
Chapter 1047 Going against the fire, the Battle of the Acropolis!

Chapter 1047 Going against the fire, the Battle of the Acropolis!
The situation was urgent, Kamui used his fastest speed.Although he was carrying Tong Yan, his flying speed still surpassed that of ordinary birds that are good at flying.

As soon as the two of them flew over the Sky Demon City, the tragic scene in the city was already vivid in their minds.The monsters not only sprayed fire and poisonous mist in the city, but also bit people when they saw them. Many monsters were attacked by monsters, some were burned to death, some were poisoned to death, and more were bitten alive by monsters. Death, then torn into pieces and trampled on wantonly.

It was less than an hour before Tong Yan and Shenwei left the city.But in such a short period of time, there were no less than a thousand people who died in Tianmo City.If these demonic beasts were allowed to act recklessly in the city, I am afraid that the Heavenly Demon City would not only be hit hard, but would face a tragedy of massacring the city.

Shenwei saw all this in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.Although Warcraft had attacked the city countless times in the past, none of them were as ferocious and tragic as today.

What made him most angry was that the members of the beast hunting group did not organize an effective defense and counterattack, and even the members of the beast hunting group did not see many of them.

At this time, if the beast hunting group does not come out to protect the people of Tianmo City, who else can these ordinary people count on?As the head of the regiment, he couldn't absolve himself of the blame, so he had to return to the barracks first, and then make plans.

Tong Yan, who was with him, looked down at the tragic scene in the city below, and couldn't help feeling a little bit unbearable.Although these demons are not ordinary people in the human world, they are also creatures of the three realms and six realms after all. Any creature has a meaning of existence, and any creature has the right to live as long as it has a kind heart.Since he came here and witnessed all of this, he couldn't ignore it and refuse to save him.

He knew that he couldn't drag it on any longer. If he didn't take action, more and more people would die at the hands of the monsters.Saving people is like putting out a fire, he understands this truth better than anyone else.

Thinking of this, he said directly to Shenwei: "Brother Shenwei, let me go down. You can go to the hunting team to move troops now. I will go to the city to save people first."

When Shenwei heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.When the people in the city need them the most, his hunting group can't escape and dare not fight, but an outsider goes to the city to save people regardless of the danger of his life.Compared with him, the soldiers of the beast hunting regiment were really disappointing.He felt very uncomfortable, and he admired Tong Yan even more.

After a soft sigh, he finally nodded and said: "Well, since you are going to save people in the city, I really can't stop it. But brother Tong Yan, you must be more careful. Although you are strong, those monsters are far away. It’s even more powerful than you imagined. No matter what, you have to protect yourself, and I’ll be able to bring in an army soon after I go back, and it should be enough to deal with these monsters by then.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I know what's in mind. It's not too late, just let go!"

Shenwei agreed and said no more, then let go of Tong Yan's hand.

As soon as Tong Yan was released by him, he immediately fell down quickly.Because the height is less than 20 meters from the ground, at such a height, he can land safely without using magical powers such as wind and legs.

But just before he was about to fall to the ground, he didn't expect a magic beast hiding in the dark to jump out suddenly, and bit him fiercely with its mouth wide open.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, and at the moment the monster bit him, he directly hit out with Thunderbolt Palm.

There was only a scream of "嗤", the monster was hit by the thunderbolt palm, and immediately its head burst and fell heavily on the wall.

Tong Yan floated to the ground and walked a few steps forward, only to realize that the monster was dead.

If all monsters are so vulnerable, it is nothing to be afraid of.But unfortunately, there are only a few such little monsters.Most of the monsters that came to attack this time were at the level of the two-winged demons, some of them had reached the strength of the four-winged demons, and there were four or five monsters that were as powerful as the six-winged demons.

Tong Yan easily wiped out a monster, and didn't relax his vigilance because of this. He pulled out the mountain blade, and immediately ran towards the area with the most monsters.

He has only one thought now, which is to save as many people as possible, to buy time for the army of the hunting group to come.

Going straight along the street, you can see fleeing demons running in the direction of the Heavenly Demon Palace in a panic.At this time, even the beast hunting group can't count on it. They can only pin their hopes on the ten-winged demon who protects this city.

But the more this is the case, the less you should actually run away in a hurry and entrust your life on others. This in itself is a kind of cowardly performance.But it is also understandable that some people would rather be scared to death than fight to defend their homeland.

Of course, Tong Yan didn't expect to persuade these frightened demons, after all, it was their own choice to fight or not to fight.And if all the demons resisted desperately, perhaps he would not be able to show his bravery.

If you want to be a blockbuster, today is an excellent opportunity, to advance in the face of danger, this is a hero.

Everyone is busy fleeing to a place they think is safe, but Tong Yan is the only one who does the opposite.He raised his head high and held the mountain blade in his hand, making him look extraordinarily outstanding and eye-catching.

But it's a pity that these demons fled away wholeheartedly, and had no time to look at him.If he hadn't picked up a fallen old devil, no one would have known that there was another person like him who was dedicated to defending the Heavenly Devil City.

The old devil who was lifted looked at Tong Yan, and immediately said eagerly: "Little brother, where are you going? The monsters are almost chasing you. You should go to the Temple of Heavenly Demon with me to avoid it!" "

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "If everyone has gone to seek refuge, then who else will deal with the monsters? Old man, you can go to the Heavenly Demon Palace by yourself. I will kill a few more monsters to fight for the beast hunters." It's time."

Upon hearing this, the old devil immediately showed surprise on his face. "What did you say? are going to deal with those monsters? Little brother, I advise you to give up this idea. Haven't you seen that the people from the hunting group are still afraid to come? Let me tell you, they are I'm scared. No matter how powerful you are, can you still be stronger than the people from the hunting beasts? Don't be stupid, just follow me to avoid it, the demon god will protect us."

Tong Yan smiled lightly and said, "What if I told you that I was sent by the Heavenly Demon God? Would you still be afraid of those monsters?"

"What? Are you sent by the Heavenly Demon God?"

Tong Yan nodded and said: "That's right, I am the reincarnation of the Heavenly Demon. From now on, I will guard the Heavenly Demon City. So, you can rest assured, and you can also tell other people the news. You go to the Heavenly Demon Palace first Avoid it, it won't be long, you will definitely hear the news of our victory!"

If it were normal times, this old devil would definitely not believe Tong Yan's words, but at this moment when his life was at stake and his heart was frightened, he would rather choose to believe it.Because he needs a psychological sustenance too much, and the reincarnation of the demon just satisfies his desire.

Afterwards, the old demon spread the news to ten, ten to hundreds, and hundreds to thousands, and it didn't take long for the news of the reincarnation of the demon to spread among the crowd.

But if Tong Yan really wanted to confirm the name he made up, he had to complete one thing.That is to drive away the monsters in the city, and restore the peace of Tianmo City.

Ever since, a vigorous battle of the Acropolis kicked off!
(End of this chapter)

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