
Chapter 1040 The situation is unfavorable, crazy idea!

Chapter 1040 The situation is unfavorable, crazy idea!

Even though Tong Yan was apprehensive about this majesty, since they had bumped into each other head-on, they could only meet for a while.

Shenwei stared at Tong Yan, and immediately asked, "Who are you? Why are you in the dungeon of my hunting group?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "I'm only here to investigate a murder case. Don't be nervous, I'll leave after the investigation."

Upon hearing this, Shenwei couldn't help laughing coldly. "It's so funny. Where do you think my beast hunting team's dungeon is? Do you come and leave whenever you want? You'd better tell the truth, otherwise, I can only treat you as a spy of the enemy country and beheaded for public display." .”

The enemy country refers to the Dou Tian Kingdom.Although the Demon God Kingdom and the Doutian Kingdom seem to be calm on the surface, they have already sent spies (spies) to each other to inquire about each other's reality.Sooner or later, the two countries will go to war. If you know the strength of the other side, you can prepare in advance and be prepared for the war.

Shenwei's speculation is actually not unreasonable, after all, Tong Yan doesn't look like a local demon.

Hearing what Shenwei said, Tong Yan could only shake his head and smiled, "A spy? No, I'm not a so-called spy. I really came here to investigate a murder case, and the suspect in this murder case is a member of your hunting team." People. Of course I really want to come in through the main entrance to investigate, but will your hunting group agree? Absolutely not. It is precisely because of this that I can only sneak in quietly. Believe it or not. I don’t expect you to Hand over the murderer, after all, this is a disgrace to your hunting group. So, I can only investigate by myself, and then I will personally tear the sinner into pieces."

After all, Shenwei is the head of the beast hunting group. If he was insidious and cunning, he would not be able to win the support and love of the people in the city.Hearing what Tong Yan said, he faintly felt that it was not simple. Maybe the so-called murderer was really a member of the hunting group.

Thinking of this, he asked, "You've been talking about a murder case, what kind of murder case is it? Is it from my Heavenly Demon City?"

Tong Yan nodded, and then said loudly: "That's right, this murder happened in your Heavenly Demon City. Not only that, it is also related to a certain leader of your hunting group."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.The leaders of the hunting group are all here now, one orthodox leader and five deputy leaders.

Since Tong Yan said that it was related to a certain leader, the murderer must be among the six people.

Although Simon is very calm on the surface now, he is already extremely nervous in his heart.He recognized Tong Yan at a glance, plus Tong Yan knew Nasha and Naya, so he probably guessed that Tong Yan came here for Nasha's death.

And why did Nasha die?He knows it better than anyone else.

Shenwei swept across the faces of several commanders, and then asked Tong Yan again: "You haven't said what kind of murder it is, but based on your one-sided words, you put the murderer's charge on my beast hunting team. .Do you think I'll believe it?"

Tong Yan sneered and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely make it clear. Seven days ago, a girl named Nasha in the city committed suicide. You should know about this, right? But do you Do you know why Miss Nasha committed suicide? Because someone raped her, so she was forced to death! She is so kind, and she is not yet an adult, but the beast didn't care at all, and cruelly ruined her. Weight, can you get away with it? Let me tell you, no matter what the status of that beast is, I must seek justice for the dead Nasha."

As soon as this remark came out, several commanders were all stunned on the spot.

Shenwei's frown became deeper and deeper. After thinking for a while, he confirmed to Tong Yan: "Are you sure that the child was raped by others before he died? Do you have evidence?"

Tong Yan said coldly: "Of course I have, not only that, I also have evidence pointing to the murderer."

"Murderer? Who is the murderer you are talking about?"

Tong Yan's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he stretched out his finger and pointed directly at Simon.

"It's him, Simon, the leader of your hunting group!"

As soon as Simon heard this, he immediately denied it: "It's not me, it's not me! Don't talk nonsense. Do you have evidence? Do you have evidence? I think you are a spy from the enemy country. Dirty water splashed on me. Commander, you must not trust him, he just wants to frame me and take the opportunity to get rid of me. You must not fall for his tricks. Commander..."

As soon as Shenwei was about to speak, Tong Yan said first: "Simon, as the saying goes, if you want people to know you have to do nothing. You have been coveting Miss Nasha for a long time, and this is probably known by everyone? Commander Lu bought you snacks, and you went to visit Naya and Nasha with the snacks. But Naya was in a coma because of being bitten by a monster. So you threatened Naya's life and forcibly ruined Naya. Sarah. Then you left quietly and took some snacks. Nasha chose to die because she didn't want to be caught by you again. If it wasn't for your atrocities, how could she commit suicide? So you are the murderer who killed her, you You must pay for her life!"

Facing Tong Yan's forceful questioning, Simon gradually lost his composure.He swallowed dryly, thought for a while, and then quibbled: "You said I went to Naya's house, yes, I did. But I didn't touch Nasha at all, I just went to see her. You said I went to Naya's house. I violated her, what evidence do you have? Just because I have been to her house, you can conclude that I violated her? Maybe after I left, someone went to her house again? Maybe the person who violated her was the one who came later What about you? You weren’t there at the time, so what’s the difference between you and someone who sprayed blood just based on speculation?”

Tong Yan had to admit that he really underestimated this Simon.Even though this guy was flustered, his sophistry was very convincing.Going to Nasha's house really doesn't mean anything, it can only be said that there is suspicion, but the chain of evidence is not complete.

This is the path of Asura, which is different from the human world.In the human world, as long as the body is examined, the murderer can be identified through clues such as hair and semen spots, and then DNA testing.

But here, even if there is dried blood, it may be difficult to use it as evidence to accuse the murderer.

In this way, the originally good situation suddenly turned around, and Tong Yan seemed to see the complacency in Simon's eyes.

Is it really possible to only know who the murderer is and let him get away with it?In that case, what is the difference between being blind and blind?
Tong Yan thought quickly in his mind, there must be something else that could be used as evidence.But the more this happened, the more he couldn't think of anything.

"What? Don't you have anything to say? Just based on your speculation, you believe that the leader of my hunting group killed Nasha girl. Isn't this too arbitrary? If you can't hold any evidence, then we It’s time to talk about other things too. Who are you? Why did you come to my Heavenly Demon City? What’s your relationship with that trapped old thing? Answer me immediately, otherwise, don’t blame my subordinates for being ruthless!”

Tong Yan's situation became more and more difficult, and the anger in his heart quickly surged.

A bold idea gradually emerged in his mind, that is to kill everyone here!

(End of this chapter)

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