
Chapter 1036 Talk behind the wall, nonsense?

Chapter 1036 Talk behind the wall, nonsense?
In any case, he would go in and take a look at this dungeon.He now regards Baru as the most likely murderer to persecute Nasha, and the truth will be revealed as soon as he sees it, of course he will not stop there.

"Friend, do you know where that dungeon is?"

Hearing this, the demon man next to him couldn't help trembling all over, and then asked in a low voice: "You... are you going to enter the dungeon? Jiu Ke can’t get out. My lord, I don’t know what kind of quarrel you have with Nabalu’s deputy commander. Now that he has ended up in this situation, your revenge is considered revenge, so why bother to take risks?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "You are wrong, Nabalu and I have no deep hatred. The reason why I want to find him is to investigate a matter. And this matter is related to Miss Nasha's about death."

Upon hearing the name Nasha, the face of the demon next to him was full of surprise. "Nasa? Didn't she commit suicide? What else do you want to investigate?"

Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "Do you really think that's the case? She chose to commit suicide because she was persecuted and forced to do nothing. And the person who spoiled her is very likely this Balu."

Tong Yan didn't want to hide anything, on the contrary, after he investigated clearly, he would make this matter public and give Nasha justice.This was the only thing he could do for Nasha, so no matter how difficult it was and how much risk he had to take, he had to do it.

It seems that this devil knows Nasha.And after hearing what Tong Yan said, anger was evident on his face.

"I just said how could a girl as good as Nasha commit suicide? It turns out that's the case, we were all deceived. My lord, since you are seeking justice for Nasha, I will definitely help you. I know the dungeon Where, after I send the dishes into the kitchen, I will take you there quietly."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was very pleased.Although demons are monsters in the eyes of ordinary people, they can also distinguish between good and evil, and they can fight against injustice.Just like Naya and Nasha, they are the representatives of the kind demons, and they are Tong Yan's saviors.In order to repay their life-saving grace, even if Tong Yan died here, he would not hesitate.

"My friend, I will thank you on Nasha's behalf."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do. You may not know that my son has played with Nasha since he was a child. They grew up together. I thought Nasha would become my daughter-in-law? Who would have thought, she She has encountered such a catastrophe. That child is kind-hearted, and those who harmed her must be punished. Otherwise, what justice is there in this world? My lord, I will try my best to help you."

Hearing such words from the devil's mouth, Tong Yan's emotions at this moment were very complicated.Perhaps the reason why the demons and demons of Asura Dao fight against gods and gods is not all for their own selfish desires?Right and wrong, good and evil, probably not as simple as it seems on the surface.

But what did it matter to him?He'd better try to get into the dungeon and find that damned Baloo.

With the help of this demon, Tong Yan came to the gate of the dungeon guarded by the hunting group.It's just that there are eight double-winged demons guarding the door, and it is really difficult to sneak into it.However, the difficulty also varies from person to person. For Tong Yan, any problem is not a problem.The big deal would be to rush in, anyway, this mere double-winged demon is not his one-shot enemy at all.

But after simple consideration, he gave up the idea of ​​rushing in.Because it is easy to break in, but it is difficult to break out.Who knows if the six-winged demon Kamui will suddenly return?Coupled with the fact that this is the base camp of the hunting group, even if he could kill him, it might not be enough to fight against the whole hunting group.

Finally, he decided to use magic energy to display a supernatural power.That is transposition!If he could directly transfer to the dungeon, wouldn't there be no problems?

After all, the distance that can be shifted is limited. What if the dungeon is too deep and he ends up caught in a rock crevice?
But he couldn't think of any other good way besides shifting shape.Wait, he almost forgot, he can use the technique of earth escape.

Although this is the path of Asura, there is also soil on the ground.As long as there is soil, the technique of earth escape can be performed.As for the tool spirit for performing the earth escape technique, he can use eight golden luan to act as it. Although the spiritual power of the eight golden luan is limited, his strength is obviously much stronger than before.In this way, a conservative estimate, the depth of 300 meters should not be a problem.

With an idea in mind, he didn't delay any longer, and immediately began to draw an array in a hidden place close to the entrance of the dungeon.

After drawing the formation, he immediately ordered the eight golden luans to guard one side to strengthen the power of the formation for him, and then directly activated the formation, which disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, he had already reached the depths of the ground.But what he didn't expect was that the distance he teleported this time was a thousand meters deep.He still underestimated his own strength, and now he has actually completely surpassed the realm of human immortals and successfully entered the realm of earth immortals.

Although the thunder tribulation that day almost killed him, he survived after all.In this way, even if he has no real energy, his strength is still in the realm of the immortal.

Otherwise, how could he easily instantly kill a monster that is stronger than the four-winged demon after obtaining the magic energy?In the final analysis, it is not that the devilish energy is more powerful than the true energy, this can only be said to be one aspect, and the most important thing is that he has survived the thunder disaster and achieved the realm of the earth fairy.It's just that he doesn't know it yet, otherwise he would have been happy in his heart.

I have to say that this dungeon is too big and too deep.He has escaped a thousand meters deep, and he is still in the dungeon.

Here is a dark corridor, winding and I don't know where it leads.Of course, he didn't know much about this dungeon. If he wanted to find Balu who was imprisoned here, he could only look for it cell by cell.

Occasionally a cell appeared on both sides of this corridor, but it was empty and no prisoners were held.

He continued to search, and unknowingly came to the end of this corridor.

"Is it the end? It seems that I have gone out of the way." He shook his head helplessly, turned around and was about to walk back.

However, at this moment, a vicissitudes of life sound came from behind the stone wall at the end of the corridor.

"Young man, since you're here, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Why don't you have a chat with the old man?"

Hearing this, he couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.At the end of the corridor, there is clearly no one around, nothing, so what's the matter with this sound?Is there another cell behind this stone wall?
He hesitated for a while, and then responded: "I have something else to do, I'm afraid I can't chat with you. Farewell!"

After speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.Before he figured out the situation, he didn't want to meddle in his own business.It has nothing to do with him whether there is a cell behind the stone wall, or whether there are any prisoners.It is better to find Baru earlier and find out the truth about Nasha's murder.

But what shocked him was that there was another voice from behind the stone wall. Not only that, the words that came this time were actually related to him.

"Skywalker, do you know why you came to Asura Road? Do you really think it's just a coincidence? To tell you the truth, you actually came here a long, long time ago."

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan's eyes widened suddenly.Has he been here long ago?What the hell is going on here?

(End of this chapter)

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