
Chapter 1032 Follow the vine, the 6-winged devil!

Chapter 1032 Follow the vines, six-winged devil!
Tong Yan, who had already planned, directly returned Nasha's tattered clothes to Naya, and told her: "Sister Naya, take these clothes away, and they may become evidence to identify the murderer."

Upon hearing this, Naya's eyes widened immediately, and she asked urgently, "The murderer? Could it be... Could it be that Nasha's death was really related to someone else?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "That's right, if I'm not wrong. Before she died, she should have been violated by someone else, because she didn't want to hurt you, let alone suffer humiliation, so she chose to commit suicide. But don't worry, I will definitely find out who the villain who violated Naya is and bring him to justice. Nasha cannot die in vain, and I must let those who persecute her get the punishment they deserve!"

Naya looked at the tattered clothes in her arms, and tears flowed down again, but her eyes were no longer filled with sadness, but more with anger and deep hatred for the beast that killed her daughter.

According to Tong Yan's speculation, the beast who violated Nasha should have brought snacks to visit Naya's family.Later, it might be because Nasha angered him, so he threw the snacks he brought to the ground and brutally raped Nasha.After committing the evil deed, the man left.Perhaps he was worried that the snacks he brought would leave a handle, so he took the snacks that fell on the ground away when he left.However, because the dim sum was not wrapped tightly, a lot of debris was left after such a fall.And it was precisely in this way that Tong Yan successfully discovered these clues.

All Tong Yan has to do now is to follow the clue of "Dim Sum" and continue to investigate.If everything goes well, I believe it won't be long before the truth of who the beast who killed Nasha will be revealed.

After bidding farewell to Naya, Tong Yan went to the pastry shop that Naya mentioned by himself.

It is actually not difficult to find that dim sum shop, because it is located next to the City Lord's Mansion.The City Lord's Mansion is the most luxurious building in Tianmo City. Although it is not as magnificent as Tianmo Palace, it is still very eye-catching.

Tong Yan pulled the hood of the cloak to his forehead, and lowered his head, so that not many people would pay attention to him, maybe they would just treat him as a foreign businessman.

Speaking of the cloak on his body, he took it off a dead body on Jieshan Mountain.Why wear a cloak?In fact, he didn't want people to see his difference.Some people may ask, how is he different?One, he doesn't have the wings of a demon; the other is that he has red lines on his neck and forehead.

That's right, the red lines on his body spread again.Although it didn't spread to the hands and feet, such red lines appeared on the forehead and neck.It looks like a red tattoo, but it doesn't look scary at all, and it's a little bit nice.But for him, he really minded, because the devil energy in his body was getting stronger and stronger, he was worried that his mind would be completely swallowed by the devil energy, and the red lines were naturally regarded by him as the devil energy phagocytosis external performance.He himself thought that when the red lines completely covered his body, he might completely become a demon who only knew how to kill.But whether it is really as he expected, I am afraid that we can only make a conclusion after he becomes a demon.

Walking on the streets of Tianmo City, the hustle and bustle of the city made him a little uncomfortable, and the demons passing by him gave him the urge to kill them all.

He was very worried about having such a thought, because he was really afraid that when he lost control, he would do something irreparable.After all, killing innocent people indiscriminately is definitely not what he wants.He has kindness in his heart, so he naturally doesn't want to be manipulated by evil.But how long can he last?

"Let's take a step, let's take a step!" He shook his head lightly, trying not to let himself think about it.

It must be said that Tianmo City is really prosperous.All kinds of people are walking around in the city, like an international metropolis, it can be called a gathering of heroes.

Among these people, Tong Yan not only saw a lot of local demons, but also saw a lot of "foreign people" with not red skin.Compared with the local demons here, is Tong Yan himself a "foreigner"?

As for the situation in Tianmo City, he actually probably knew something about it.When he returned to Tianmo City, he had traveled with a few travelers, so he chatted a little more.

And the reason why he wants to talk to those "foreign race" passengers is because he wants to have a more comprehensive understanding of the entire Asura Dao.Of course he can't stay here forever, so he has already started to find a way to leave the Asura Way.

Perhaps after he seeks justice for Nasha, he will try to leave the Asura realm. After all, the human world is his destination.He still has many, many things to deal with, and what he wants to do most urgently is to kill Kunpeng with his hands.

While thinking wildly, he walked through the crowd, but after a long time, he finally saw a huge stone gate several meters high from a distance.There is a plaque hanging on top of the stone gate, with three big characters engraved on the plaque, City Lord's Mansion.On both sides of the gate, there are still several demon soldiers in armor guarding at the moment.No need to guess, the compound behind this stone gate should be the mansion where the city lord usually lives.The city walls connected to the gate are several meters high, and the city lord's mansion must be heavily guarded.I don't know what this pampered city lord looks like. It's really weird to build his mansion like an iron barrel.

Tong Yan didn't pay too much attention to the City Lord's Mansion, but carefully searched around the City Lord's Mansion.Soon, a small shop came into his sight.

Compared with the bustling central area of ​​the city, this shop is much deserted.It's just that one or two demons come in occasionally, and they don't necessarily buy things.

Opening the shop next to the city lord's mansion, I really don't know what the shop owner thinks.

There are no other shops nearby, and this should be the dim sum shop that Naya mentioned.

Tong Yan stretched his waist, then raised his legs and walked towards the dim sum shop.

But before he lifted his legs to enter the house, unexpectedly, the clerk in the shop directly blocked his way.

"Get off, get off! This is not the place for a pariah like you. If you want to beg, go to the center of the city. There are often enthusiastic idiots who give alms. If you want to come to our store to beg, you have come to the wrong place."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help showing a sneer, and then asked: "How do you know I'm here to beg? Can't I come to buy things?"

The store clerk was overjoyed when he heard it, and then laughed at him and said, "Buying things? With your poor appearance, what can you afford? You probably don't know yet? Our store is opened by the city lord, and we only sell To the dignitaries in the city. I won’t sell you a piece of dim sum for a wandering lowlife like you. Come on, stop talking nonsense with me. Hurry up and get out, or I’ll call the guards to catch you .”

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled disdainfully and said, "Do you think you still have this chance?" As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stepped forward, stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the clerk by the neck.Pushing forward, he has already stepped into the store.

But at this moment, unexpectedly, there was a deafening sound of gongs and drums in the street outside the store.

He glanced coldly to the outside, only to find that a group of people came here in a hurry.And the person in charge turned out to be a master with six wings!
"Six-winged demon? It seems that there are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Heavenly Demon City!"

(End of this chapter)

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