
Chapter 1008 Old hatred, let's end it!

Chapter 1008 Old hatred, let's end it!
Facing Tong Yan's questioning, the old Taoist fell silent.But at this moment, Taoist Shui suddenly spoke.

"Benefactor, let me tell you. Those evil talismans are actually... my master spent a lot of money to buy them."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning. "Your master spent a lot of money to buy it? Why do you use it?"

The old Taoist bowed his head in shame, but Taoist Shui said truthfully: "To be honest, there is only one original intention for buying these evil talismans, and that is to severely punish the wicked. But unexpectedly, these evil talismans are useless at all, and the evil person is still at large .”

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "You bought the evil talisman to protect the so-called Chilong in the holy water pool, and you want to deal with the villain who captured Chilong?"

Daoist Shui nodded and said: "That's right, that's it. Master and I know that doing this will lose the status of a monk and morality. But there is no way, we really have no other way. Donor, please Do you believe that our original intention is only to protect Chi Zhonglong, and there is absolutely no other malicious intention. Because of this matter, I have been copying the scriptures for several days and confessed in front of the statue of the Sanqing Patriarch, just hoping that the Sanqing Patriarch can forgive me. The big mistake we made. But is it really necessary to let that villain go unpunished? Almighty, what else do you think we can do?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "Ah...Although what you did is a bit disastrous, there is a reason for it after all. Anyway, since the villain is still at large, I will definitely not ignore it. Lord, what do you say in the pool? The dragon is still alive? With so much blood spilled, how can it still be alive?"

Hearing this, the old Taoist hurriedly wrote on a piece of paper: "The jade pendant on my body is connected to the dragon in the pool. If the dragon in the pool dies, my jade pendant will be broken. The jade pendant is still intact, so I guess the dragon in the pool should also die. Still alive." After writing this, he directly took out the jade pendant from his arms.

I saw that this jade pendant was a dragon-shaped jade pendant, its top was red, as if there was a flame burning inside, it was not ordinary at a glance.However, although the jade pendant was not broken, there were already cracks on it. It seemed that the so-called Chi Zhonglong should be dying.

Tong Yan withdrew his gaze, and then said: "Then why did you send your second apprentice down the mountain?"

The old Taoist wrote directly: "I want to spend a lot of money to ask the expert who sold us evil talismans to help and rescue Chi Zhonglong, but I don't know if the expert is willing to help."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing bitterly. "Master Dao, you are really confused. Haven't you ever thought that the person who can sell this evil talisman is not a good person? You ask him to help you deal with that evil person, do you think he will agree? Even if he agrees, I'm afraid I'm also going to hit you hard, and then walk away. It's too naive to expect one villain to deal with another villain. Well, let's leave this matter for now. You take me to see the villain , I have a way to rescue the dragon in the pond. Of course, it also depends on whether the dragon in the pond can last until we arrive."

When the old Taoist heard this, he nodded heavily immediately.

Tong Yan is not a nosy person, but he is definitely a good person.After so many years, he still hasn't got rid of the habit of being jealous.

"Xiao Hei, go to the holy water pool and call for Qiuqiu, let's go!"

Xiao Hei agreed, and hurriedly left the room first.

But when everyone arrived at the crack in the front yard, Xiao Hei rushed back alone.

"Where's Qiuqiu? You couldn't find it, did you?"

Xiao Hei nodded and said, "Brother, I really didn't find it. I searched all over the place, but there was no sign of it. Could it have left first for some reason?"

"Go first? Impossible, that guy always likes to pester me, so how could he go first? Wait..."

At this moment, the appearance of Tun Tianjiao suddenly appeared in his mind.Before Tun Tianyu left, he gave him a very meaningful look.And most importantly, he still has a very strong sense of familiarity with Na Tuntian.

Could it be... Could it be that Tian Tuntian was transformed by the ball?
He was completely shocked on the spot and didn't say a word for a long time.This is simply unbelievable. Although he knows that Qiuqiu has been changing, he still can't believe that Qiuqiu has become a swallow.

But if not, where did the ball go?It will never leave without saying goodbye, unless it is taken captive.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked Xiao Hei again: "Xiao Hei, have you ever seen signs of a fight by the holy water pool?"

Xiao Hei shook his head and said: "There is no trace of a fight, except for a pool of blood beside the pool, there is nothing wrong with it? Could the pool of blood be from Qiuqiu?"

Tong Yan said helplessly: "No, that pool of blood belonged to the dragon in the pool. Forget it, don't care about Qiuqiu. That guy may have wandered around, and he can sense my position. When he finishes his madness, he will naturally Come find me."

Although he said so, his suspicion that Qiuqiu was Tuntianjiu became more and more intense.

Taoist Shui and the old Taoist were both shocked by the huge crack in front of them. Seeing this, Tong Yan comforted them and said, "This is a natural disaster and has nothing to do with you. If you find this crack inconvenient, you can find someone to build a bridge on it later." , then there will be no problem. Without further ado, let's go down the mountain!" As he said, he grabbed the old Taoist's arm, led him to jump up, and directly jumped over the three-meter-wide bridge. crack.

Xiao Hei didn't hesitate, took Taoist Shui with him, and jumped over.

In order not to waste time, the two of them rushed down the mountain with one person each, and met the short Taoist priest who had just returned at the foot of the mountain.

"Master, where are you going? The expert has already agreed, he can help. But... But he made a request!"

The old Taoist couldn't speak, Taoist Shui directly asked instead: "What request?"

"He said that if he wants to save the dragon in the pond, he has to build a temple for him next to the holy water temple. If he agrees, he will help."

Tong Yan couldn't help but sneered when he heard the word "building a temple".

This is really interesting, people build temples, don't they think of themselves as gods?
"Then did he say which true god he would worship?"

The short Taoist priest thought for a while and said, "It seems to be some kind of Virgin Mary?"

Madonna?Hearing these four words, Tong Yan always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember them for a while.

However, he is very interested in this so-called "superior man". He sells people evil talismans and asks people to build temples. Such a person is probably not a heretic, but also a person with evil intentions.

Dealing with one villain is also dealing with it, and dealing with two villains is also dealing with it, so why not kill them all at once?
With an idea in mind, he immediately said: "You tell that expert now, that your master has agreed. We will wait for him in front of that villain's house and let him hurry over."

Of course the short Taoist would not listen to what he said, but after seeing the old Taoist nodded, the short Taoist hurriedly agreed, and then walked away quickly again.

"Master Daoist, you should have already told that expert about catching dragons and thieves, right? That expert can find the place, right?"

The old Taoist nodded slightly as an answer.

Seeing this, Tong Yan smiled, no longer hesitated, and immediately let the old Taoist lead the way, and rushed straight to the residence of the evil dragon hunter.

However, what he didn't know was that these two villains had a great relationship with him.

Old hatred, this time can finally be done!

(End of this chapter)

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