancient times.

The tall Taoist put the old Taoist on the bed, after a few glances, he knelt down in front of Tong Yan with a plop.

"Almsgiver, I beg you to save my master. Although my master is mean-spirited, he has a kind heart. I am an orphan. If he hadn't raised me, I would have starved to death. So no matter what, please save him." .please!"

Seeing this, Tong Yan directly helped him up and said, "It's enough for you to have this kind of heart, and I will definitely do my best. Don't worry, he just bit off his tongue, and there is nothing wrong with him except that it will be a little difficult to speak in the future." It's a big problem. Well, I'll heal his wounds right now, you guys go outside and wait!"

The tall Taoist stood up, nodded his head and said, "Then I will trouble you. Is there anything else I can do?"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "I don't need it for now, I will tell you when I need it."

The tall Taoist agreed, and then he raised his legs and walked out of the house.Xiao Hei looked at it, and followed him out of the house.

Tong Yan didn't delay, immediately pulled the old Taoist priest up, sat cross-legged behind him, drew up his true energy, and began to heal his wounds.

Outside the room, the tall Taoist priest was a little uneasy and worried. Seeing him pacing back and forth, and looking into the room from time to time, Xiao Hei couldn't help laughing.

"Daozhang, you don't have to worry too much. My elder brother is not an ordinary person, but he is a master of one. It is his blessing that your master met my elder brother. Don't worry, he will be safe and sound." .”

Hearing this, the tall Taoist forced a smile and said, "I hope so!"

Xiao Hei leaned against the wall, yawned, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "By the way, where is your junior brother? Where did he go?"

Hearing this, the tall Taoist immediately replied: "He, he was sent out by my master to handle some errands, and he probably will be back soon."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei couldn't help frowning, "Go out to do something? What are you doing? Your master is so crazy, how can you let your junior brother do something?"

The tall Taoist smiled bitterly and said: "My master was not like this at first, and I don't know what stimulated him. He was fine until I opened the door for you just now. As for what he asked my junior to do, I am not It’s very clear. It was told quietly, maybe it’s some mundane matter.”

Xiao Hei let out a soft sigh, and didn't ask any more questions, but he began to make calculations in his heart.It may be that he has been by Tong Yan's side for too long, and his brain has become more active, at least he is willing to think more.

After more than ten minutes like this, Tong Yan walked out of the room.

The tall Taoist saw Tong Yan coming out, and immediately asked: "Benefactor, how is my master?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "It's all right, but his body is a little weak, let him have a good rest."

Hearing this, the tall Taoist breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's fine, it's fine. Donor, this time I'm really thankful to you. I don't want to thank you for your kindness. Let me bow to you!" "As he spoke, he directly bent down deeply.

Seeing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "It's just a little effort, you don't have to take it too seriously. Besides, the reason why I rescued your master was a little selfish. To be honest, I want to ask your master something, But now we can only talk about it when he wakes up."

The tall Taoist straightened up, and immediately asked: "Two benefactors, what is the purpose of you coming to my holy water temple? I always feel that you are here not only to worship the gods, but also for other reasons? Could it be... Is it related to Master Chen?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked: "What do you know about Master Chen's death?"

The tall Taoist sighed lightly and said, "Master Chen is actually quite a nice person, and he also took good care of us. But who knows that his lifespan will end at the end of his life, otherwise, maybe he is still cultivating in our Shengshui Temple now." Well. By the way, I think you must be very interested in something. On the night of Master Chen's death, a very strange thing happened. If you really came for Master Chen, I would like to tell you you."

Weird thing?Of course Tong Yan wanted to know, and he didn't want to let go of any clues.

"Master Daoist, please tell me the truth, I will listen with all my ears."

The tall Taoist nodded, and then said in detail: "I remember that the sky was very dark that night, there were no stars, and there was only a round moon covered by dark clouds, which could only emit faint moonlight. I have to copy scriptures every night. The habit of writing may be because I was too engrossed in copying, so I forgot the time. After I finished copying, when I was going to go back to my room, I suddenly saw two black shadows flashing past. I thought it was because I was dazzled, so I didn't pay much attention to it. But when I returned to the fasting room and was about to close the window, guess what I saw?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "What did you see?"

"I... I saw a bloody evil ghost!"

(End of this chapter)

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