
Chapter 1030 Fragrance disappears and jade damages, there must be no forgiveness!

Chapter 1030 Fragrance disappears and jade damages, there must be no forgiveness!
When Nasha saw it, her face paled immediately, and while she backed away, she said in a trembling voice, "You...what are you going to do?"

Simon smirked and said, "What are you doing? Of course I'm doing what I've always wanted to do. Nasha, you are so beautiful, I dream of you in my dreams. I planned to wait for three more months, but you I don’t know good from bad. You asked for all this, don’t blame me. If you want to blame, blame yourself for being too beautiful. Hehe...hehe..."

Faced with Simon's pressing step by step, Nasha was already panicked.She retreated quickly, hoping to get rid of Simon's clutches, but she forgot to call for help, which made Simon even more unscrupulous.

Seeing that Simon closed the door smoothly, he smiled and said, "Nasha, where are you going? You can't escape from my palm, so let my brother love you well. Come, come here, hurry up." Come here soon..."

Simon is a majestic four-winged demon, so dealing with a little girl like Nasha who doesn't even have two wings is naturally a piece of cake.

Just when Nasha was about to turn around and go to the room to get the knife, Simon, who moved extremely quickly, immediately hugged her tightly from behind.

Being hugged by Simon, Nasha couldn't help crying.While struggling hard, she cried and shouted: "You bastard, let me go, let me go. I don't want to marry you, I don't want to marry you. Let me go... let me go... "

However, the more she struggled, the tighter Simon's arms hugged him, his feet were already off the ground, and he couldn't escape from the clutches.

"Nasha, don't resist, you know what strength I am, right? Not to mention you, even your grandma is not my one-shot enemy. Your grandma is resting now, don't you want to put Did she wake up? Or, do you want her to die, and you want me to make up for it? She was already seriously injured. As long as I do something a little bit, no one will know how she died, let alone Someone suspects me. So, if you really don't want her to die, then obey me obediently. Then your grandma will be safe."

Nasha, who was struggling, suddenly fell silent after hearing this.Yes, what is more important than a mother's life?She and her grandmother depended on each other for life. If something happened to her grandmother, what would be the point of her being alive?But she really hates it, she hates herself for being useless, and she hates this hateful world even more.Simon has power and power, so he can do whatever he wants.Orphaned and widowed, do they have to endure this inhuman torture?Where is the law?Is there still justice in this world?
Seeing that Nasha no longer resisted, Simon immediately became unscrupulous.

Nasha knew that it was useless to do anything now, and she was about to become the "prey" of this beast.Even if she couldn't stand it, it wouldn't change anything.She must save her mother, and she must not let her mother suffer any harm.For the sake of her mother's safety, no matter what kind of persecution she endures, she can only suffer in silence.

Tears of grievance slid down the corners of her eyes to both sides, and the desperate eyes were full of distressing sorrow.

She wished so much that the heroic big brother could come back to save her, but unfortunately, she couldn't wait until Simon was over.

Simon got up, and then said contentedly: "I apologize for my recklessness just now, maybe I hurt you. I still have business, so I won't accompany you. Wait for me, I'll come back tomorrow night. Hehe..."

While arranging his clothes, he walked out of the room in a comfortable mood.

After Simon left for a while, Nasha got up from the ground.She grabbed the clothes torn by Simon in her arms, hugged her knees, and cried in pain.

She cried for a long time, until she couldn't cry anymore, then she stood up slowly.She walked into Grandma's room, stared at the sleeping Grandma for a while, then kissed Grandma's forehead lightly, and said sadly: "Grandma, you must live a good life. I'm afraid my daughter can't be with you anymore. I love you so much. Thank you for raising me. But I have no choice. I can't let that beast stain my body. I can't kill him, so I can only kill myself I'm sorry, please forgive my daughter for leaving without saying goodbye. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely be your daughter again. Goodbye, my mother. May your life be safe and happy!"


Early the next morning, there was a cry of grief from Naya's home.Nasha died, she was wearing her favorite long dress, and died under her own knife.Although she is dead, she is still so beautiful and fascinating like a blooming peony.

No one knew why Nasha committed suicide, only that the kindest and most beautiful girl in Tianma City left forever.

For Nasha's death, Naya was in great pain.She stood next to her daughter's body in tears, calling out Nasha's name.It was heart-wrenching to see the sadness on her face.

The reason why Nasha chose to leave in this way was actually the result of her deliberation.She didn't need her grandma to avenge her, because she knew it would only hurt her grandma.She endured all the pain alone, just to let her grandma live a good life.

Nasha is a good girl, she used her own death to preserve her last dignity.But the person who really killed her is still at large.

Regarding Nasha's death, Simon's villain showed no sadness on his face, let alone any remorse.He is still working as his leader and continues to live his happy life.

Can the wicked really escape justice?Of course not, and that day is not far away.

In a blink of an eye, it was already seven days later.Although Naya was deeply saddened, she still buried her daughter.

Back home alone, she couldn't bear the pain of losing her daughter, so she thought of death.

But just when she was about to raise the dagger that took her daughter's life, there was a knock on the door outside the room.

"Is anyone at home? Sister Naya, Miss Nasha? Are you at home?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Naya finally put down the dagger in her hand, then walked to the door in a daze, and slowly opened the door.

Looking up, the person standing outside the door is none other than Tong Yan with a smile on his face.

He came back, he finally returned from Jieshan smoothly.

Looking at Naya with a haggard face and wet tears, he suddenly realized something, so he hurriedly asked, "Sister Naya, what happened? Are you okay?"

Hearing this, Naya couldn't help covering her face and crying bitterly.

"Nasa is dead, my precious daughter is dead. Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble all over.Such a kind and beautiful girl, why did she die so well?

He firmly believes that there must be something hidden in it, but can he really uncover the truth and let the wicked get the punishment they deserve?

Tong Yan's anger has already burned, let us wait and see!

(End of this chapter)

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