
Chapter 1041 He deserved what he deserved, and was buried with him?

Chapter 1041 He deserved what he deserved, and was buried with him?
Facing the hostile gazes of Shenwei, Simon and others, Tong Yan showed a sneer.

"It seems that you would rather believe this bastard than me, right? I have made it very clear that he was the one who killed Nasha. I really can't come up with any stronger evidence, but he has already I admit that he did go to Nasha's house that night. Based on this alone, he cannot escape suspicion. I don't want to say anything more, but if you insist on protecting the murderer, then I can only do it myself and eliminate the harm for the people. "

Having said that, the devilish energy in his whole body quickly spread out, and a pair of red eyes stared at Simon firmly.

After being stared at by him, Simon immediately backed away unconsciously because of his guilty conscience, and obediently hid behind Shenwei.

But even so, this guy still said arrogantly: "Stinky boy, you really think of yourself as a person. This is a hunting group, and you can't tolerate your presumptuousness here. Let me tell you, those who are sensible will immediately kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe our regiment leader can leave you a whole corpse, otherwise, you will be waiting to be chopped into pieces."

Shenwei looked at Tong Yan, and said in the same cold voice: "You don't pay any attention to my questions, but you still insist on Nasha's death. You also said that she committed suicide. Since it was suicide, what's the point?" The word murderer? I don't care who you are, but you have to understand that this is a hunting group. Whoever wants to play wild here, he had better weigh how much he has, and don't shoot himself in the foot. If you persist in your obsession, then I can only punish you on the spot."

Tong Yan glared at Simon fiercely, then smiled at Shenwei: "Really? Then I want to see how capable your hunting team is. Let me tell you, I will kill this beast today! "

Hearing this, Shenwei furiously said: "You are really stubborn, you want to play wild in my hunting group, then I can only let you taste the power of my hunting group." As soon as he finished speaking, he stopped talking Yan, stepped forward with a stride, threw his fist at Tong Yan.

Tong Yan didn't flinch, and also punched out his right fist to meet him.

The two fists met, and with a loud "snap", the two immediately retreated respectively.

It's just that Tong Yan took five steps back, but Shenwei only took three steps back.

Although this was only the first round of the contest, it was clear that Shenwei's cultivation was slightly stronger than Tong Yan's.

Tong Yan was naturally very clear in his heart, but the level of cultivation could not completely represent the outcome.The two are fighting for their lives, and the person with a high cultivation level does have a lot of advantages, but the two points of supernatural powers and magic weapons cannot be ignored.If he can take the lead in supernatural powers and magic weapons, this divine power is not invincible.

He studies Shenwei here, so why isn't Shenwei studying him?One must know that Shenwei hadn't met an opponent for a long time. In this day of Demon City, there was no one who could perform three moves in his hands, let alone someone who could not get injured in a fist fight with him.

Although Tong Yan seemed to have taken two steps back than him, Tong Yan was breathing steadily and did not appear injured, which meant that it was impossible for him to defeat Tong Yan within three moves.Besides, if he was a little careless, he might be in danger of losing to Tong Yan.

Shenwei's expression was a little dignified, and then he said coldly: "You can take my heavy punch, it seems that you are really capable. But even so, you don't want to escape from my hunting group today. Get ready to accept the attack !"

But before he could make another move, Tong Yan used the five-finger sword first.It's not rude to come and go, he was the one who took the initiative to attack last round, and now it's Tong Yan's turn to fight back.

The most powerful feature of the Five Fingers Excalibur is that it is fast, as fast as lightning, and it is hard to guard against when it is unprepared.

Taking advantage of Shenwei's nonsense, Tong Yan's five-finger sword struck out at the same time.The five qi swords were like red lightning, and they were shot in front of Shenwei in the blink of an eye.

When Shenwei saw it, his eyes widened immediately, there was no way to hide, and he immediately turned sideways to avoid the vital point.

He heard a few "Dangdang" sounds, and all the five-finger swords hit him.If it wasn't for his armor protection, he might have been shot with five holes.

Tong Yan didn't give him a chance to catch his breath, and struck out the five-finger sword again. At the same time, he changed his fingering, quickly forming a five-star seal, and then shouted: "The power of the five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint; separation is solitary, and unity is strength." "The sword formula has the way, and the sword god is respected; the sword is governed by the heart, and the sword soul is born; the five elements are the sword, and the sword is the five elements; both offensive and defensive, the sword formation is self-contained. Trapped!"

As soon as the word "sleepy" came out, the five-finger swords that were fired immediately chased each other, and in the blink of an eye, a big net with shining sword lights was laid on the top of Shenwei's head.

As soon as Shenwei noticed it, his expression changed, and he didn't dare to delay, he directly used the six wings on his back to protect himself firmly.

But how did he know that Tong Yan's original intention was not to kill him, but to take advantage of the moment when the five-element sword formation trapped him to get rid of Simon.

As long as Simon died, Nasha's vengeance would be avenged. At that time, there was no need for Tong Yan to stay in Tianmo City, he just fled here.

Seeing that the head of the group, Shenwei, was at a disadvantage, Simon and the others turned around and wanted to run away if they dared to stay here.

Tong Yan caught sight of Simon, and immediately resorted to transposition.

Simon was the fastest to escape, but before he could take a few steps, he felt a pain in his chest. Then, a claw pierced his back to his chest, making it difficult for him to move.The sharp pain in his chest became more and more clear, and he finally couldn't help letting out a scream.

"Ah... ah... save me... Captain, save me..."

Tong Yan grabbed his chest hard a few times, and then said fiercely: "Beast, your regiment leader can't save you, no one can save you. From the moment you cruelly hurt Nasha, you are doomed to pay A painful price. You will die if you do many injustices, this is what you deserve!"

When Simon heard this, he was completely terrified, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Hero, spare your life...please! I admit that I violated Nasha. But at that time... I really didn't expect her to commit suicide. I love her , I really love her. But she refuses to accept me, but still seduces me, what can I do? If she hadn't seduced me, I would never have violated her. Hero, besides, even if I ruined Killing her is not enough to cause death. I beg you to spare my life, and let me repent in this prison for the rest of my life!"

Tong Yan has seen many brazen beasts, but such a completely devoid of humanity like Simon is really rare.At this point, he still wants to shirk responsibility and slander Nasha for seducing him.

Tong Yan was really angry, he would never let such a beast stay in the world.Without further words, he clenched his other hand into a fist and punched Simon hard on the head.

Hearing a "bang", Simon's head was like a smashed watermelon, and the red and white liquid inside immediately splashed out.

The villain finally got the punishment he deserved, but the kind and innocent Nasha never came back.

Thinking of Nasha's innocent smiling face that day, Tong Yan's heart felt like being pricked by a needle.

"Nasa, I have finally avenged you. You can rest in peace now. Go all the way!" After speaking, he withdrew his hand, and Simon, who died tragically, immediately fell heavily into a pool of blood.

Seeing this, the deputy commanders nearby were all dumbfounded and trembling all over.

In less than three seconds, a majestic four-winged demon... was killed just like that.

Tong Yan's powerful strength has been fully revealed, how can such a powerful combat power not make people tremble?
But at this moment, with a loud "boom", Shenwei, who was trapped by the Five Elements Sword Formation, rushed out.

He glanced at Simon who was lying in a pool of blood, and immediately roared loudly: "You don't know how to live or die, you dare to kill my only disciple, today I must let you be buried with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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