
Chapter 1028 1 Entering the Devil's Way, Can't Extricate Himself!

Chapter 1028 Once in the devil's way, I can't extricate myself!

Tong Yan woke up, and it was when Naya mother and daughter needed help the most.There is a saying that life should not be cut off. Maybe the kind Naya mother and daughter are like this. They are good people, so they deserve good rewards.

At this moment, Tong Yan was obviously different, his whole body was surrounded by red light, as if he was standing under a red spotlight.Not only that, he held his head high, with a wild and unruly smile on his face.A pair of blood-red eyes, a fair face, and red lips are even more strange.

Standing like that, he was as awe-inspiring as a demon god, and as terrifying as a killing god.

At this moment, he slowly raised his right hand, the red sharp nails were like sharp knives, exuding a blood-like luster.

Then, he spoke, making a domineering voice.

"Inferior monsters, you interrupted my practice. Do you know what the consequences are? Today, none of you will live. There is only one fate for messing with me, and that is death! Die for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he grabbed out with his claws suddenly, and saw five red lights shoot out from his fingertips in an instant, the speed was jaw-dropping.

The six monsters were already stunned on the spot, but when they saw the red light coming, they turned around and wanted to run away.

Unfortunately, their speed is too slow.With several screams of "Aww", all six monsters were shot through their bodies by the five red lights, and died on the spot.

Seeing this, the two big monsters who were fighting with the guardian dragon and the eight golden luan turned around and ran away in fright.

But before they ran a few meters away, the red light penetrated their bodies, and they died.

To kill all these terrifying monsters in an instant, Tong Yan at this moment is unbelievably strong, terrifyingly strong.

Naya and Nasha were completely immersed in shock at the moment, they looked at Tong Yan stupidly, as if they were looking at a monster.

With a wave of Tong Yan's hand, the guardian dragon and eight golden luan immediately turned into fists and flew back to his right hand.He stared at the glove, then smiled slightly: "Senior Shenlong, thank you very much!"

After speaking, he turned his eyes to Naya and Nasha, and walked over step by step.

"Why do you look at me like this? Are you all in love with me? The monsters have been eliminated, and you are safe now."

Naya and Nasha came back to their senses after hearing this.

"Big brother, you... you are so powerful! You are the most powerful person I have ever seen, and I am afraid that even Captain Shenwei can't compare to you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "It's not that I'm good, but these monsters are too weak. Well, you can leave here."

When Nasha heard this, she immediately asked in puzzlement, "Big brother, you...don't you go back with us? Where are you going?"

"I'm not going anywhere, I will stay on this mountain for the time being. But in a few days, I will go to the city to find you. Well, hurry up and take your grandma down the mountain. Her injury has worsened, and she will not be treated again." , I’m afraid I won’t be able to survive.”

After hearing this, Nasha looked at her mother.But Naya kept staring at Tong Yan until she whispered two words, "Thank you", before she passed out.

Tong Yan looked at her, then injected a trace of true energy into her body, then helped Nasha carry her on his back, and watched them go down the mountain.

It wasn't until the figures of Nasha and Naya disappeared at the end of the forest that Tong Yan showed a self-deprecating wry smile, and then he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"It seems that I am indeed a bit reluctant. But fortunately, with the corpses of these monsters, it should be enough for me to heal my injuries."

After finishing speaking, he staggered and approached one of the dead monsters.After hesitating for a while, he directly possessed himself and lay on the monster's body.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he suddenly opened his mouth wide, bit down hard, and sucked heavily.

God, he was actually drinking the blood of a monster.What the hell is going on here?What happened to him?
It turned out that the reason why he was able to wake up in time and successfully rescued Naya's mother and daughter was not a so-called coincidence at all, but the result of his reluctance.

He has indeed successfully reshaped the Yin and Yang Meridians, but it is definitely not something that can be done in such a short period of time if he wants to completely control the power of the beast in his body.But if the delay is too long, he is really worried that something will happen to Naya's mother and daughter.It was precisely because he cared about the safety of Naya's mother and daughter that he decided to take the risk.

How to take the risk?In fact, it is very simple, that is, it does not eliminate the demonic energy in the air of heaven and earth, nor condenses the real energy, but directly condenses the demonic energy.

When he just started to practice, he had already discovered that the heaven and earth energy of Asura Dao contained a very strong devil energy.In order to prevent falling into the evil way and becoming obsessed with evil spirits, the correct cultivation method is to first absorb the Qi of heaven and earth, then expel the evil Qi from the body, and then transform the remaining Qi of heaven and earth into true Qi.Unexpectedly, the proportion of demonic energy in the heaven and earth qi here is too large, almost [-]% is demonic energy, and when all the demonic energy is removed from the body, there is not much remaining heaven and earth energy left.According to this method, let alone an hour, even a day or a month, he may not have enough true energy to control the power of the beast.

In order to temporarily overcome the crisis and rescue Naya's mother and daughter, he finally decided to simply abandon his true qi, directly cultivate the magic energy, and then use the magic energy to fuse the power of the beast, and then completely control it.Of course there are risks in doing so, and the biggest risk is becoming a demon.But in order to repay the kindness of saving his life, even if he became a demon, he would not care about it.

But the power of the divine beast runs counter to the demon energy, one is good and the other is evil, and the consequences of the encounter between the two forces can be imagined.Of course, the power of the divine beast would not tolerate the existence of demon energy, so the two directly fought in Tong Yan's body.

When they fight each other, Tong Yan is the one who suffers.

But because of the demonic energy in his body, Tong Yan temporarily gained considerable strength, which is why he made his domineering appearance just now, but on the surface it looks like he is full of domineering, but in fact, he is trying to hold on.

Fortunately, the devilish energy in his body is indeed powerful, and the five-finger sword he unleashes with the devilish energy is even more powerful.Only then did he finally be able to kill those nasty monsters in a flash.

However, the use of the five-finger sword also exhausted a little of the magic energy he had just condensed. The result of this was that the power of the beast suddenly launched an attack, and the magic energy could not be parried at all, so the most hurt person became he himself.

And why did he suck the blood of these monsters?In fact, the reason is very simple, because he needs to obtain more powerful magic energy, and then he can completely suppress the power of the beast in his body.

He has tasted the powerful strength brought to him by the magic energy, so he can't help but have a strong interest in the magic energy.How easy is it to quit?Perhaps he will only sink deeper and deeper until he can't extricate himself!
But there is one thing that cannot be ignored, that is, he is really strong after obtaining the magic energy. If he can digest the power of the beast in his body, how strong will he be at that time?Stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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