
Chapter 1039 Find out the truth, head-on collision!

Chapter 1039 Find out the truth, head-on collision!
The resentful Deputy Commander Nansi finally entered the dungeon, but after a long time he came to Baru's prison door.

"Balu, you bastard, are you still alive?"

As soon as he heard the voice of Deputy Commander Nance, he stood up as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

"I'm alive, I'm alive. Nance, I'm sorry for you. Please, just let me go. I'll give you everything, just let me out. I can't stay here for a moment." Let me out, let me out. Please..."

Hearing this, Deputy Commander Nance gritted his teeth and said, "If I knew today, why bother? Baru, you just violated my wife. Do you think I can forgive you? Let me tell you, you are dead!"

Upon hearing this, Balu hurriedly begged: "Even if I die, I don't want to die here. Nance, let me out. Do you know? The monster that has been imprisoned for thousands of years has awakened. I just heard When he smashes the door, if you don’t let me out, then we will all die.”

When Deputy Commander Nance heard this, he burst out laughing. "Balu, why do you want to make up such a lie if you want to go out? Let me tell you the truth, the leader is back, and he asked me to mention you. It seems that your death is not far away. Who is the leader? , I think you know better than anyone else."

Having said that, he directly opened the solid prison door.When Balu inside saw it, he was about to rush out the door.

But before Balu came out, he stopped him again.

"Didn't you say that the head of the group wants to see me? What else are you stopping me for?"

Deputy Commander Nance sneered and said, "You are too naive to just go to see the regiment leader like this. Baru, although I can't execute you directly, I can still make you suffer a little bit."

As he spoke, before Baloo could react, he raised his hand and punched him.

This punch was not only extremely accurate, but also powerful.After hitting Balu's face with his fist, Balu let out a scream and fell heavily to the ground.

Nance is now full of anger, and without giving Baloo a chance to fight back, he rushed forward with fists and kicks.

Baloo was a little dazed by his punch just now, so he really had no power to fight back.

Nance beat him hard and didn't stop until he was out of breath from exhaustion.

Looking at Balu again, he has been beaten to the point of bleeding, and although he hasn't passed out yet, he is still in a state of insanity.

Nance wiped off the blood on his hands, snorted coldly and said, "Balu, now you can go to see the regiment leader. Come with me!" As soon as he finished speaking, he was about to bring up Balu who had fallen to the ground. Lu.

Unexpectedly, the impact of "Tong Tong" suddenly sounded at this moment.

Hearing this sound, Difficult Death couldn't help frowning.He looked in the direction where the voice came from, and suddenly remembered what Baloo said just now.

"Balu, is everything you said true? Is that damn thing really going to come out?"

Baloo's eyes were already staring at him, how could he hear his words.

Nance calmed down a little, and finally mustered up the courage to walk in the direction of the sound.

After a while, he came to the stone gate sealed by the forbidden area.Seeing that the stone door was full of cracks, he didn't dare to stay, he turned around and fled in fright.

As for Baloo, he was still lying on the ground, unable to move.

Behind the stone door, Tong Yan began to smash the door frantically again.After several consecutive punches, Shimen was finally on the verge of breaking.

He didn't continue to use the Heaven Breaking Fist, because it consumed too much of his magic energy.Anyway, the stone gate is already covered with cracks, as long as it is pierced through a little, the stone gate will be shattered.

Mobilizing the demon energy, he directly hit the Shao Chong sword with a move.

Hearing only the sound of "噗", Shao Chongjian lived up to expectations and easily broke through the stone gate.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he kicked out with a slap in the face.With a loud bang, the solid stone gate finally shattered.

He breathed a sigh of relief, reached out to wipe the sweat off his forehead, and then walked out through the broken stone gate.

There are two stone pillars at the back of the stone gate, no wonder it is so strong.But these two stone pillars are also broken now, so naturally Tong Yan can no longer be trapped.

What he has to do now is to look for that Baru and ask him about dim sum.As long as this matter is figured out, which beast violated Nasha, the truth will naturally come to light.

It's just that he didn't know that Nance had already hurriedly reported to the head of the team, Shenwei.So next, he had to face the powerful six-winged demon.

As soon as he passed the corner, he saw Balu lying on the ground.

Baru's wounds all over his body must be the prisoners here.Without hesitation, he immediately walked to the front quickly.

"Hey, who are you? Can you hear me? Hello?"

He kicked with his feet while asking.

After waiting for so long, Baloo finally woke up.When he saw the stranger standing beside him, he couldn't help feeling puzzled.

"You... who are you? Why are you here?"

Hearing him speak, Tong Yan immediately said coldly: "I ask who you are, answer my question!"

"I... My name is Baru. Who are you? Are you a prisoner here? But why haven't I seen you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's eyes flashed coldly, and then he said fiercely: "So you are Balu, and I finally found you. Tell me, did you go to the pastry shop next to the City Lord's Mansion to buy some pastries seven days ago?"

Seeing that Tong Yan kept questioning himself, Balu immediately said with some displeasure: "Who the hell are you? Why should I answer your question?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan grabbed out his claws suddenly, and clasped it directly on Balu's neck, and instantly exerted force to lift him up abruptly.

"If you don't want to die, just answer me honestly. Otherwise, I will kill you now!"

He was beaten up by Nansi just now, and now he is threatened by a stranger.Baloo's heart was more bitter than eating Coptis chinensis, but he couldn't help it. Who told him to be afraid of death?
He patted Tong Yan's hand, motioning Tong Yan to let go of his throat.

Tong Yan understood, and immediately put him on the ground.

"Cough cough...cough days days ago I did go to a dim sum shop to buy some dim sum. But why are you asking this?"

Hearing his own answer, Tong Yan's eyes became even more murderous.

"Say, is it you who violated Nasha? You bastard, she is still a child, and she is so kind. How can you bear to treat her like this?"

Speaking of this, Tong Yan's whole body's devilish energy unconsciously spread out, and his eyes glowed red because of anger.

"'s not me, I didn't hurt Miss Nasha. I...I bought dim sum because...someone asked me to buy it."

"Others? Who?"

"Commander Simon, Commander Simon asked me to buy it. He said he was going to visit Naya, so after I finished buying the snacks, I gave them to him. By the way, Commander Simon has already taken a fancy to Miss Nasha. "

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned deeply.

If Baru hadn't lied, the person who killed Nasha was probably Simon.

Just as he was about to ask Balu for a few more details, he never thought that a red light would suddenly shoot from the direction of the exit.

As soon as Tong Yan noticed it, he instantly used the Yiyang sword and went straight to meet him.

Only a sound of "Dang" was heard, and the two red lights collided, canceling each other out.

At the same time, several demons also walked over quickly from not far away.

The person in charge is none other than the six-winged demon Shenwei!

(End of this chapter)

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