
Chapter 1046 Show mercy and fight the herd together!

Chapter 1046 Show mercy and fight the herd together!

Naturally, there is no need to say much about the strength of the six-winged demon, but Tong Yan's strength is not weak either.The two of you come and go, the fight is inseparable.

But up until now, Tong Yan hadn't tried his best.The reason why he didn't use all his strength was because he wanted to see how strong the six-winged demon was, and also wanted to experience the super martial arts of this demon family.

Shenwei did not disappoint him, even though he was using a bone knife, but when he slashed out, it was not only full of strength, but also had heavy shadows, making it impossible to guard against.

Tong Yan used Feng Ling's legs and flash tactics to resolve them one by one, but he was not injured.But as the two fought more and more fiercely, the martial arts performed by Shenwei became more and more miraculous.

And what surprised Tong Yan the most was Shenwei's unique skill with the wings on his back. This move was extremely powerful, just like the "Three Thousands of Armor Breaking" in the Sword of the Stars, chasing people with nowhere to escape .

If it weren't for him to have the supernatural power of transposition, he might be seriously injured even if he doesn't die now.

Of course he didn't know what kind of stunt it was, but he saw the six wings on the back of Shenwei trembling, and the bone spurs on it immediately detached from the wings and turned into bone swords, swarming towards him.

Because the bone spurs are emitted from the wings, they are part of Shenwei's body, so they can be controlled easily as he wants.

Tong Yan continued to perform shape-shifting, and this was considered a respite.But if he didn't fight back, he might lose this battle.

He has almost seen it, and he has a general understanding of the martial arts of the devil.It's time to decide the outcome of this battle.

He originally wanted to use the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, but when he thought about the devil energy in his body, it would definitely conflict with the Phoenix Sword Spirit in the Phoenix Heavenly Sword.Thinking about it this way, it might be more appropriate to use Taishan Blade.

No longer hesitating, he immediately took out the Taishan Blade and threw it upwards. Immediately, his free hands quickly formed dharma seals. In the blink of an eye, he successfully formed nine dharma seals.A Nine Palaces Diagram was then generated, and it rotated rapidly like a halo.

What he wants to use is Jue Ming Dao Jue, and when he uses this method, he must do his best with killing intent in his eyes.He also didn't care whether this knife would directly cut off the divine power, after all, he had already started casting spells.

He only heard him recite Jue aloud: "The courage of a hundred soldiers is as strong as a dragon; control it with your heart and move with your heart. The head of the nine shorts is extremely sharp; supplemented by the nine palaces, ninety-nine return to one. The sword has the help of gods and sweeps Thousands of soldiers; with spiritual help in the heart, one thought will kill the soul! Desperate knife, cut!"

As soon as the word "cut" fell, he immediately slapped the formed Nine Palaces upwards, and instantly merged with the Taishan Blade floating in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, the clear sound of "clank" was heard, and the Mount Tai blade instantly turned into a giant red sword.

When Shenwei looked at the saber, he felt the killing intent on the saber, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

Tong Yan raised his arms, clasped his palms together, his whole body was full of murderous aura, and then shouted loudly: "Shenwei, prepare to die!"

As soon as he said this, he moved his hands back vigorously.Looking at the red giant knife again, it seemed to have the power of ten thousand jun, and it instantly slashed towards Shenwei.

This knife is not only extremely powerful, but also as fast as lightning.Shenwei saw the giant knife coming, but he didn't even have a chance to dodge.

At the critical moment, he could barely resist with the six wings on his back.But no matter how hard his wings are, how can they withstand the Taishan blade that cuts iron like mud?

But at this moment, unexpectedly, the blade of this giant knife was slightly shifted, and it just hit the open space less than ten centimeters away from him.

With a loud "boom", a bottomless ravine was cut in the open space beside him, and he was also shocked by the saber energy to move more than ten meters away.

What the hell is going on here?Could it be that Tong Yan was wrong?That's right, it was indeed cut off, and he did it on purpose.

Withdrawing the Mount Tai blade, Tong Yan walked directly towards Shenwei who was lying on the ground.Shenwei knew that he had escaped a catastrophe, so he spread his wings to see clearly.

When he saw the gully on the ground and Tong Yan who came with a knife, he seemed to understand something.

"You...why didn't you kill me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "What can I gain by killing you? You just lost your mind because of the death of your apprentice. It's not a big mistake that you want to avenge your apprentice. I can I understand your mood, so I stop here. As I said, we are already even. In other words, there is no deep hatred between you and me. Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted. We should forgive others. You Say?"

Looking at the smiling Tong Yan, Shenwei suddenly discovered that he didn't seem to really hate the person in front of him, but was indeed dazzled by anger because of the death of his disciple.Thinking about it carefully, why didn't Simon deserve what he deserved?It's just that he couldn't accept it for a while, but now that he has calmed down, everything will naturally be figured out.

"Little brother, thank you. If it weren't for you, I'd almost forget who I am. I have offended you a lot before, please forgive me."

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Let's let the past go. We don't know each other. My name is Tong Yan. Please take care of me in the future."

Hearing this, Shenwei got up from the ground, and then said with a smile: "Okay, then we will be friends from now on. Brother Tong Yan, don't worry, if anyone troubles you in Tianmo City, you can tell me. I will settle everything for you. Just live in peace, Tianmo City is your home."

Speaking of this, he suddenly realized something, and then said with a little embarrassment: "Look, I am really confused. Even I am not your opponent, who else in Tianmo City would dare to provoke you? Brother Tong Yan, Didn't make you laugh?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile: "How can I laugh at you? It's too late for me to be happy. I'm so safe with you, the head of the regiment. Haha..."

Hearing this, Shenwei also laughed out loud.

The two of them didn't know each other, and the reason why Tong Yan temporarily decided to let this supernatural power go, actually had some considerations of his own.He wanted to gain a firm foothold in Tianmo City, but with the support of Shenwei, it would definitely be much easier.Therefore, having one less enemy and one more friend is far more beneficial than killing the enemy directly.

The two didn't stay here any longer, and immediately returned to Tianmo City talking and laughing.

But before they got close to the gate of Tianmo City, they saw a large group of monsters swarming into the city from a distance.

When Shenwei saw it, his expression changed drastically and he said, "No, the monsters are attacking the city! Brother Tong Yan, I have to go back to the city quickly and lead the hunting team to stop the monsters. If it's too late, the entire Heavenly Demon City will be over."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately said: "Brother Shenwei, I will go with you. Tianmo City is not only your home, but now it is also my home. One more person means more strength. We must not let monsters run rampant in the city .”

Hearing this, Shenwei nodded heavily and said, "Okay, then I will thank you on behalf of the people in the city. You can't fly, can you? I'll take you back to the city right away!" As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed Tong Yan's arm, Flapping the wings on his back, he hurriedly flew towards the city.

The monsters are clearly prepared this time, and it is conceivable how difficult it is to repel all these monsters.

While being carried by Shenwei to fly into the city, Tong Yan was thinking about something secretly.

That is, Warcraft can also transform into humans. The Wendy he saw in Yanliuxuan before was a Warcraft that transformed into humans, so it meant that Warcraft had thoughts.

Thinking about it this way, what is the purpose of the monsters attacking the Heavenly Demon City?Is it really just to eat the devils in the city?It seems that it is not that simple.In addition, what is the reason for the Warcraft Wendy sneaking into the Sky Demon City?

Will she have any connection with this Warcraft siege?

(End of this chapter)

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