
Chapter 1018 Do all the killer moves, I would rather die than surrender!

Chapter 1018 Do all the killer moves, I would rather die than surrender!

Under Tong Yan's repeated request, Xiao Hei finally took Huo Fei away.And this meant that Tong Yan had to face the mighty Kunpeng and the short fat man with the iron gourd on his back alone.

Although the Jue Ming Dao Jue he used was powerful, he also knew how strong the defensive ability of the Tianxing Armor was.It's a bit naive to expect Kunpeng to be killed with one blow, maybe the real showdown will come next.

That's right, Kunpeng was not so easily defeated. With the sound of "Boom", the villain lazily walked out from among the rubble.

While moving his arms, he said to Tong Yan in disappointment: "Could this be your strongest ultimate move? If that's the case, then you really let me down. I thought you would become My opponent, but looking at it now, you don't have the qualifications at all. You can't even break through my defense, how can you defeat me? Well, the game is over. Now, it's time for you to experience it What is real strength?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a vicious smile on his face, and the irresistible pressure instantly enveloped Tong Yan.

Tong Yan didn't even see Kunpeng make a move, his body seemed to be tightly bound by ropes, making it difficult to move.

He knew in his heart that this was the oppressive force exerted by the strong on the weak, and this kind of ability to bind the whole body could only be displayed by people whose cultivation level was higher than one level.

After all, his cultivation base is too low. Compared with Kunpeng, he is really not 01:30, otherwise, he would not be completely suppressed by Kunpeng.

But even so, so what?Yield?Compromise?Or kneel down and beg for mercy?

Of course he wouldn't do that. From the moment he decided to fight, he had already realized that if he couldn't get rid of Kunpeng, he would have to fight until the last second.Even if the ashes are wiped out, you must stand upright, even if there is no redemption, you will never bow your head!
Kunpeng smiled contemptuously and disdainfully, and walked towards him step by step.

"Tong Yan, do you feel my strength? In front of me, you are simply too weak. It is not difficult for me to kill you. I can trample you to death as easily as an ant. Grind you to pieces. But isn’t it too boring? I don’t think so, how about I give you a chance to live? As long as you obediently kneel down to me and beg for mercy, and swear to serve me as Lord for the rest of your life. I serve my life, so I might be lenient. After all, you are a talent, and you have helped me indirectly. After all, I still like you a little bit. How about it? Life or death is your choice. Bar!"

Tong Yan was already sweating profusely at this moment, and he was trying hard to resist Kunpeng's oppressive force on him.As long as he can break free from the shackles, he can fight this Kunpeng to the death.But letting him serve Kunpeng as the master is probably more difficult than killing him.

"Kunpeng, don't daydream. It's wishful thinking to want me to kneel down and beg for mercy. If you think it's meaningless to kill me like this, then let me go and let me fight you. Don't worry, this time, I will definitely give you A big surprise!"

When Kunpeng heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "Surprise? What kind of surprise can you bring me? Even if you can't break through the power of my confinement, what qualifications do you have to compete with me? Since you refuse to yield to me, then I can only fight with my own hands." I'll kill you. Tong Yan, go all the way."

Having said that, he slapped out with a sudden palm, directly attacking Tong Yan.

And Tong Yan was not unprepared, the moment Kunpeng struck out his palm, he immediately shouted loudly: "Lan Soul, protect your body!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a blue light flashed in front of him, and then, a huge sword and shield appeared directly in front of him.

This blue sword and shield is nothing else, it is the Blue Soul Sword that Xuan Mo gave him, and in the communication with the sword spirit Lan Ji, he knows that this sword is not only extremely hard, but also has both offensive and defensive capabilities.Now that Kunpeng is so close to him, using the Blue Soul Sword to defend may be the best choice now.

Of course, Kunpeng didn't expect Tong Yan to have a backhand, so this palm hit right on the sword shield transformed by the Blue Soul Sword.

And the sword shield is not only a shield, the shield surface is also covered with spikes. When he hit the sword shield with his palm, it was inevitable that he would come into contact with the spikes on the shield surface.In this way, the stronger the force on his palm, the heavier the injury on his palm.

He only heard the sound of "pong". Although Tong Yan blocked the blow with his sword and shield, the powerful impact still shook him more than ten meters away, until he slammed into the stone wall firmly. That's how he stabilized his figure.But those falling stones buried him in a short while.

On the other hand, Kunpeng, the arrogant smile on his face has disappeared, replaced by an angry ferocious.The palm he slapped was now riddled with holes, and bright red blood flowed out from the holes on the palm, dripping to the ground.

He gritted his teeth, and then said viciously: "Tong Yan, you have a lot of treasures on you. But even if you have these treasures, you will not escape death today. You have angered me, and I will definitely smash your corpse today Wan Duan!"

With that said, he was about to strike again.But at this moment, dozens of lightsabers suddenly shot out from the pile of stones that buried Tong Yan, not only extremely fast, but also dazzling.

Seeing dozens of lightsabers swarming towards him, Kunpeng didn't dare to take it lightly, and quickly waved his big hand to form a wall of air in front of him.

But these dozens of lightsabers are extremely powerful, as soon as they come into contact with the air wall, they can easily pierce through it as if entering a no-man's land.

Seeing this, Kunpeng couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly crossed his arms in front of him, intending to use the Tianxing armor to carry these weird lightsabers.

For a while, the sound of "jingling" was like the sound of iron striking.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tong Yan finally crawled out from under the stone pile.

These white lightsabers he struck were nothing else, they were star lightsabers transformed by the power of the stars.And this method is also the second form of the Star Sword Jue, the Killing Form, that he realized in the Star Realm that day!
This killing style is more powerful and aggressive than the first style of smashing three thousand, and the biggest improvement is that when these lightsabers are shattered, they will automatically become countless small swords, no need to control , Naturally resorted to killing three thousand.

In fact, the smashing three thousand can also be called the smashing style, and the killing style is an upgraded version, which includes the smashing style.If Tong Yan understands again in the future, maybe he will realize the sword formula higher than the killing style, and it may also include the killing style and smashing style by then.

The Killing Style is Tong Yan's useless ultimate move. Why not use it? It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but that performing the Killing Style will instantly exhaust the star power in his body.If you want to use the Star Sword Art again, you will have no star power to use.

In addition, although the killing style of Star Sword Jue is powerful, it is still a little bit worse than Jue Ming Dao Jue.But as the saying goes, the ruler is long and the inch is short.

Although the Star Sword Jue is not as open and domineering as the Jue Ming Dao Jue, it happens to be pervasive and sees every stitch.Although the Tianxing battle armor is extremely strong in defense, it is not a perfect defense.For example, the hands, face, and ankles cannot be taken care of. If Kunpeng used a few ruthless swords on these parts, the result might be very different.

Can Tong Yan fight back with the killing style of the Star Sword Jue?Let us look forward to it together!
(End of this chapter)

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