
Chapter 1022 Constrained by divine power, body changes!

Chapter 1022 Constrained by divine power, body changes!
He just yelled a few times, and passed out again.Seeing this, the onlookers hesitated for a while, and finally offered a helping hand. After all, he appeared in front of the demon stone statue, and today happened to be the Demon's Advent Festival (taken from the meaning of the coming of the demon).

Could it be that all of this is really determined in the dark?

In a coma, for seven days in a coma.It wasn't until a wisp of warm liquid flowed from his mouth that he slowly opened his eyes.

"Grandma, hurry up and see, he's awake. It seems that the medicine you asked for from the old fairy really works, come and see."

"Okay, I got it, I'm here now. Well, I really woke up. The old god is really amazing. He can save such a seriously injured person. It's amazing!"

"Let me just say, he is the reincarnation of Heavenly Demon, so he will be fine."

"Don't talk nonsense, what is the reincarnation of the demon, if it gets out, do you think the city lords will let him go? How many times have I told you, don't mention the reincarnation of the demon in the future. Unless you want to harm him!"

"I want to harm him? I want to harm him, why should I ask you to save him? Don't wrong a good man, hum..."

He quietly looked at the mother and daughter in front of him. First of all, he was sure that they were not ordinary people.The little girl could still speak, but the mother's appearance really made him unable to understand.

After trying for a while, he finally spoke. "Yes... did you save me? Here... where is this place?"

Hearing this, the little girl smiled and said, "Where else could this be, of course it's my home! It's true that we saved you, you don't even know how badly you were hurt a few days ago. If it wasn't for my grandma going to the old fairy I begged for the fairy medicine, you probably won't survive."

Hearing this, he hurriedly said gratefully: "Thank... thank you, life-saving... life-saving grace can never be repaid, I... I bow to you." He said, struggling to get up, but His injuries are not healed now, his whole body is bandaged like a big rice dumpling, how can he move.

"Okay, as long as you have the heart, you can heal your wounds with peace of mind. If you really want to thank us, you should recover quickly. Just help us hunt when the time comes!"

Hearing this, he nodded lightly, and then said: " haven't told me, here...what is this place?"

When the little girl heard this, she was about to speak, but the kind mother answered first. "This is the Heavenly Demon City of the Demon God Kingdom. We found you in front of the Demon God Statue. Alright, we won't disturb your rest. You can sleep a little longer!"

Saying that, the kind mother took the little girl out of the room, leaving him lying alone in a daze.

Yes, this him is Tong Yan.Of course he was happy to save his life.But after hearing the terms Demon God Kingdom, Heavenly Demon City, and Heavenly Demon Statue, he suddenly realized that things were not that simple.

Thinking of the mother's red skin and the bulging clothes behind her, a term couldn't help appearing in his mind.

"Devils? Are they demons? Could it be... Could it be that this is the way of Asura?"

For his own speculation, he was stunned for a while.It is obvious that he must die, so why did he come to the Asura realm?He was really confused.But after thinking about it carefully, he suddenly discovered something.

When Qing Ming was rescued on Sea God Island, he had a dream because of a curse attack.In the dream, he came to the Asura Road, entered the city of the demons, and saw a stone statue of the ten-winged demon.Is all of this really just a coincidence?Or is it that everything has been foreshadowed long ago, and it really became a reality when his life was at stake?
Of course, this is his current conjecture, and if he really thinks this is true, further confirmation is needed.

Either way, he survived.As long as he is alive, he can return to the world, as long as he is alive, he can definitely get rid of Kunpeng!
He looked at the room carefully for a while, until he fell asleep again when sleepiness struck.

Once a person wakes up, the speed of recovery becomes much faster.Three days later, Tong Yan was able to walk on the ground. Although he still needed the support of others, it was much better than being bedridden before.

Three days also gave him a deep understanding of this demon's family.There are only two people in this family now, a mother and a daughter.As for the daughter's father, he died because he was protecting the city from fighting monsters, so he left behind this pair of orphans and widows.

The mother is a double-winged demon named Naya. Although her skin is red, she has a very delicate figure and facial features, which shows that she was a great beauty when she was young.As for her daughter, Nasha, she is just 17 years old this year, and she will be [-] in three months. At that time, she can grow wings like her mother and become a double-winged demon.

Nasha's skin is not as red as her mother's, it should be said to be close to pink, and she looks very sweet when she smiles, like a little girl who doesn't grow up.

For this mother and daughter, Tong Yan was very grateful.Without their rescue, I am afraid he would have died.

He thought about repaying them, but with his current state, he really didn't know how else to repay them.So now he only has one thought, that is to heal quickly, and try to recover a little bit of true energy as much as possible.

However, he also has a lot of regrets. His cloth bag containing the magic weapon did not know where he fell, so he has almost no magic weapon to use now.Of course, he still has two Yuanfeng feathers, which can be used to save his life.

Since there is no Magical Artifact available, the only option is to recover quickly.He didn't pay too much attention to the broken meridians.Because he practiced the Yin-Yang Jue, which is to break through and then stand up.The yin and yang meridians were broken, and all he needed to do was rebuild them. Of course, this process might take a little time, but for him, it was really not a difficult task.

But there is still a problem that he needs to solve urgently. What problem is it?It was the power of the beast he absorbed from Kunpeng's body.

The power of this beast made him suffer a lot when the thunder came down.Now the power of the beast is quiet, but it is all concentrated in his dantian, making it difficult for him to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, let alone let the energy of heaven and earth wander in his body.

The air of heaven and earth cannot wander, which means that he cannot practice.So he had to find a way to excrete the power of this divine beast from his body, so that he could practice again and restore his cultivation as soon as possible.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, he had already lived in Nasha's house for a month.In the past month, he still has nothing to do with the power of the beast, but his injuries have almost recovered.

So he decided to remove the bandages wrapped around his body today.However, what he didn't expect was that his body had undergone tremendous changes.

What is the change?Let's talk about it in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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