
Chapter 1044 Do your part, call the door!

Chapter 1044 Do your part, call the door!
Tong Yan didn't know what to say for a while, as a Skywalker, he could not shirk his responsibility to prevent the Asura Dao's demons from invading the human world.But with his own strength, how can he turn the tide?
How many catties and taels he has, he is very clear in his heart.Not to mention the ancient demon god, even the six-winged demon is chasing him all over the city now, let alone the heavenly demon or even the demon god?But he couldn't refuse. Could it be that he had to lose his life here in order to be worthy of his name as a Skywalker?

Ten Winged Demon probably guessed the bitterness in his heart, so he sighed softly and said: "I know this is a bit difficult for you, but the man will do something and not do it, do you really have the heart to watch the people suffer and the people suffer? Is it? But don't worry, I will do my best to help you. No matter what the result is, I will move forward side by side with you."

Tong Yan was a little surprised by what the ten-winged demon said, but it also warmed his heart.Even if a sky demon couldn't bear the loss of life and tried his best to stop it, how could he, as a skywalker, be intimidated?Facing the mighty sea-monster clan, he was never afraid at all, so what if he was an ancient demon god?As long as he firmly believes that evil cannot overcome good, he will definitely win in the end in this contest.

After making up his mind, his eyes became firm, and he said solemnly: "Thank you for telling me all this, I think I know what to do. But how much do you know about that ancient demon god? Since he has awakened, Where are you now?"

"He should be in the main city, but I don't know the exact location. But you can infiltrate the main city first, and then ask someone. I don't think this should be a secret, after all, sooner or later he will summon a group of demons and send troops human."

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while and said, "Then how can I stop him? Kill him? I'm afraid I can't do it?"

"You are right. It is impossible to get rid of him. Even the gods can only seal him and let him fall into a deep sleep. So my suggestion is to start from other aspects and let him get rid of it completely." The thought."

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and then asked: "Other aspects? What are they specifically?"

Hearing this, the ten-winged demon chuckled and said, "It's up to you, I think you will definitely figure out a way."

Tong Yan was a little speechless, but for many things, he really couldn't completely rely on others, and ultimately had to rely on himself.

"Okay, I see. Now, can I leave?"

"Of course, but before you leave, I think your things should be returned to you."

Speaking of this, the ten-winged demon slowly raised his right hand, and then, a cloth bag appeared out of thin air, and then floated straight towards Tong Yan.

Tong Yan just glanced at it, and then showed joy.He was very familiar with this cloth bag, it was the bag he used to hold the magic weapon.

When he came to Asura Dao, except for the dragon gloves, all his magic weapons were missing, and his feelings were all put away by the ten-winged demon.

Seeing the cloth bag flying towards him, he hastily reached out to take it, opened it, and found magic weapons such as Taishan Blade and Blue Soul Sword inside.With these magic weapons in place, he doesn't need to be afraid of divine power.If he really fights desperately, his chances of winning will be greatly improved.

"Thank you for returning them to me, and thank you for saving my life when I was going through the catastrophe. I won't say anything else, I will definitely do my best to prevent the ancient demon gods from invading the world."

The ten-winged demon laughed and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for that day."

Looking at the back of the ten-winged demon, Tong Yan suddenly said: "You have been facing away from me, can you let me see your true face?"

"What's interesting about me, you should first figure out how to get to the main city. If you don't have a special identity, I'm afraid you won't even be able to enter the main city, let alone meet the ancient demon god. I'll give you a suggestion, you might as well go to the main city first. Gain a firm foothold in Tianmo City. If you can open up the situation in Tianmo City, you can go to the main city at that time, and you will be able to go smoothly. But again, everything is up to you.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded heavily and said, "Thank you for your reminder, I understand!"

"Now that you understand, you can leave now. When you are ready to leave Tianmo City, remember to come and find me. I will give you a surprise when the time comes."

Just as Tong Yan was about to ask a question, he left the place without thinking about it.

After he regained his sight, he found that he had returned to the Heavenly Demon Palace.Looking at the cloth bag in his hand, he took a deep breath, and then jumped off the back of the demon statue.

There is no place for him to hide in the Heavenly Demon Palace, and according to the Ten Winged Heavenly Demon's reminder, he must gain a firm foothold in this Heavenly Demon City, so no matter from which point of view, he should not continue to hide here.

If he wanted to gain a place in the Sky Demon City, he had to pass the level of Shenwei, the head of the beast hunting group.In addition, he must quickly integrate here, so that his name can be heard throughout the entire Heavenly Demon City.Only if the above two points are met, he may be qualified to set foot in the main city, and then meet that hateful ancient demon god, and then try his best to prevent the other party from invading the human world.

After making up his mind, he no longer lingered here, raised his legs and strode out of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

On the other hand, Shenwei, who failed to catch Tong Yan, has already returned to the hunting group full of anger.He wholeheartedly wanted to avenge Simon, but unexpectedly he was escaped by the murderer.

If the murderer is not killed, how will the evil spirit in his heart be eliminated.But the problem now is that he doesn't know where the murderer went. If he has already escaped from the Demon City, he may not be able to avenge Simon again.

He has already sent heavy troops to guard the city gate, and sent three teams to carry out a carpet search in the city.As long as the murderer didn't leave the city, he would definitely be found, unless he had already left the city, then it would be another matter.

Sitting on the captain's throne, he closed his eyes and tried his best to calm down the anger in his heart.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly ran in.

" to the head, we have discovered the murderer who killed Commander Simon."

Hearing this, he immediately opened his eyes and hurriedly asked, "Where is he? Where is he now?"

Hearing this, the soldier who came to report said, "He... he is at the gate of the camp now, and he called to see you."

Hearing this, Shenwei couldn't help frowning tightly. "What did you say? He came by himself? Are you sure you read it right? He really wants to come to see me?"

"That's right, that's what he said. He said he wanted him to break up with you, and he didn't want to be charged with murder again."

Hearing this, Shenwei snorted coldly and said: "Okay, since he dares to come, then I will let him come and go! Go, follow me to meet him!"

(End of this chapter)

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