
Chapter 1043 It's actually one person, from a previous life?

Chapter 1043 Is actually a person, the origin of the previous life?

"You and I are already inextricably linked. Why is it so strange that I can enter your dream? In fact, I have wanted to bring you here a long time ago, but I have never had the chance. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for the curse. Without this curse, our meeting would have been postponed for a while. But everything is predestined, and you and I will meet each other eventually. "

"Time can make people forget a lot of things, and reincarnation can make people lose themselves. Just because you don't remember it doesn't mean you haven't had such a past, and just because you're new to this place doesn't mean you've never been here. Many things are not seen by the naked eye. It’s as simple as it is. False is true, true is also false, true and false all depend on your heart.”

"I brought you here so that you could remember something. Obviously, you don't. But it's okay, my hard work was not in vain, at least you know how to get here. I think it won't be long before you will really return here. By then, maybe you will be able to remember everything."

"Maybe you're right. If possible, I don't want you to come back here. But there are some things that you can't control. Anyway, I've told you what I want to say. I'll just Here, if you come, come to me. At that time, I will tell you who I am!"


The above is what the ten-winged demon said to Tong Yan in his dream on Sea God Island that day.He couldn't remember these words for a while.

But when he came into contact with the ball of light on the statue, he remembered all these words.

He slowly opened his eyes, only then did he realize that he was actually in a hazy space.

But here, he saw a person, a person who was both strange and somewhat familiar.This person was dressed in white and had a tall and straight figure. Although his back was turned to him, he could still be sure that this person had a good appearance.He just stood there, his whole body exuded a faint golden light, as dazzling as a star.

Looking at this person, he suddenly remembered something.That was many years ago. In order to enter the relics of gods and demons, the prince asked him to help him open the gate connecting the underworld and the relics of gods and demons on the grounds that he could save the descendants of Nuwa who had turned into stone at that time.The door was full of seals, and he couldn't break it even after several days.It wasn't until he fell asleep and saw a person in his dream that he had a flash of inspiration and countered with the arrangement of the five North Pole stars, breaking the seal and opening the door. (Appears in Chapter 514, readers who forgot can look back.)
And the person he saw in his dream that day was the person in front of him.Although it had been many years, he still remembered it clearly.Because in this person, he felt an innate sense of familiarity, as if he had known him for a long time.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, why did he see this person again?Who is this person?
He didn't have time to ask that day, but this time, he must figure it out.

Thinking of this, he immediately asked, "Who are you? Why did I see you again?"

Although the man in white still turned his back to him, he was no longer silent, but said slowly: "Because we have a great relationship, no matter how long it takes, we will see each other again."

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned slightly and said, "There is a long history? How do you say that? The last time I saw you was in front of the stone gate leading to the ruins of gods and demons. But this time, it was in front of the statue of the ten-winged demon. Are you a demon? Or are you living in the Asura realm?"

The reason why he said this is that the relics of gods and demons are part of the Asura Dao.The two times I saw this white-clothed man, it was basically equivalent to being in the realm of Asura, so he asked this question.

"Devil? You can say yes, or you can say no. As for whether I have been living in the Asura realm, it is not always true, but I have lived here for many years."

Tong Yan said lightly, and then said: "You mean, you have lived in Asura for many years. You have also become a demon, but it is different from the demons here. Am I right?"

"Yes, you can think so!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly, and immediately said: "Then who are you? Can you tell me?"

"Who am I? In fact, you should not ask me this question, but yourself. In fact, the ten-winged demon you saw is my statue. And the person who brought you here through a dream that day , it’s also me. Not only that, but I’m the one who helped you escape the thunder disaster and saved you here. As for who I am, I can only say that I am me.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan was a little embarrassed.However, he confirmed one thing, that is, the person in front of him was the one who saved him here.In addition, this person is also the ten-winged demon that the demon city has always enshrined.

In doing so, he recalled what the man had said to him last time.

After thinking for a while, he said again: "Last time in the dream, you said that I forgot a lot of things, and I have been here before? What does this mean? Also, didn't you say, wait until I come again Here, tell me, who are you?"

" are right. You have indeed been here and lived here for a long time. It's just that you can't remember it. As for who I am, I have already answered it just now. When you remember From the previous events, you will naturally know who I am. However, you can regard me as the ten-winged demon, your benefactor, or your friend. These are all fine, and it is entirely up to you.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help becoming a little nervous.Why he was nervous, he couldn't tell himself.

In the dungeon of the hunting group, the thing imprisoned behind the stone wall also said that he had been here a long time ago, and now the ten-winged demon said the same.Apparently, he did live here once.

But it can't be this life, maybe it's a past life, maybe it's a past life.In short, he must have a great relationship with this place.

But he still has a lot of things that he can't understand. If it is really the origin of the previous life, why did it come here again in this life?Is there no other reason why the Ten Winged Heavenly Demon rescued him here?

He faintly felt that things were by no means as simple as he imagined.But now, he can only ask the ten-winged demon.

"I...I want to know, is there any other reason for me to come here? If I say, I want to ask you to send me back to the world, will you help me?"

The ten-winged demon was silent for a while, and then replied: "I will help you return to the human world, but not now. You are a skywalker, and you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. The ancient demon god has awakened and will come to the human world soon. Asura Dao is his lair, don’t you want to prevent all this from happening for the sake of the people’s livelihood? Whether it’s a human or a devil, they actually don’t want to start a war. , wouldn't it be better if you could nip this war, war in the bud? You said there was no other reason why I brought you here, yes, that's the main reason I brought you here ! I hope you can stop the ancient demon gods in the Asura Dao, so that both the Asura Dao and the human world can be saved from disasters."

Stop the ancient demon god?Tong Yan was shocked all of a sudden.It is true that he is a skywalker, but how can he stop the ancient demon god?But it seemed that he had no choice.

(End of this chapter)

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