
Chapter 1037 Full of nonsense?The return of Kamui!

Chapter 1037 Full of nonsense?Kamui returns!
In fact, the latter sentence alone was not enough to attract Tong Yan's attention, but the title of Skywalker made it impossible for him to ignore it.It's true that he is a Skywalker, but how would people in the Asura Way know this?

He thought for a while, and finally couldn't help asking: " know my identity?"

Soon there was a response from Shibihou, "That's right, I do know your identity. Besides, I know a lot of things. What's the matter? Are you interested in chatting with me now?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly and said, "How do you know this? Who are you?"

As soon as his words fell, there was a sound of laughter immediately behind the stone wall. "Human? Haha... I'm not a human, I'm a god!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's heart trembled.god?Is the guy behind the stone wall really a god?But how could the majestic God stay here?And obviously, this god may have lost his freedom. To put it bluntly, he was imprisoned here.Can gods be imprisoned too?This is too incredible, right?

As for whether what this guy said is true or not, Tong Yan is still not sure.But he really wanted to know what this guy meant just now.

"You just said that I have been here a long time ago, but this is obviously my first time here. You can't just make up a lie just to let me stay, right?"

"Lies? Hehe... Do you think it is necessary for me to do this? I just think you are so pitiful that you have forgotten everything. Think about how majestic you were back then, killing all directions and invincible, but I didn't expect that you You actually ended up in this field today. But you asked for all of this, and you are lucky that you didn't lose your soul."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense in front of me, do you think I will believe it? Tell me, what exactly did you ask me to do? Could it be that you want me to release you?"

"You're right, I do wish you would let me out. Well, would you?"

When Tong Yan heard this, he immediately burst out laughing. "Let you come out? You are so naive, I don't even know who you are, why should I rescue you? Besides, since you claim to be a god, you should break out of the shackles by yourself. I have something to do, so I won't accompany you. Farewell!" After saying that, he turned and left.

"Haha... let's go, you will come back one day. And, it shouldn't be too late. I'm waiting for you! Haha..."

Tong Yan didn't intend to stay any longer, so he quickened his pace and left here quickly.

The reason why he didn't stay any longer was very simple, because the guy behind the stone wall didn't tell the truth at all.Maybe that guy does have some skills, but he really doesn't have the mood to deal with a guy who talks nonsense.

After all, his purpose of coming here is only to find the detained Baru, as for other matters, it is better for him not to ask a little less.Besides, the demon who delivered the food told him that it is said that a very powerful thing is imprisoned in this dungeon.He couldn't avoid it, how could he chat with an unknown person in this dungeon?He didn't eat the mutton, but instead he made a fuss, so he wouldn't be full.

Passing through this promenade, an upward step appeared in front of it.Without hesitation, he immediately climbed up the steps and hurried up.

After about ten minutes like this, a stone door appeared at the end of the steps.

He walked to the stone gate and pushed it a few times, but he didn't expect that the stone gate was not only thick, but also seemed to be blocked by something on the other side of the stone gate.In this way, it is impossible to push the stone door open simply by brute force.

At this moment, he has realized that he has teleported a little too deep by using the earth escape technique. The place he was just now is probably the deepest part of this dungeon, and it has been abandoned.The reason for making such a guess is simple, because the cells encountered along the way are all empty.He didn't even see a single prisoner, except for the bullshit guy at the end of the corridor.

Now there is a closed stone door blocking the way. It is obvious that this place has been sealed, and I don't want people to get close.

If you want to leave here, you must break the stone gate, or find another way.But here is such a big place, and the possibility of finding another way is basically zero, so we can only use our supernatural powers and try our best to smash this stone door.

It's a pity that the Vajra Subduing Demon Pestle and Taishan Blade are not by his side, otherwise, what is this mere stone gate?

He took a deep breath, clenched his right fist and took a horse stance.The Potian Fist is the strongest magical power he can use now, so he decided to use the Potian Fist to smash the stone door.

But when he was concentrating on dealing with this stone gate, he did not expect that Shenwei, the leader of the hunting group, returned to the hunting group with his followers.

It took a year for the team leader to return, so the whole hunting team naturally had to line up to welcome him.

Simon dressed up a bit today, and even put on a set of worn-out armor.Several places on the armor have been damaged, and it is also stained with the blood of many monsters.The reason why he chose this set of armor is self-evident.He deliberately showed it to the head of the group, Shenwei, to let Shenwei understand that this year, as the commander, he has been diligently defending the Heavenly Demon City, and he dare not claim credit for it. At least his position as the commander can be more secure.

Compared with his deliberate efforts, the other deputy commanders completely ignored this point. They also dressed up carefully, but they were all wearing brand new armor.The commander wears the old armor, and the deputy commander wears the new armor. The result is self-evident who can please the leader Shenwei more.

Standing in front of the gate of the barracks, Simon puffed out his chest. Unknowingly, he really regarded him as a hero, but in fact, he was a heinous scum.

There were originally five deputy commanders in total, but because Balu was arrested, only four deputy commanders were left to greet them this time.

The four vice-commanders and Simon seemed to be at odds, and when they saw that he had put on a suit of broken armor that he hadn't worn for a long time, the four of them were not fools, so of course they were a little annoyed.

"Simon, I remember that you don't usually wear this set of armor? Why did you pick up the armor you had thrown away and put it back on today? What's the matter, you want to tell Captain Shenwei that the Heavenly Demon City has been here for this year. The reason why you can be safe and peaceful is all thanks to you, right?"

Faced with the questioning, Simon didn't take it seriously.He raised his head high, and said proudly: "Deputy Commander Tenge, why can't I understand what you are talking about? Which set of armor to wear is my own business, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?" What’s more, the head of Shenwei has already met the Lord of the City, who has the most credit, I think the Lord of the City should have told the head of the Shenwei. If you want credit, you should work hard to hunt a few more powerful ones Warcraft, it’s better than playing lip service here, right?”

Hearing that, the deputy commander immediately said angrily: "You..."

But before he could finish speaking, Captain Shenwei flew majestically from a distance with his entourage.

Seeing this, Simon hurriedly flew up, and was the first to meet Captain Shenwei.Seeing this, the other four deputy commanders did not dare to delay and followed.

Tong Yan, who was in the dungeon, was most afraid of the leader of the hunting group, Shenwei, but he didn't expect this guy to return to the barracks at this time.

As a result, a contest between the strong seems to be inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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