
Chapter 1027 Laughter shocks the beasts, who dares to fight?

Chapter 1027 Laughter shocks the beasts, who dares to fight?
Seeing the golden little dragon flying out of Tong Yan's hand and fighting with the two monsters, Nasha, who was already desperate, had a glimmer of hope again.

After hesitating for a while, she finally decided to go and see Tong Yan who had fallen to the ground.But just as she was about to approach Tong Yan after laying her mother flat on the ground, she did not expect that a strange red gas mask suddenly appeared on Tong Yan's body.

This red gas shield completely enveloped him, like a huge red glass shield.

Nasha stared at it for a while, her eyes full of doubts.Although she was a little worried about Tong Yan, she thought that Tong Yan had appeared in front of the statue of the Heavenly Demon before out of thin air, so she took the air mask as a blessing from the Heavenly Demon. Perhaps after a while, Tong Yan would wake up.

After thinking about it, she decided to take care of her grandmother.In fact, she can take her grandma and leave here now, but what is the difference between leaving Tong Yan here alone and being ungrateful?
Naya and Nasha are both kind-hearted devils, otherwise, they would not have gone to treat the dying Tong Yan.Now that Tong Yan blocked the monster for them, they couldn't abandon Tong Yan even if they lived or died. This is probably impossible for many people who think they are of high quality.

Time passed little by little, and the guardian dragon and the eight golden luan were still fighting with the two monsters.Although they couldn't repel the two monsters, they didn't hurt Tong Yan and the others at all.The Patronus Dragon kept its promise, it said it would do its best, and now it does.

Looking at Tong Yan again, the red gas mask on his body is no longer quiet at this moment, but flickers on and off.It's like a light bulb with unstable voltage, bright red for a while, and black for a while.

Being in the air mask, the hideous look on Tong Yan's face due to the pain has disappeared.He is now calm and breathing evenly.Could it be that he has overcome the difficulties and is no longer tormented by the power of the beast?
Maybe, maybe not.

After another half an hour, Tong Yan still didn't wake up, but Naya slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as Nasha saw her mother wake up, she immediately said happily: "Mom, you finally woke up. How do you feel now? Are you okay?"

Seeing her daughter, Naya was taken aback for a moment, then said anxiously: "Silly girl, you...why are you here? Hurry up, it's dangerous here."

Hearing this, Nasha smiled slightly and said, "Grandma, you don't have to worry about me. You see, big brother's treasure is dealing with those two monsters, and we are safe for the time being. It's's just that big brother has something wrong and seems to be asleep. caught."

Upon hearing this, Naya quickly followed Nasha's gaze.After watching for a while, she roughly understood something.

"Girl, was he the one who saved me? Did he heal the wound on my body?"

Nasha nodded and said, "Yes, it was the elder brother who arrived in time to save us. The wound on your body was also stitched up by the elder brother. If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid we would have died."

Naya let out a soft sigh, looked down at her injured part, suddenly realized something, then lowered her head a little shyly.Although she is close to 40 years old, the lifespan of the devil is longer than that of ordinary people, so the years have not left too many marks on her face.In addition, she has a good figure and outstanding appearance, so it is naturally embarrassing to be seen by a big man who shouldn't be seen.

But soon she was not in the mood to care about this, because there were a few smaller monsters approaching here.

These monsters have injuries on their bodies, and they should have slipped through the net from the previous battle with the demons.Even Simon, the leader of the hunting group, has escaped, and the remaining demons will definitely not continue to risk fighting.

But in this way, the atmosphere that had just eased up now became tense again.

Although Naya was seriously injured, she was a double-winged demon after all.Seeing another monster approaching, she immediately stood up reluctantly.

At this time, Nasha also noticed these magical beasts approaching quietly, and her already relaxed expression suddenly became more dignified.

"Girl, you go first, I will deal with these demons."

When Nasha heard this, she immediately refused: "No, I won't leave. You have suffered such serious injuries, and your elder brother is still in a deep sleep. How can I leave alone? If you want to leave, go together, if you want to die, die together!"

Hearing this, Naya reprimanded directly: "Don't you even listen to what Grandma said? I told you to go, you have to go now. You are still young, you can't take risks with us. In case something happens to you, you How do you tell me to face your dead father?"

When Nasha saw Naya angry, two lines of tears of grievance fell from the corners of her eyes instantly. "Grandma, you are the only family member I have. If I leave, what will you do? If you are gone, what is the point of me living alone? Grandma, please let me stay. I want Fight side by side with you!"

Naya wanted to say something more, but those monsters had already surrounded her and didn't give her any chance at all.

She knew that even if she wanted Nasha to leave, Nasha, who could not fly, might not be able to leave.

"Okay, since you don't want to leave, let's deal with these monsters together with grandma. The little brother can save us regardless of his life. We must not leave him alone at this time. Nasha, remember your grandpa taught me What about your martial arts? Use martial arts to deal with these monsters, they are not that scary, they should be the ones to be afraid of."

Naya is indeed a brave woman. Facing all six monsters, she has no fear in her eyes.It is said that women do not give way to men, and it seems that this sentence is really true.

With Grandma's encouragement, Nasha pulled out a dagger from her waist.This dagger is not made of steel like a human dagger, but a bone blade polished with the bone of a monster.

And Naya clenched her fists with a fearless expression on her face.

The six monsters stared at the mother and daughter for a while, finally let out a roar, and then rushed forward from six directions together.

Seeing this, Naya quickly stretched out her hand to grab Nasha's arm, and flapping her wings on her back led her directly out of the encirclement of monsters.

With outnumbered enemies, if they are surrounded again, there will be no chance of a comeback.But if you can break out of the encirclement and break through one by one, then there may be a slight chance of winning.

Naya is indeed very smart, but even if she thinks about it, she probably can't change anything.

Because the moment she pulled Nasha up, the wound on her ribs that was so hard to stitch up by Tong Yan suddenly burst open, and immediately after, the blood stained her "bandage" and clothes red like an infusion, making her endure Can't stop letting out a scream.

After the scream, although she flapped her wings hard, she still fell not far from the monster.

Perhaps stimulated by the smell of blood, the six magical beasts had just rushed to nothing, then directly adjusted their direction, and rushed towards their mother and daughter again.

Naya was seriously injured, she wanted to fight to the death, but now she didn't even have the strength to stand up.As for Nasha, she doesn't even have wings, so one can imagine how weak she is.

Facing the ferocious attack of bloodthirsty monsters, the situation of the mother and daughter became precarious.

But at this critical moment, a wild laughter suddenly sounded.At the same time, the six monsters stopped as if they were frightened.

After following the sound, I realized that the person who laughed was none other than the domineering Tong Yan in red!

(End of this chapter)

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