
Chapter 1026 There is no other way to end up in a magic way!

Chapter 1026 There is no other way to end up in a magic way!
Tong Yan only wanted to repel the two monsters and save Naya's mother and daughter.But who would have thought that the power of the divine beast entrenched in his dantian would completely explode at this moment.

All this happened so fast that he was still running and had no time to react, his whole body was in unbearable pain, causing him to stagger and fall heavily to the ground.

The four-winged demon who had been left behind couldn't help but change his face when he saw it, and the idea of ​​fleeing rose again.

"You... Is that how you help me? Get up quickly, I can't last long by myself. "

Of course, the words of the four-winged demon reached Tong Yan's ears, but his current body seemed to be about to burst, not to mention moving, he couldn't even speak.

He only feels one thing now, and that is pain. This pain is no less than the attack of the curse that was cast by the black mother-in-law before.He couldn't exert any strength, his whole body seemed to be not his own, and he couldn't do anything except make him suffer unbearably.

"Could it be that I escaped with great difficulty, and will be killed by the power of this Kunpeng beast today? God, do you want me to die that much? Am I not your chosen Skywalker? But why are you If you don't help me, why do you torture me like this?"

He hates, his heart is full of hatred, he hates the injustice of the sky, he hates himself for being incompetent, but besides hating, what else can he do?

Seeing that Tong Yan didn't respond at all, the Four Wings Demon gritted his teeth angrily. The two monsters in front of him approached step by step. He finally made up his mind, that is to escape from here, life is the most important thing!
"Nasha, I have tried my best. But these two monsters are too strong, I can't fight at all. Don't blame me, and ask your mother not to blame me. I can only go now. If you want, I can Take you away together. But your aunt, I really can't do anything. Come with me, and I will take good care of you for your aunt. Okay?"

When Nasha heard this, she fell into despair.She looked at Tong Yan who was lying on the ground, and then at the unconscious grandmother in her arms. Instead of crying, she showed a bitter smile.

"Commander Simon, thank you for everything you have done for my grandma, but at this time, how can I leave alone? I will always be with my grandma, even if I die, I will be with her. You go , I appreciate your kindness, but I really can't go with you."

The four-winged demon in black armor was Simon, the leader of the hunting group. He looked at the haggard Nasha with pity in his eyes.

"Nasha, your mother has suffered such serious injuries, she can't survive at all. Why do you put your own life on the line for a dying person? Do you know how I feel about you? I really I can't bear to see you die in vain. Come with me, I will definitely take good care of you. Come with me, please!"

Nasha shook her head firmly and said, "I won't leave, please leave."

Nasha was so decisive that Commander Simon could only shake his head helplessly. "Okay, if that's the case, then you can ask for good luck. I'll leave first, and I wish you good luck!"

After leaving these words, he jumped up high and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

All people are selfish, even demons are no exception.Although Commander Simon looked like a tough guy, he was really afraid of death. He was not seriously injured, and he was still capable of fighting, but he was afraid that he would accidentally lose his life, so he chose to escape.Although his approach was understandable, but in this way, the danger was directly left to Tong Yan and Nasha.

Tong Yan lay on the ground with mixed feelings in his heart.He knew he had to come forward so that Naya and her daughter could have a chance.But he couldn't even move, so how could he rescue Naya's mother and daughter?
Maybe... maybe the guardian dragon can help, but whether the guardian dragon can repel these two powerful monsters is still unknown.If it really didn't work, he might have to use Yuanfeng's Feather.

"Senior Shenlong, can you hear my heart? I beg you, save the mother and daughter for me. Help me repel these two monsters, can you?"

Soon, he got a response from the Guardian Dragon. "Master, of course I obey your orders. But I'm just a dragon soul, and I don't have a body. Although there are eight golden luan that can be dispatched, I'm afraid it's not enough to repel these two monsters. But I will do my best, and I will never die. You take good care of your wounds, and let me deal with those two monsters first!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the current situation is not optimistic. It's good that the guardian dragon and the eight golden luan can stop the two monsters, but what if they can't?At that time, he might only be able to use the Yuanfeng Feather.

Immediately after receiving Tong Yan's request, the guardian dragon flew out of Tong Yan's hand and directly transformed into a golden little dragon and eight golden luan.But compared with the two monsters in front of them, their size is too small.

But there is a saying that is good, what is concentrated is the essence.Regardless of the small size of the guardian dragon and the eight golden luan, but with such a golden light all over the body, the aura is not weaker than those two monsters at all.

Following a dragon chant and several calls, the guardian dragon and the eight golden luan directly attacked.In the blink of an eye, he became entangled with those two monsters.

Speaking of Tong Yan, his condition is getting worse and worse now, his whole body was in unbearable pain at first, but he didn't expect that after such a short period of time, he would become a little confused.

He tried his best to restrain himself, trying not to let himself fall into a coma.But the more he confronted, the more his mind sank.

He knew very well in his heart that he must not fall into a coma now, otherwise the Naya mother and daughter would surely die.But what should he do?How do you keep yourself awake?

As he was dying, the power of the beast in his body seemed to be a little quieter, and the pain in his body seemed to have eased a lot.

What's going on here?Could it be that the power of the beasts has calmed down again?Or, has the power of the beast already tried to fuse with his body?
With this discovery, he suddenly thought of something, then closed his eyes, and tried hard to manipulate the power of those powerful beasts.

But how can the power of the beast be so easy to control?In the final analysis, this is not his property after all, it was snatched from others, and it is almost impossible to digest it.

But he knew he couldn't give up, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he had to try.

The original true energy in his body was gone, and if he wanted to control the power of the beast, he could only rely on external force.

However, in the Asura Way, the aura of heaven and earth is mixed with a lot of demonic aura.He didn't care too much, he could only try to introduce the energy of heaven and earth containing demonic energy into his body, and then construct the two channels of yin and yang, and then transform the inhaled energy into true energy, and then fuse it with the power of the gods and beasts, so as to truly Harness the power of beasts.

With the direction, his mind seemed to clear up a lot, and he didn't dare to delay, so he started to practice directly.

It is precisely because of this method that he was able to survive in the Asura Dao, but it is also precisely because of this method that he went further and further on the road to becoming a demon.

He had sworn that day that he would not kill Kunpeng, and would not be a human being.It seems that he will fulfill his oath very soon, because he will completely abandon his identity as a human being in the near future, and completely achieve the way of magic!

(End of this chapter)

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