
Chapter 1011 Trapped in prison, confusing the real with the fake!

Chapter 1011 Trapped in prison, confusing the real with the fake!
"No...impossible, this is definitely not Tan Yu. This is an illusion, this must be an illusion!" Tong Yan told himself like this, reminding himself to keep calm.As long as this demon statue is destroyed, the illusion in front of him will definitely disappear.

With an idea in mind, he immediately pointed out, and the Yiyang sword was released instantly, and it sank into the "Idol" in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"Ah...Tong Yan, you...Why are you treating me like this? I...Aren't I the person you love the most?"

The idol actually spoke, and said something that made Tong Yan sad.

But Tong Yan did not waver because of this, on the contrary, he made the second and third swords more resolutely...He didn't stop until the "Idol" in front of him was riddled with holes.Then he decided to use Thunderbolt Palm to completely smash this "Idol" into powder.

But for some reason, before he could use his thunderbolt palm, he actually felt a severe pain in his heart.

"How did this happen? Could it be that Granny Hei's curse is about to strike again?"

Just in such a dazed moment, the "god statue" in front of him suddenly disappeared, and everything in front of him changed dramatically.

Instead, there are blue sky, white clouds, green grass and thatched huts emitting smoke.

Tong Yan affirmed that all of this was an illusion, he may have been caught by the villain because he was too anxious to rush into the room.

But since he has been deeply trapped in the illusion, he can only escape if he breaks the illusion.

He told himself that he must calm down, and must not be confused by illusions, because if there was a slight mistake, he might stay in this illusion for a long time, even a lifetime.

If you want to break through the illusion, you must find the flaw here.He knew this very well, so he immediately walked towards the thatched hut that was smoking.

Blue sky, white clouds and green grassland, if these are considered to exist naturally, then only this thatched cottage is special.

After a while, Tong Yan came to the thatched cottage.There is no fence around the thatched hut, and there is nothing else outside the hut.

He walked directly to the door, hesitated for a while, and then knocked lightly on the door.

Following the sound of "dong dong", a familiar female voice came from the room immediately.

"Husband, are you back? I've prepared lunch, and you can eat it when you come in."

The voice was so familiar, of course he knew who it was.This is Gao Qian's, but this title is too fake.

First he used Tan Yu's face to confuse him, and now he brought Gao Qian out. These two women are the people Tong Yan wants to cherish the most, and they are also the most vulnerable places in his heart.

Tong Yan took a deep breath, then pushed open the door.As soon as the door opened, he saw Gao Qian in a long white dress and long hair.Gao Qian held a plate of steaming dishes in her hand, with a happy smile on her face.

"Husband, what are you still doing in a daze? Come in quickly! I made your favorite dish, come and taste it quickly."

Hearing this, Tong Yan forced a smile, and then asked, "Where is this place? Why do we live here?"

As soon as Gao Qian heard Tong Yan say this, she immediately smiled and said: "Honey, are you stupid? You brought me here, didn't you say that this is the life you most yearn for? All right, don't stand there stupidly." It’s over, hurry up and wash your hands and eat. Wait a minute, I’ll massage your shoulders and chop firewood for a long time, you must be exhausted.”

chop wood?Tong Yan was a little speechless, how could he chop wood?etc!What is so heavy?He suddenly looked down, only to realize that there was an extra ax in his hand.Not only that, the clothes on his body have also changed, and most importantly, the bag on his body has also disappeared.

You must know that all his magic weapons are packed in the bag, but now, why did his bag disappear out of thin air?
He had to admit that this hallucination was really powerful, not only trapped him in it, but also caused a huge change in his senses.

He couldn't continue to stay in this illusion, otherwise he might get completely lost here and forget everything.

Thinking of this, he immediately looked at Gao Qian again.

Gao Qian's skin is fair, without any blemishes, and her beautiful face is full of smiles, like a blooming daffodil, so beautiful.

She didn't wear shoes, her jade feet were bare, and half of her calf was exposed, which was very delicate.

Tong Yan stared at her for a while, then suddenly took a step forward, and put his arms around her waist.

Gao Qian was holding the dishes in her hands, and Tong Yan grabbed her waist so tightly that the dishes in her hand almost fell off the ground.

"Husband, what are you doing? Do you miss me? Let's eat first, and I'll serve you after we finish eating, okay?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan didn't respond, but slowly closed his eyes.

"Husband, what's the matter with you? Are you too tired? Or, you should go to bed and sleep for a while."

Tong Yan sighed lightly, and then said: "I really want to sleep for a while, but I'm really afraid that I won't wake up again. Although you look exactly like Gao Qian, you are not her after all. Holding you, I can't even wake up. I can't feel any warmth. Let me go, help me get out of here. Okay?"

Upon hearing this, Gao Qian immediately asked in confusion, "Honey, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand anything? Don't tell me you don't love me?"

Tong Yan smiled wryly and said: "What I love is real existence, not the illusion that I imagined in my mind. You are not her, you are just an illusion that doesn't exist at all. If you don't want to help me leave, then I just I can figure it out on my own. Farewell!"

Having said that, he let go of "Gao Qian", turned around and walked outside.

But at this moment, "Gao Qian" behind him started crying.

"You are going to abandon me again, right? Okay, I understand. From the beginning to the end, you have never loved me. You love all the people in the world, but you don't want to love me. Tong Yan, I really see It's your fault. I came all the way from the Wu family to look for you in vain, you have completely hurt me."

What?Come here all the way from the Wu family?Hearing this, Tong Yan was suddenly shaken.It is true that Gao Qian has always been at Wu's house. Could it be that everything here is not an illusion, but real?Did Gao Qian really come here from Wu's house in order to meet him?
But... But why does he feel that all this is so illusory?Could it be that there is truth in this so-called illusion?And Gao Qian really existed?

He couldn't help turning around again, and said in disbelief: " are really Gao Qian? What is the name of the supernatural power I taught you?"

"Five Finger Excalibur!"

"Where was I born?"

"Nanfeng City!"

She answered Tong Yan's two questions perfectly. Could it be that she is really Gao Qian?

Tong Yan was in a trance for a while, and he also couldn't understand.And just when he was in a daze, a sly gleam flashed in the eyes of the "Gao Qian" in front of him.

Then...then I saw "Gao Qian" slowly take off her clothes, then twist her waist and slowly walk towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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