
Chapter 1017 There is no way out, only a fight to the death!

Chapter 1017 There is no way out, only a fight to the death!
Not only Tong Yan noticed that Kunpeng was coming, but even Xiao Hei, who was healing Huo Fei, was aware of this.Xiaohei is an ice dragon, and Kunpeng is one of the natural enemies of the dragon clan.This ominous feeling made Xiao Hei's whole body tremble, and even the healing of Huo Fei was greatly affected.

Tong Yan looked coldly at Kunpeng who walked into the dark room, and the long suppressed anger broke out instantly.

"Kunpeng, I want to kill you, I must kill you."

Hearing this, Kunpeng smiled slightly and said, "Kill me? Don't worry, you have a lot of opportunities today. The reason why I came here is actually to fulfill your wish. But whether you can kill me is not certain. By the way, I heard that you repelled the Sea-Monster Clan? Oh, it’s really gratifying. The Sea-Monster Clan is not only your enemy, but also my competitor. You drove them back to Guixu, but it’s for you I saved a lot of trouble. You say I should thank you, or should I laugh at you? Everything you do is actually exactly as I expected. You, the so-called Skywalker, are actually just me It’s just a chess piece to complete the great cause. It’s a pity that your chess piece has no use value. So I came here and crushed your chess piece with my own hands. Isn’t it cruel? I think so too. Haha... Ha ha……"

Tong Yan gritted his teeth, his eyes full of killing intent.He had known for a long time that there would be such a battle with Kunpeng, but he didn't expect it to come so early.But so what, the sooner he comes, the sooner he can take revenge.

"Kunpeng, do you really think you know everything? Let me tell you, today is your doomsday. I must take back what you stole from me today! Prepare to die!"

Having said that, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and without further words, he directly used the five-finger sword.

He unleashed the five Qi swords at the same time, and immediately shot at Kunpeng at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing it, Kunpeng smiled contemptuously and said, "With your little ability, can you break through the strongest defense of the Skywalker Armor?"

Of course Tong Yan knew that Kunpeng was protected by the Heavenly Armor, so the purpose of his five-finger sword was not to attack, but to trap.No matter how strong the defense of Tianxing armor is, what can it do?As long as he is trapped by the Five Elements Sword Formation, he will be able to take the initiative at that time, and then perform the strongest killing move.

I saw his fingering changed, and quickly formed a five-star seal, and then shouted loudly: "The power of the five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint; separation is solitary, and unity is strength; the sword formula has the way, and the sword god is respected; The sword creates the soul of the sword; the five elements are the sword, and the sword is the five elements; both offensive and defensive, the sword formation is self-contained. Trapped!"

As soon as the word sleepy came out, the five-finger swords that were fired immediately chased each other, and in the blink of an eye, a terrifying sword net was laid on the top of Kunpeng's head.

Kunpeng stood on the spot, motionless, staring at the sword net, then smiled disdainfully and said, "Oh, they wanted to trap me. Okay, then I'll just stay inside. Come on, let me see you How much progress you have, show it to me to your heart's content. I can't wait. Haha..."

Tong Yan ignored it, and immediately took a deep breath, clenched his right fist and put it on his waist.Only when the air of heaven and earth condensed on his right fist became stronger and stronger, and when he was about to lose control, he punched out vigorously, and shouted loudly: "Breaking Heaven Fist! Go to hell!"

A huge fist shadow was struck out by him, and immediately smashed towards Kunpeng swiftly and fiercely.

Kunpeng stood on the spot with his hands behind his back, with a relaxed expression on his face, as if he didn't pay attention to Tong Yan's Potian Fist at all.

Hearing a loud "boom", the shadow of the fist hit Kunpeng, and the powerful impact directly knocked the Gourd Immortal not far away from him into the air.Even the stone wall behind them was smashed into a huge deep pit.

For a while, the dust was flying and the noise was incessant, Tong Yan stared at it coldly, and took out the Taishan blade.Although the Potian Fist is powerful, he has no idea whether he can kill Kunpeng.If it doesn't work, then he can only use the Deadly Sword.

"Ahem...Tong Yan, are you sure you really want to kill me? Can you show some sincerity? Just this supernatural power is not enough to tickle me."

While fanning the dust in front of him with his hand, Kunpeng lazily said "blame".

Hearing this, Tong Yan didn't hesitate, and immediately threw the Taishan Blade upwards, and quickly formed the seals with his free hands. In the blink of an eye, he successfully formed the nine seals.A Nine Palaces Diagram was then generated, and it rotated rapidly like a halo.

Tong Yan's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he immediately said aloud: "The courage of a hundred soldiers is as strong as a black dragon; control them with your heart, and move with your heart. The first of the nine shorts is extremely sharp; supplemented by the nine palaces, ninety-nine return to one. With the help of God, the sword can sweep away thousands of armies; with the help of spirit, one thought can destroy the soul! Desperate knife, cut!"

As soon as the word "cut" fell, he immediately slapped the formed Nine Palaces upwards, and instantly merged with the Taishan Blade floating in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the clear sound of "clank" was heard, and a huge red sword appeared.

Tong Yan clasped his hands together and took the shot with all his strength, while shouting, "Kunpeng, die to me!"

Seeing the sharpness of the red sword radiating all over the place, it slashed towards Kunpeng in an instant.

Kunpeng saw that the red giant blade was coming, and finally stopped holding back, and hurriedly called out the Tianxing armor in order to block the blade.

With the sound of "Dang", the Taishan blade slashed firmly on Kunpeng's body.The latter let out a loud cry, and was immediately chopped into the stone wall behind him by Taishan Blade.

Tong Yan didn't know if Kunpeng was completely killed by this knife, but in order to prevent accidents, he turned around to look at Xiao Hei, and said anxiously to Xiao Hei: "Xiao Hei, take this fire beast and leave quickly. Here. Afterwards, go back to Wu’s house for me and tell them to strengthen their defenses. If anything happens to me, you should stop staying at Wu’s house. Live a good life with Han Yuling, and you don’t need to avenge me, and you don’t need to take risks for me .Remember, we must go to Wu's house. Did you hear that?"

Of course Xiao Hei heard it, but how could he just walk away at this moment?

"Brother, I can't go, I can't go! It's too dangerous for you to go alone. If you want to go, we go together. Otherwise, even if you kill me, I won't abandon you."

Of course Tong Yan knew that Xiao Hei was thinking of brotherhood, but it was precisely because of this that he could not drag Xiao Hei down.

"Xiao Hei, am I your big brother? Do you still recognize me as a big brother? You have done enough for me, you don't need to risk your life for me. Go, you go now. Listen to me , you must listen to me this time!"

"Brother, what should you do then? You are not that Kunpeng's opponent, you should go with me!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly and said: "It's useless, that villain Kunpeng is using my body, he can sense me wherever I am. I have nowhere to escape, and I don't want to run away again. I I have to make a break with him, even if I die, I will not back down. Xiao Hei, hurry up, promise me, you must promise me! Okay?"


"Do you want me to kneel?"

Tong Yan's words completely silenced Xiao Hei.He has followed Tong Yan for so many years, and he knows Tong Yan's character better than anyone else.He knew he had to go.Not for himself, but also for Tong Yan!

"Brother, I'm leaving, I'm leaving now. You must come back safe and sound, you must come back. I'll wait for you...I'll wait for you!" At this point, Xiao Hei's eyes were already full of tears.

But will the brothers really meet again?In the face of the mighty Kunpeng, can Tong Yan really survive from desperation?
(End of this chapter)

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