
Chapter 1021 The Thunder Tribulation is Difficult to Survive, Escape into the Demon Palace!

Chapter 1021 The Thunder Tribulation is Difficult to Survive, Escape into the Demon Palace!
It was only a little bit close to getting rid of Kunpeng, but unexpectedly, the abominable catastrophe happened at this moment.The pain in Tong Yan's heart makes him more uncomfortable than the injuries he is suffering on his body now.

He fell to the ground, trying his best to resist the lightning on his body.But the problem is that the meridians in his body are already in disarray, and he can't even raise his true energy at all.Not only that, but the power of the beast absorbed from Kunpeng also began to explode at this time.

With the irresistible thunder on the one hand, and the power of the beast that was out of control, Tong Yan was suddenly caught in a dilemma. It was becoming more and more difficult to save his life.

Of course he wasn't afraid of death, but Kunpeng hadn't been eradicated yet, so how could he be willing to lose his life for nothing like this?But having said that, what else can he do now?There seemed to be nothing he could do but wait to die.

"I can't give up, I can't just give up like this. I want to survive, I must survive." He shouted in his heart, thinking quickly.Finally, he thought of Yuanfeng.

He still has two Yuanfeng feathers, and now his life is at stake, perhaps only Yuanfeng can save him.

And just when he was about to call out to Yuanfeng, he didn't expect the third thunder to come down at this moment.He was powerless to dodge, so he had to watch helplessly as the sky thunder engulfed him.

"Ah..." This was his last roar, and then he closed his eyes completely.

He is a skywalker, but God treats him like this.In order to be able to get rid of Kunpeng, he even did not hesitate to use the Tai Chi Suction Technique.But at the moment when he was about to succeed, the catastrophe came suddenly.

If everything is preordained, then what is the purpose of his existence?If you don't want him to live, why didn't you just let him die back then?
Perhaps, God had other arrangements, perhaps, his existence was a mistake.

Kunpeng watched the third sky thunder fall with his own eyes, and then he bravely returned to the dark room.However, to his surprise, he did not find Tong Yan in the dark room.

Was it Tianlei who burned Tong Yan to ashes?Or, when the third thunder struck Tong Yan, did something strange happen?

That's right, just when Tong Yan completely lost consciousness, a dazzling red light appeared on his body.And under the wrapping of this red light, he disappeared miraculously like this.

No one knew what the red light was, let alone where Tong Yan had gone.

Kunpeng looked around, and then said full of doubts: "Could it be that some expert rescued him? Impossible, besides the gods, who can save his life under the thunder disaster? Maybe I was thinking too much, maybe Tong Yan really disappeared. No matter what, I am the last one who survived. Tong Yan, you lost, you are destined to never defeat me. Haha...haha..."

Kunpeng's wanton laughter continued for a long time in the dark room. He was very happy for Tong Yan's experience. After getting rid of Tong Yan's serious trouble, he might be able to sleep peacefully.But Tong Yan, is he really dead?


Asura Road, the space where the demons live.This is one of the Three Realms and Six Realms. Although it is not as big and beautiful as the human world, there are still cities, villages, and ordinary people, and they also have their own living habits.The demons actually exist the same as the human race, but in the eyes of the human race, they are demons and the like.But think about it in another way, in their view, the human race is not an alternative?

Asura Dao currently has two major forces, one is the aborigines of Asura Dao, that is, the most orthodox demons, they are the masters of the entire Asura Dao, and they have always been the most powerful existence here, but with the other With the rise of a force, their status has been greatly threatened.After experiencing countless wars, they had to give up one-third of the land to this emerging power.With the confrontation and war between the two forces, two kingdoms symbolizing the two forces were born.

The original demons established the Demon God Kingdom, occupying two-thirds of the entire Asura Dao.And another emerging force has established the Doutian Kingdom, occupying one-third of the land of Asura Dao, and contending with the Demon God Kingdom.

Some people may ask, how was this emerging force born?In fact, it is very simple. People who become demons in the human world and commit serious crimes will enter the realm of Asura after death and cannot be reborn.This Doutian Kingdom was founded by these scum who turned from humans into demons. Although they were crazily suppressed by demons at first, as their number increased and their strength became stronger and stronger, in the end the original demons also ruled. They are gone.Since they can't be cured, they can only give up a piece of land to them. Only in this way can peace be temporarily exchanged.

Tianmo City is a small frontier city belonging to the Demon God Kingdom.Because a ten-winged demon was born here back then, and the people in the city named the city the Heavenly Demon City to commemorate this ten-winged demon.

Tianmo City is located on the border of Demon God Kingdom, across the mountain from Doutian Kingdom.Business travelers from Doutian Kingdom often come to Tianmo City to do business and exchange items, so this is one of the few neutral cities in the entire Ashura Dao, and it is also the link of trade between the two countries.However, the Asura Dao is different from the human world after all. The demons here are more advocating primitive power, so they have no interest in the so-called trade at all.Otherwise, Tianmo City would not be just a small city, and it probably would have become the economic center of the entire Asura Dao long ago.

The Heavenly Demon Palace is the most sacred place in the Heavenly Demon City.What is enshrined here is the ten-winged celestial demon that was born in the celestial demon city in the past. As long as it is a festival, all the demons in the city, men, women, young and old, will come here to worship.They worship the stone statue of the ten-winged demon, just like people in the world often go to temples to burn incense and worship Buddha. It is purely a belief and a blessing for peace.

Today is the day of the birth of the ten-winged demon, which is also the most solemn festival in the city of demons—the Demon's Advent Festival!

Although it was getting close to night, there were still dozens of demons in the Temple of Heavenly Demon worshiping devoutly in front of the stone statue of Heavenly Demon.

But at this moment, the stone statue of the ten-winged demon suddenly glowed with a dazzling red light.Immediately afterwards, a person whose whole body was scorched black appeared in front of the stone statue out of thin air.

The demons who were worshiping all thought that the demon had appeared, but when they saw this "Jiaoren" who didn't know what to do, they were all stunned.

"Grandma, he injured? Let's help him!"

Seeing this appalling "Jiaoren", a sixteen or seventeen-year-old demon girl couldn't help asking her mother.This little girl has no wings on her back, which means that she is not yet an adult or her magic power is still weak.But she is not short, more than 1.7 meters tall, with a flushed face that is still childish, and a pair of beautiful big eyes full of innocence.Among the demons, this should be regarded as a big beauty.It is much more beautiful than those blood-red devils.

But before her mother could speak, the charred man suddenly yelled.

"Kunpeng, I must kill you, I must kill you..."

Kunpeng?He actually called Kunpeng, could it be... Could it be that he was Tong Yan who disappeared inexplicably?But why did he come to Asura Road?What the hell is going on with all this?

(End of this chapter)

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