
Chapter 1031 Peel the cocoon and spin it, and clear the clouds!

Chapter 1031 Peel the cocoon and spin it, and clear the clouds!

"Sister Naya, calm down first. Can you tell me what's going on?"

Naya cried and said sadly: "Seven days ago, that is, the day you rescued our mother and daughter. We returned home, but because I was seriously injured, I fell into a deep sleep after taking the medicine given by the doctor. I got off. But... But when I woke up the next morning, I found... I found Nasha lying on the ground with a dagger stuck in her chest. I couldn't wake her up, she just left me like that Yes. My daughter, grandma misses you so much, woo woo... woo woo..."

Speaking of this, Naya couldn't help crying again.

It is said that children travel thousands of miles and mothers are worried, so why is it that a white-haired person sends a black-haired person?Nasha's death was simply unbearable for Naya.Every time she thought of this, she couldn't help herself in pain.

Looking at Naya, Tong Yan was also very sad.But he knew that even if he spoke to comfort him, it might not help.How can such sadness be forgotten in a few words.

He thought for a while, and then asked again: "Sister Naya, what is your inference? Did Nasha kill herself?"

Naya suppressed her sadness, nodded lightly and said: "Yes, because she wore her most beloved long dress, and the door of the house was still locked inside. It is impossible for someone else to kill her, so you can It is concluded that she ended her own life. My poor child, woo..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan began to think again. "It seems that the possibility of Nasha's suicide is very high. But if she really committed suicide, why did she do it? She cares so much about her mother, how could she be willing to abandon her mother and leave this world alone? Woolen cloth?"

If the cause of death was suicide, what was the motive for suicide?This is what Tong Yan is most concerned about now.If the reason for her suicide can be found out, all doubts may be solved.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "Sister Naya, don't you think there is something strange about it? Nasha is not only kind, but also lively and cheerful. How could a girl with her personality think of death? Besides Said, she could risk her life and death to save you, but how could she be willing to leave you? Have you ever thought about it? Could it be because of something she encountered that made her choose to commit suicide? "

Naya calmed down after hearing this. "You mean, Nasha committed suicide because she was persecuted by others?"

Tong Yan hurriedly explained: "No, this is just a hypothesis of mine. Of course, this hypothesis also exists. But I need to investigate and need clues. Sister Naya, where is Nasha's body now? Let me see Did you bury her already?"

Naya nodded and said: "Yes, I have indeed buried her. I have been too uncomfortable these days, and my mind is very messed up. I thought it was because the child missed his father again, so I did this. It's a stupid thing. During the time when her father died, she almost had an accident, but fortunately, I found it in time. Brother, if you really need to see her body, I can take her The body was dug up again. As long as it can be found out that my daughter was indeed persecuted and committed suicide, I will do anything!"

Tong Yan thought about it for a while, and then said: "If it is really necessary to open the coffin for an autopsy, I will tell you then. In fact, apart from the corpse, there may be some clues found in your home. I think so, let's go first Check it out in your home. By the way, you mentioned that she changed into a favorite dress. Where is the dress she was wearing before? And her belongings, you'd better find them and show them to me Look. There may be clues hidden in these items."

Naya thought for a while, and then replied: "The clothes she changed out are all torn, do you want to see them? I happen to keep them all, just wait for me, and I'll get them for you right away."

In order to investigate the truth about her daughter's suicide, Naya has now calmed down again.

Tong Yan raised his legs and was about to enter the house, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered something strange.

These things seemed to be crumbs of some kind of food, and they were scattered beside the door of Naya's house.He picked up a little, put it under his nose and smelled it, there was a faint aroma, it should be something like pastry.

He looked around and made sure no one was paying attention to him, then he picked up all the debris as much as possible.

When he lifted his legs and walked into the room, Naya had already brought over the tattered clothes Nasha had worn before.

"That's it, take a look!"

Tong Yan nodded, then put the debris in his hand in front of Naya, and asked, "Sister Naya, what is this? Do you know?"

Naya stared at the crumbs in Tong Yan's hand, picked up a little bit and smelled it under his nose, and then replied: "This is a dim sum from the dim sum shop next to the city lord's mansion. I have eaten it once, or Nasha’s father bought it for me when we got married. The snacks there are very expensive, and we ordinary people can’t afford it. At least five unicorn horns are needed to exchange for a pack. By the way, you Where did you find them?"

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and replied directly: "At the door of your house!"

"The door? Impossible, we haven't bought it for more than ten years."

Tong Yan didn't say much, but handed the scraps to Naya, and said: "Put them away, maybe it will be useful."

Naya was a little confused, but she still took the crumbs as she said.

After Tong Yan handed over the crumbs of the snack, he immediately began to carefully examine Nasha's tattered clothes.

After a closer look, he found bloodstains and traces of being torn apart.

The blood was on Nasha's trousers, and there were signs of forceful tearing on the jacket and trousers.This may not be a big deal for a man's clothes, but what does it mean for a beautiful yellow flower girl?It is estimated that a fool can guess it.

Combining these clues, Tong Yan finally came to a conclusion.That is, before Nasha committed suicide, she was violated.And Nasha may have chosen to commit suicide because of this.

In addition, he has further speculation.Why didn't Nasha expose the beast who persecuted her in public?And choose to commit suicide silently?There are probably two reasons. First, the person who persecuted her was powerful and powerful. She knew that she could not take revenge. In order not to implicate her mother, she decided to commit suicide by hiding everything; second, the person who violated her The villain should be an acquaintance, because only an acquaintance knew that her mother was seriously injured and unconscious, so she could open the door unsuspectingly and let the wolf in.

With these two points, plus the dim sum found at the door.Tong Yan already has enough clues, now he just needs to follow these clues to find out.The beast that violated Nasha and caused her to commit suicide naturally had nowhere to hide.

"Bastard, do you think you can get away with it if you harm someone? Just wait for me, and I will make you get the punishment you deserve!"

(End of this chapter)

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