
Chapter 1007 Tell the truth, dare to hide it?

Chapter 1007 Tell the truth, dare to hide it?
What is jiao?There are different opinions. Some say that this j is a man-eating beast in the north, which looks like a dog; there are also rumors that this j is a mythical beast in the sea, which looks like a horse with scales, breathes fire from its mouth, is extremely fierce and can eat dragons; There is a beast named Yan, which is shaped like a rabbit, with pointed ears, only about a foot long, and is feared by lions, and its body will rot if it drowns.

In fact, no matter what the image of this j is, one thing is basically certain, that is, j is by no means a good beast, but a vicious beast!
King Jiuyou made it very clear that the strange beast that swallowed his daughter was the jiao, and it was also a jiao named Tuntian.Regardless of whether that jiao can swallow the sky or not, just the name of swallowing the sky is enough to be daunting.

Tong Yan didn't feel the slightest sense of fear, but there were many doubts in his heart.For example, how did this jiao swallow Princess Jiuyou alive?Since when did it hide in this holy water temple?
Although this matter seemed to have nothing to do with him, he always felt that there was something hidden in it.No matter what, if you can investigate it clearly, investigate it. If you can't, then you don't need to be persistent.

At this moment, Xiao Hei suddenly came from the backyard, and hurriedly asked Tong Yan with concern: "Brother, are you okay? Are you injured?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan followed the sound, and then smiled slightly: "I'm fine, I just watched a good show. But Xiao Hei, you are really calm, there is such a big commotion here, you Didn't you notice it at all?"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei said with some shame: "Brother, I... I actually noticed it a long time ago, but... I just didn't dare to come. You may not know that the beast is Yan, and like Kunpeng, it belongs to our dragon clan Its nemesis. I have just become a dragon not long ago, and I have no strength to contend with it, so..."

Tong Yan looked at Xiao Hei, who blamed himself, and said with a chuckle: "Okay, I just said it casually. By the way, is the old Taoist awake?"

Xiao Hei nodded and said: "I'm awake, but I've been staring blankly, do you think I've lost my soul?"

Of course there is such a possibility, but when Tong Yan healed him before, he had no problem.Baobuqi took so long, what happened again.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look, maybe it's just frightened too much, it's not a big deal."

Xiao Hei hummed lightly, looked at the cracked courtyard, and then followed Tong Yan to the backyard.

As soon as the two arrived at the backyard, they saw a tall Taoist priest come out to pour water.

As soon as he saw Tong Yan, he hurried forward to meet him and said, "Benefactor, my master is already awake, but his brain seems... seems to have some problems. Can you take a look?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "No problem, I'll go see him right away."

"In this case, I would like to thank the benefactor a lot, but benefactor, what happened just now? How did you shake the mountain?"

Tong Yan smiled lightly and said, "It is true that a major event happened, but it has passed through safely now. You can go to the front yard and see for yourself later, and you will understand."

The tall Taoist priest nodded, stopped talking, and hurriedly invited Tong Yan and Xiao Hei into the room.

Tong Yan walked in the front, and soon saw the old Taoist priest curled up at the end of the bed.He bowed his head deeply, his gray hair completely blocking his face.

Tong Yan stared at him for a while, and after making sure that all three souls and seven souls were there, he sat down on the side of the bed.

"Daozhang, how do you feel now? I can't connect you with the bitten off tongue, but I can untie your knots and get rid of your demons. If you are interested, just look up at me, after all No matter what, I am your savior."

However, the old Taoist was not moved at all, as if he hadn't heard it.

Seeing this, Tong Yan said with a faint smile: "It seems that you don't know who I am, anyway, let me introduce myself briefly. First of all, I am a person who cultivates, and my cultivation is not high, but I can go to heaven Secondly, I am the leader of the Heavenly Dao League, and there are tens of thousands of people in the alliance. Finally, I want to tell you that I can solve the problems you encounter, and I can also help the villains who threaten you. You get rid of it. I think you don’t want to live in fear all your life? Besides, do you think you can escape this catastrophe by biting off your tongue and pretending to be crazy? In this world, even the dead may not be able to keep secrets , let alone you are a living person? Think about it for yourself, whether you want to live well or wait for death slowly, it all depends on yourself. Xiao Hei, it's getting late, let's go!"

With that said, he stood up and was about to leave.

But at this moment, the old Taoist priest suddenly raised his head, and then shouted "Woooooo" to Tong Yan.

Hearing this, Tong Yan showed a smile on his face, then turned to look at the old Taoist priest, and asked, "What? Have you figured it out?"

The old Taoist nodded vigorously, his eyes full of pleading.

Tong Yan had already guessed that the old Taoist priest was deliberately pretending to be crazy, and this deceit was indeed a deception.In this way, his unsolved doubts may be answered.

"Water is long, please prepare paper and pen, I want to have a good talk with your master."

The tall Taoist was taken aback when he heard this, and immediately said in puzzlement: " did you know my Dharma name?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly: "A dead old friend told me, go prepare!"

"An old friend who died? This..." Daoist Shui was a little dazed, but he still prepared a pen and paper for Tong Yan.

Tong Yan took the pen and paper, handed it to the old Taoist priest immediately, and said, "Master Taoist, write down what you know, and see if it is what I guessed."

The old Taoist hesitated for a moment, then took the pen and paper and started writing.

Just look at what he wrote, "Grandpa, this matter should start with the holy water pool. My holy water temple is adjacent to the holy water pool. The holy water pool does not seem to be a thing of my Taoist temple, but in fact it is a place where springs are dug and water is gathered into a pool. People are the founders of my holy water view. The holy water has spirit and nourishes all things. There is a dragon in the pool, which protects one side. On the one hand, my holy water view enshrines the gods, and on the other hand, it regularly throws spiritual grass into the holy water pool to feed the dragon in the pool. To ensure the peace of this side. For thousands of years, the masters of my holy water temple have continued this ancestral teaching and never stopped. But unexpectedly, this incident was bumped into by a villain. The villain guessed that there was a dragon in the holy water pool. So he asked me for the method of luring the dragon, trying to capture Chi Long. Of course I would not agree. Strange things often happened in the Sun Temple. First, my apprentice bumped into a ghost, and then there were strange noises again and again in the middle of the night. And last night, the side of the holy water pool was infected by a large pool of blood. I knew that was the place in the pool. The blood of the dragon, so I went down the mountain to ask the villain for an explanation. However, I was too useless, not only failed to get justice, but was almost killed by the evil ghost raised by the villain. If it weren’t for me. The jade pendant I was wearing, I was afraid that I had already lost my life. But even so, the wicked man still refused to let me go. He told me not to tell others about this, otherwise the evil spirits would come to claim my life. In order to survive , I can only pretend to be crazy and foolish, bite off my tongue, hoping to survive the rest of my life. But I am really ashamed of the past temple masters, and even more ashamed of the people here. Chi Zhonglong is in great trouble, but I dare not speak a word in order to survive. I really don't deserve to be a human being, and I really deserve to die! Benefactor, please save that dragon in the pond, if possible, please severely punish that villain, and return this place to some peace!"

Seeing this, Tong Yan thought for a while, then sneered and said, "Master Daoist, is there anything else you haven't said? I don't know how you plan to explain the wall of evil talismans in your disciple's room?"

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the old Taoist priest and Taoist priest Shui changed drastically.It seemed that they were indeed hiding something.

(End of this chapter)

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