
Chapter 1034 It's easy to come in, but too difficult to get out!

Chapter 1034 It's easy to come in, but too difficult to get out!
Tong Yan must admit that his understanding of Asura Dao is too little.He knew that the demons had been fighting against the monsters, killing each other.But the Warcraft can transform into a human form, which made him a little bit surprised.

It's not that he looks down on monsters, but he thinks that if monsters can also take human form, can monsters also cultivate and improve?If this is the case, will there be monsters among those powerful demon gods?If this is the case, then why do demons and monsters still fight each other?
Tong Yan thought for a while, then stopped thinking about it.Because it didn't seem to have anything to do with him, he didn't need to bother about it.

The person who came here suddenly was about 1.7 meters tall, very tall, but wearing a very loose robe.Her skin is tender and rosy, and her big bright eyes are also very beautiful, but she is wearing an ugly hat with the brim covering her eyebrows, and the black robe on her body, if you don’t look carefully, it’s really true. would have thought she was a man.

But obviously, the two "watchdogs" really seemed to regard her as a man.

"So it's Mrs. Wendy, are you here to find our lady boss? She's inside, please come in!"

The "woman" called Wendy smiled slightly and said, "I know this hero, and I will bear all his expenses here. So please make it easy for me to bring him in together. Is that okay?" ?”

"Of course, of course. This hero, we are blind, please don't take offense. Please!"

Tong Yan hesitated for a moment, then looked at Wendy and said, "Are you sure you want to take me in with you?"

Wendy stepped forward, took his arm and said, "So you can believe it? Let's go, I think you must really want to go in and have a look. Right?"

Tong Yan didn't break free, and walked inside together with her.

The two had just entered the door when they heard the charming laughter and seductive murmurs of different women.Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned again.

Wendy who came in with him smiled slightly and said, "What? You don't like it? Logically speaking, don't you men like to come to this kind of place to have fun?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan pulled his arm out of her embrace, and said expressionlessly, "Girl, please respect yourself!"

As soon as this remark came out, Wendy immediately showed surprise. "My God, you actually know that I'm a woman? How did you find out?"

Tong Yan was a little speechless, if she was a woman, she could definitely find out if she looked carefully.The most intuitive one is the Adam's apple. Men have Adam's apple, but women don't.Obviously, this Wendy doesn't exist.

But Tong Yan didn't explain this, but whispered in Wendy's ear: "I not only know that you are a woman, but also that you are not human. You are a monster, right?"

Hearing this, Wendy was even more surprised, but instead she had a smug smile on her face.

"That's right, you're right. But also, you're not an ordinary devil, are you? If I'm not mistaken, you're from the human world. Right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan only replied two words, "Even!" After finishing speaking, he stopped talking and started searching around.

Wendy chuckled and said, "Although I don't know why the living beings from the human world appear in the Asura Dao, I'm afraid you came to Yanliu Xuan to find a woman, right? Why don't you tell me, maybe I can help you. I am very familiar with this place, and the proprietress is my good sister."

Her words reminded Tong Yan, since she has such a relationship, Tong Yan might as well ask her to help.

"Are you sure you really want to help me? Don't you have other plans?"

Wendy giggled and said, "Of course not, I'm just very curious about you. Please please, okay?"

"Okay, then you can introduce the proprietress here for me. I have something to ask her!"

Wendy nodded and smiled and said, "No problem, come with me, I know where her room is, let's go directly."

With that said, he walked directly to the second floor.

Tong Yan glanced at the first floor again before following up.

Although this is a place for men to have fun, there are not many girls there, otherwise, if Tong Yan and Wendy come in, there won't be no one to greet them.But that's also good, Tong Yan's ears can be quiet for a while.

Wendy obviously came here often, seeing her familiarity, Tong Yan was really confused.I don't know what she thinks about a woman who wants to disguise herself as a man, and often haunts this land of smoke and willows.She couldn't possibly like women too, could she?

But Tong Yan just thought about it and didn't ask any questions, because it had nothing to do with him.Whatever you do, take care of your own business.

It may not be night yet, the second floor is obviously colder than the first floor, but it is also quieter.

After walking for a while in the corridor on the second floor, Wendy and Tong Yan finally came to the proprietress' room.Standing outside the door, Wendy reached out and knocked on the door, and then said, "My good sister, are you there?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of tender laughter from inside. "Here, my little baby, why are you looking for my sister again? Come in quickly! My sister misses you so much."

Wendy wasn't too polite, and pushed the door open.Immediately afterwards, a demon with two wings in revealing clothes walked over with twists and turns.

This double-winged demon looks to be in his 20s, and his skin is of course red, but his appearance is really good, with a tall figure, protruding front and back, especially his smile and blurred eyes, which are really attractive.

No need to guess, she should be Lizi, the proprietress of Yanliuxuan.No wonder he was favored by the leader of the hunting group, and he was really outstanding in appearance.

"My dear sister, I brought you a friend. You don't blame me, do you?"

Li Zi stared at Tong Yan, then smiled at Wendy: "Of course not, you brought such a handsome little brother to my sister, it's too late for my sister to thank you. Come on, don't be dazed, hurry up Come in and sit down." At this point, she deliberately gave Tong Yan a wink.

Tong Yan didn't dare to look directly, so he could only look elsewhere.But now that they have come, he must still ask.

Walking into the room with Wendy, Li Zi directly poured fine wine for the two of them.

"I seldom have guests here, I have nothing to greet you, just drink some of my own brew!"

As soon as these words were said, Tong Yan immediately laughed secretly in his heart.What kind of place is this? It was originally a place for men to have fun, and it is ridiculous to say that there are no guests.

Tong Yan was not in the mood to drink this so-called fine wine, so he immediately asked straightforwardly: "Ma'am, the reason why I came here is to ask you something. I hope you can tell the truth."

"Ask something? What's the matter? Why don't you tell me and listen!"

"Seven days ago, you went to the dim sum shop next to the city lord's mansion and bought some dim sum. I wonder if you gave the dim sum to others?"

Upon hearing this, Li Zi giggled immediately. "You are really interesting. Of course I buy dim sum for myself. Why do you give it to others? You won't tell me that you came here just for a pack of dim sum, right?"

Looking at Li Zi like this, it doesn't seem like she is lying.In this way, Tong Yan naturally shifted his target to the chief guard of the city lord's mansion and the deputy leader of the hunting group.

He was really not in the mood to stay here, so he thanked him and turned to leave.

But at this moment, Li Zi was a little unhappy.

"Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want. Where do you think I am, Yanliuxuan? Wendy, is he the prey you're eyeing? What are you waiting for? Eat him!"

prey?Did Wendy regard Tong Yan as prey from the very beginning?But how could a monster hook up with a demon?
(End of this chapter)

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