
Chapter 1020 The Heavenly Tribulation Arrives Suddenly, Adding To The Rock!

Chapter 1020 The Heavenly Tribulation Arrives Suddenly, Adding To The Rock!
Faced with Tong Yan's frenzied absorption of his divine beast power, Kunpeng was terrified for a moment.Feeling the rapid loss of the power of the beast in his body, how could he not be afraid of this unprecedented sense of powerlessness?
But no matter how he struggled and resisted, he still couldn't get rid of Tong Yan.Tong Yan is like a dog's skin plaster, the more you want to get rid of it, the tighter it sticks.

As time passed, Kunpeng was sucked away more and more power of the beast, and a sense of ominousness made him afraid from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at Tong Yan again, not only his hair has turned blood red, but his eyes are even more red.However, unexpectedly, he no longer screamed repeatedly because of the bursting of his meridians, and a terrifying and strange smile appeared on his elegant face.

Kunpeng became more and more afraid, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and begged Tong Yan. "Tong Yan, I know I was wrong, let me go. I am willing to give everything back to you, and I swear that I will never set foot in the world again. I beg you to hold your hand high and let me go. Please... Please……"

But for Kunpeng's begging, Tong Yan always smiled, as if he didn't hear it, as if he had forgotten everything.

Kunpeng was completely desperate. Not only was he unable to move, but he was also unable to resist the passing of the power of the beast in his body.Could it be that his majestic divine beast, Kunpeng, is really going to die today because of exhausting the power of the divine beast?

Of course he is not reconciled, but what can he do?He had to admit that he really underestimated Tong Yan, if he hadn't come here to be aggressive today, how could he have ended up in this situation?He really cared too much about Tong Yan. Although he didn't think Tong Yan was his opponent, he still came here specifically to get rid of Tong Yan.In fact, isn't this an expression of fear?
He was worried that Tong Yan would become stronger and stronger and would eventually pose a threat to him, so he regarded Tong Yan as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.But now, it was too late for him to regret.Unless a miracle happens, he is doomed to die today.

Can miracles really happen?Yes, it did happen!

While Tong Yan was frantically absorbing the power of the beast in his body, the sky was already covered with dark clouds.Blossoming dark clouds, in the shape of fish scales, swam non-stop over the village.People in the village have already closed their doors and windows and dare not take a step outside.Kunpeng's tantrum a moment ago caused quite a shock in the whole village.Now that there are such weird dark clouds in the sky again, this is by no means a good sign.

In the underground darkroom, Tong Yan continued to crazily absorb the power of Kunpeng's beast, and his body was also subtly changing.His face, which had finally become fair, now not only had blue veins protruding, but also red lines appeared.His originally slightly slender body became very strong now, his strong muscles held up his shirt, and the two sleeves were even split several times due to the sudden growth of his muscles.His ten nails also grew. The sharp nails penetrated deeply into Kunpeng's body, and Kunpeng's blood flowed out along the wound where his nails were inserted.Tong Yan like this is really frightening. He is not so much a human as he is a bloodthirsty monster, and Kunpeng is his prey.

Kunpeng had already given up resistance, quietly waiting for the arrival of death, and the original golden feathers on his body had now become dull.

As long as there is a little more time, this ambitious Kunpeng will subdue the law, and the world can gain peace in a short time.

But what I didn't expect was that at this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, shot directly into the ground, into the dark room, and hit Tong Yan directly.

Under the bombardment of Tianlei, Tong Yan couldn't help but let out a roar, then looked up at the sky angrily.The sky thunder that hit him did not disappear directly, but turned into traces of electric current and started to rampage on his body.Every minute the electric current moved, it was like a saw sawing a minute on his body, and every time it jumped, it was like a sharp awl stabbing his body hard.

Tong Yan, who had already lost his sanity, regained consciousness under the torment of this vicious sky thunder.But before he could respond in time, the second thunder came unexpectedly.Not only that, but the second thunder was obviously stronger than the first.Although Tong Yan escaped his own fate, he couldn't escape the attack of the thunder.

With a scream of "ah", he fell heavily on the ground, his whole body twitched, and his consciousness gradually became blurred at this moment.

And when he fell to the ground, he naturally separated from Kunpeng.Kunpeng thought that he was bound to die, but unexpectedly, he survived the desperate situation.Although most of the power of the beast was sucked away by Tong Yan, he had a strong foundation after all, and knew that this place was not suitable for staying for a long time, so he broke through the stone wall without saying a word, and fled directly from the dark room.

If he didn't run away at this time, when Tong Yan came back to his senses, it would be too late for him to escape.But when he escaped from the dark room and came to the ground, he was suddenly stunned.Looking at the oval scaly dark clouds above his head, he suddenly realized something.

" this Jieyun? Could it be...Could it be that Tong Yan is starting to cross the robbery?"

Yes, exactly!Tong Yan's cultivation base has already reached the peak of the realm of human immortality, as long as he can make a breakthrough, he can enter the realm of earth immortal.But it is not that simple to become an Earth Immortal.The most difficult, but also the most terrifying, is the need to cross the catastrophe!
Crossing the catastrophe is actually going through the catastrophe.So what is a catastrophe?Heavenly Calamity is a Taoist term, simply put, it is a calamity (also refers to disasters and difficulties). When a person or a creature in the world does something that violates the laws of heaven, God will give him punishment or disaster.

Just like a cultivator going against the sky, trying to cultivate a real immortal with a mortal body, the heaven will bring a catastrophe.

The sound of spring thunder shook the sky, and life was bred in the destruction of thunder. The sound of thunder was hailed as a symbol of hope.According to Taoism, the process of becoming an immortal is itself a process that goes against the sky.Since it is going against the sky, then God will block the practitioners who go against the sky. This catastrophe generally refers to the sky thunder.Those who can survive the lightning strike are considered to have a small success.

There is no end to practice, and if one wants to obtain supreme cultivation, one has to go through several thunderstorms, and each time is more difficult and dangerous.Moreover, the quantity and quality of thunderstorms will increase exponentially.Presumably this is the real reason why there are many talents in China for thousands of years, but very few people who have truly attained the Tao and become immortals.

Of the Five Immortals, the lowest is Lingxian, followed by Human Immortals and Earth Immortals, and then the famous Immortals and Celestial Immortals.

When a practitioner reaches the realm of the Earth Immortal, he needs to cross the Tribulation, and both the Immortal Realm and the Heavenly Immortal Realm will need to cross the Tribulation.In the realm of the Earth Immortal, one needs to bear the baptism of the triple heavenly thunder, and after passing it, one can become an Earth Immortal.The realm of immortals is the sixth level of heavenly thunder, and the realm of heavenly immortals needs to withstand the test of nine levels of heavenly thunder.

In fact, not to mention the triple thunder, many monks were killed by the first thunder.And after being destroyed, not only the cultivation base was completely destroyed, but also the physical body was destroyed, and most of the three souls and seven souls could not be preserved.It is precisely because the sky thunder is difficult to cross, so many people stop at the realm of human immortals, dare not continue to improve their cultivation, and start looking for heaven and earth spirit treasures in order to be more comprehensive when they cross the catastrophe.

But even so, there are very few people who have achieved the land of immortality.

Now that I think back to the catastrophe that Xuanming Shengjun said to Tong Yan that day, I am afraid that he refers to the catastrophe in this land of immortals.

Can Tong Yan's current situation, can he really survive this disaster safely?Besides, Kunpeng didn't seem to want to run away anymore. Could it be that he wanted to take advantage of Tong Yan's escape to kill a carbine?
(End of this chapter)

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