
Chapter 1035 Infiltrated into the barracks and locked in the dungeon?

Chapter 1035 Infiltrated into the barracks and locked in the dungeon?
The proprietress Lizi's words did not make Tong Yan angry, on the contrary, at this moment he was not only calm, but also full of smiles.

Wendy looked at Tong Yan, and then said with a smile: "Are you really not afraid that I will eat you? You dare to laugh, you are really brave."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "As the saying goes, if you die under the peony flower, you can be a ghost. If you are eaten by a beauty like you, isn't it an honor? It's a pity, you should not eat me. Don't you have any interest? Since you can see through my identity, you should also be able to feel the power of the beast in my body. Eating me will do you harm but not any benefit. How could you do such a stupid thing with your own life?"

Hearing this, Wendy immediately "giggled" and laughed.

After the laughter, she said: "That's right, you're right, I really won't eat you. But it's not because of the power of the beast in your body, but because I can't bear to eat you. You know what?" It's the first time I've seen someone like you when I grow up. When I was young, my father often told me about the world. He said that there are green mountains, green water, and The blue sky and the endless blue sea. But I am so old, but I have never had the chance to see it with my own eyes. You came from there, so instead of eating you, I will help you return To the world. But then you have to take me with you, okay?"

Tong Yan smiled lightly: "If I can return to the world smoothly, of course I don't mind taking you to see it together. But is it really because of the scenery there? I'm afraid there are other reasons?"

Wendy chuckled and said, "You're really smart, but I won't tell you the reason for now. I'll tell you after we become good friends who talk about everything."

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "Okay, then I'll just wait for that moment. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first. Farewell, two beauties!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the room.

Lizi was a little dazed now, she blinked her big beautiful eyes, and then asked Wendy: "Wendy, he is really not your prey? Then why did you bring him here?"

Wendy laughed and said: "To get to know him, I already know him now. Oh, why did I forget to ask his name. Look at my brain, I'm really getting more and more confused. But it's okay, I don't think it will take long , I will definitely meet him again. And this may be the so-called fate!"

Hearing this, Li Zi curled her lips and said, "Fate? I think you are Sichun!"

Wendy smiled shyly and said, "Oh, why are you still making fun of him? He's ashamed to see others." She put her lovely face in her hands and smiled foolishly.This smile was indeed beautiful, but Tong Yan didn't see it.

At this time, he had already left Yanliu Xuan, and set off for his next goal.

There are six-winged demons sitting in the city lord's mansion. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, he decided to go to the beast hunting group to find the deputy leader Baru who had bought a snack seven days ago.

The beast who ruined Nasha and caused her to commit suicide must be a man.Now it can be confirmed that the proprietress of Yanliuxuan did not give the snacks to others, so the suspicion of the deputy commander of the beast hunting group, Balu, and the chief guard in the city lord's mansion became more and more serious.

Thinking of Nasha's innocent and lovely smile that day, Tong Yan's anger surged instantly.Even such a kind and beautiful girl has the heart to kill her, this beast is really unforgivable.No matter what kind of background or strength this beast has, he must avenge Nasha's revenge.

Although the barracks of the beast hunting group were not as grand and strong as the city lord's mansion, they were not inferior in terms of security.As the only army in Sky Demon City, the Beast Hunting Squad has thousands of people. The weakest one is the two-winged demons, and the strongest one has reached the level of the six-winged demons. Of course, the six-winged demons only have the power of God one person.Although there are few six-winged demons, there are still many four-winged demons.

There are more than 50 four-winged demons in a hunting group, and Simon is the leader.The other four-winged demons serve as deputy commanders, captains, and vice-captains.

The deputy commander Tong Yan was looking for was called Balu, and he was a four-winged demon.

There are five deputy commanders in the entire beast hunting group.Regardless of qualifications and strength, they are stronger than the commander Simon.But Simon also has one of the biggest advantages, and that is youth.What does it mean to be young? Youth means no upper limit, full of hope.

Everyone thought that Simon's achievement would not be lower than that of the leader, Shenwei, so the city lord made an exception and promoted him to be the leader.Otherwise, with Simon's qualifications, he should be a captain or vice-captain.

Being trampled under by a younger generation, these four-winged demons of the beast hunting group were of course unwilling and resentful.But they can't help it. Who calls someone a celebrity in front of the city lord and the leader?Even if they are not convinced, they can only hold the bad breath in their stomachs. As for when and whether it will explode, it is unknown.

It is certainly not difficult to find the barracks of the hunting group.There is not a demon in the entire Tianmo City who does not know where the barracks of the beast hunting group is. Tong Yan just asked casually, and he came outside the courtyard wall of the hunting group's barracks.

He deliberately chose a high place and looked into the courtyard.Demons often walk through the barracks, and there is also a small team responsible for patrolling.In this way, it is basically impossible to sneak in quietly.

Since there is no way to sneak in, we can only think of other ways.

Tong Yan was very patient and had been on the sidelines.After about an hour or so, several people in cloaks suddenly walked over from a distance.Seeing that they were pushing the wooden cart, and there was food in the cart, it is estimated that [-]% of them were people who delivered food to the hunting group.

Tong Yan thought for a while, then raised his legs and walked over quickly.

A few minutes later, the food delivery team finally entered the barracks of the hunting group, and Tong Yan was in the team.

"Master... my lord, I have brought you in, can you let me go? I have to deliver food, why don't you go to the kitchen with me?"

In the team, Tong Yan wore a cloak and stood next to a demon next to him.After taking a closer look, he found that under the cloak, he was tightly clasping the arm of the demon next to him.

It was precisely because of this that the devil agreed to bring him into the camp of the hunting group.But even though he came in, he didn't know where the deputy commander named Baru was?You can't find them one by one, tent by room, can you?

"My friend, I don't mean anything malicious. I just want to come here to find someone. You have to worry about whether you can find him. Thank you for your hard work."

As he spoke, he suddenly injected the devilish energy in his body into the body of the devil beside him.

Although the devil beside him also had devil energy, it was obviously not as powerful as Tong Yan.How could he not be afraid of the devilish energy rampaging through his body?
"My lord, who are you looking for? I often come here to deliver food, so I know some of them."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "The person I'm looking for is called Balu, the deputy leader of the hunting group. If you go here often, you must know him. Please take me to find him. As long as you see him, you will be safe."

"Balu? You want to find Deputy Commander Balu? No, I can't take you there. You may not know that guy... he was locked in a dungeon."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked in puzzlement, "Sent to the dungeon? Why?"

"Why else? This guy slept with the wife of Deputy Commander Nance, so he was locked up. I heard that he will be given a heavy sentence."

Tong Yan thought to himself: "Slept with someone else's wife? Then this guy must be a womanizer. Could it be that he was the one who committed crimes against Nasha?"

That's fine, as long as he sneaks into the dungeon and finds Baru, he can avenge Nasha.

But how did he know that the dungeon of this hunting group is not simple, just because... just because there is a very powerful thing imprisoned in it.

What is it?Has a great relationship with him...

(End of this chapter)

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