
Chapter 1012 Breaking the heart knot, no longer running away!

Chapter 1012 Breaking the heart knot, no longer running away!

Such a glamorous scene is really tempting, and Tong Yan is still a young man.But for some reason, looking at the flawless body of "Gao Qian", instead of having any dirty thoughts, he involuntarily backed away.

He has to admit one thing, that is, he has Gao Qian in his heart, but perhaps this emotion is no longer love, but has become family or friendship.

He already has Tan Yu, so he can no longer accept others.Besides, the person in front of me may not be the real Gao Qian, because if it was Gao Qian, she might not do this.

"Are you avoiding me? Am I not beautiful? Food and sex, don't you want to taste it?"

Yes, there is no man who does not want to spend time with such a stunner, but there is a saying that a good thing that comes to your door is either a trap or a scam.

If Tong Yan was really hesitant a second ago, then he doesn't need to hesitate now.The reason is very simple, the real Gao Qian is a reserved person and also a shy person.

But at this moment, "Gao Qian" was completely naked, but she didn't even show any shyness.If she hadn't changed back to the previous Huan'er, then she is not a human being at this moment, but a complete illusion!
Gathering his mind, Tong Yan finally strengthened his mind.

"Sorry, I already have someone I love. I can't accept your kindness. And you are not Gao Qian at all. A fake is a fake after all. No matter how you pretend, you can't change this fact. Send me away , if not, then I can only destroy you with my own hands, although I can't bear it."

His words were very calm, neither happy nor sad.

"Gao Qian" in front of her showed a knowing smile when she heard this. "You are right. I am indeed not her, but the demon she left in your heart. Since you have seen through me, you have broken this knot. Now you can go, because, from beginning to end , your heart is not here."

Tong Yan nodded lightly, then turned around slowly.

Turning around, the scene in front of him changed instantly.The blue sky and white clouds disappeared, and the beauty of the house disappeared, replaced by a stone room, a stone room without doors and windows, like a coffin.

"Tong Yan, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Hearing this sound, he hurriedly turned to look.And seeing this, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

It never occurred to him that the person standing behind him was... Kunpeng!

"How could it be you? Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Kunpeng laughed loudly and said, "Tong Yan, have you forgotten whose body I belong to? It belongs to you, and this is your body. You and I bleed the same blood. No matter where you hide, I can easily find you. Don't even think about getting rid of me in this lifetime, unless you die forever, unless I completely replace you. Haha...haha..."

Tong Yan clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Kunpeng, I must kill you, I must kill you with my own hands. Ah..."

Before he could finish speaking, he slammed his fist out.

Seeing this, Kunpeng showed a trace of contempt in his eyes, then stretched out his hand, and directly met Tong Yan's fist.

There was only a "pop", and Tong Yan's fist was firmly held by Kunpeng's big hand.No matter how hard he tried, it was always difficult to move.

"Tong Yan, don't waste your efforts, you can't defeat me at all. Let me tell you, I will not only replace you, but also take away everything from you. Your identity and status, your Heavenly Dao League, and even She is your woman, and all of this will belong to me. As for you, just die here obediently today."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said fiercely: "Kunpeng, you are simply wishful thinking. It is not that simple to kill me. Even if I die, I will never let you do anything wrong."

Kunpeng smiled disdainfully and said, "Really? Then let me see how you stopped me."

Having said that, he slapped it directly with a palm.Tong Yan couldn't dodge because his fist was buckled, so he could only quickly greet him with his palm.

When the two palms met, they were full of strength, and there was another loud "snap", and the two quickly separated because of the powerful counter-shock force.

But after facing the palm, Tong Yan suddenly discovered that this Kunpeng didn't seem to be as powerful as he imagined.At least judging from the contest between these two rounds, the two of them should be on equal footing.

With this discovery, he suddenly understood something, and then looked around again.

After this inspection, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.Illusion, this is still an illusion.Although he left the previous illusion, he entered a new illusion.

If Gao Qian is a knot in his heart that has always troubled him, then Kunpeng is another knot in his heart, and even the hurdle he most wants to overcome.

Gao Qian became his heart knot because he felt ashamed.And Kunpeng became his knot because of the hatred in his heart.

What Tong Yan most wanted to get rid of was not the Sea Monster Clan, nor the old thief Bai Yong, but Kunpeng.Kunpeng is like his nightmare, which is always lingering and cannot be eliminated.Perhaps, he still has a little fear of Kunpeng, because he is really worried that Kunpeng will take away everything from him, just like taking away his baptism light and taking away his physical body, he is afraid of his last thing They were all taken away by Kunpeng.And this is precisely the main reason why he is eager to improve his cultivation, because he knows that it will not be long before there will be a battle between him and Kunpeng.If he wins, he can avenge his revenge and get back what belongs to him.But if he loses, he will not only die, but also lose everything, everything.

But now, it's not the time for him to think about it.The sooner he escaped from the illusion, the sooner he could rescue the captured firefly.

"Tong Yan, don't you want to kill me? Come on, kill me quickly. If you don't do it, then I won't be polite, prepare to die!"

As he said that, Kunpeng's figure flashed, he rushed forward and attacked him.

He watched quietly, his clenched fist suddenly loosened.Why the hallucinations in the illusion are so powerful, in fact, lies entirely in the psychology of the intruder.He thinks that Kunpeng is powerful, so Kunpeng is naturally powerful.But if he regards this Kunpeng as vulnerable, then this Kunpeng is naturally vulnerable.After all, how he thinks, the result will be.

Will you overcome yourself?In fact, it is impossible, unless you kill yourself.Then how to defeat this Kunpeng who frightened him?The most effective and simplest way is actually to keep your heart like water and keep your heart.

He has seen through everything, and this Kunpeng, born of a demon, naturally poses no threat to him.

Seeing Kunpeng so close, Tong Yan showed a faint smile.With his smile, the Kunpeng transformed from an illusion immediately shattered until it turned into specks of starlight and disappeared without a trace.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? What are you doing here? Brother?"

Hearing Xiao Hei's voice next to his ears, Tong Yan realized that he had walked out of the illusion.

Looking forward, there is no statue in front of him. It seems that he has been confused since the first step he stepped into this room.But entering the illusion is actually good, at least it relieved him of the knot in his heart.

Now he can face everything bravely, because he knows what he wants, and also knows that some things cannot be avoided at all. If he wants to live a chic life, he must face it directly.If you don't turn over the mountains in front of you, you will never see the most beautiful scenery!
He secretly made up his mind in his heart that he would deal with Kunpeng only after the matter here was over.It is time to make a break between him and Kunpeng, no matter whether he wins or loses, he will not back down anymore!
However, what he didn't know was that Kunpeng had already set off to come here at this moment. As for why Kunpeng came, the answer will be revealed soon!
(End of this chapter)

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