
Chapter 1050 Where is the power of the bloodstone to calm the chaos?

Chapter 1050 Where is the power of the bloodstone to calm the chaos?

"They all went to the city lord's mansion and went to guard the gate for the city lord!"

"What did you say? You went to the City Lord's Mansion to guard the gate? The Heavenly Demon City is at stake. If they don't organize a counterattack, how can they guard the gate?"

Tong Yan really couldn't understand it. At this time, people from the beast hunting group actually went to guard the gate, and what's more, it was the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. Isn't this equivalent to giving the entire Heavenly Demon City to the monsters?

Li Zi sneered and said: "Isn't that simple? Our city lord is afraid of death, so he asked people from the hunting team to guard his home. Otherwise, with the strength of the hunting team, it is not enough In order to fight against the army of monsters, it won't be possible for the army of monsters to act recklessly, right?"

Hearing what Li Zi said, Tong Yan was suddenly angry, and immediately said through gritted teeth: "This city lord really deserves to die, he didn't want to lead the soldiers to resist, and even hid in the city lord's mansion and let the beast hunting group attack the city." Use it as a shield for him. What is the use of such a city lord? No, I will slaughter that beast right away, and I will never let the people of Tianmo City be slaughtered."

With that said, he was about to go out with a murderous look.

"Wait, do you think you can kill the city lord? Even if you can, do you think you can still live? To tell you the truth, our city lord is not easy. Although his strength is mediocre, there are people above him. I heard He is the illegitimate son of Lord Demon King, otherwise, how can he sit securely in the position of the city lord?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing bitterly.

It turned out to be like this, it seems that whether it is the human world or the Asura realm, the royal relatives and national relatives will enjoy privileges.For one's own safety, disregarding the lives of the people in the city is the greatest privilege of the royal relatives, and it is also the most outrageous thing.

Tong Yan's anger couldn't be calmed down. Could it be that he could only watch the bloodbath of Tianmo City?

But what else could he do?He still has to go to the main city. If he kills the animal city lord because of this, not only will he not be able to enter the main city, but it will become even more difficult for him to gain a foothold on the Asura Road.

What about the people in the city?Who else can take care of their life and death?

For a moment, he was suddenly silent, suddenly at a loss.Like a frost-beaten eggplant, it was completely wilted.

Looking at Tong Yan with an indifferent face, Wendy sighed softly and said, "Actually... Actually, there is a way for my elder brother to withdraw his troops."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "What can I do?"

"Let him get what he wants. As long as he gets it, he will naturally achieve his goal. It will become meaningless to kill innocent people indiscriminately in this city."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "What does he want? Can I get it for him?"

Wendy hesitated for a moment, and finally replied: "What he wants is in the Santo's Mansion. It's a special stone with blood in it."

"A special stone? What kind of stone?"

Wendy said with some embarrassment: "I've said enough, don't ask any more. In short, there is blood in that stone, active blood. You just need to find that stone and give it to me, I will give it to you." I will definitely make my elder brother retreat."

Tong Yan really has no other choice now, and it doesn't look like Wendy is using him like this.

In this way, it seemed that only by sneaking into the City Lord's Mansion to find the stone and handing it to Wendy, could he restore the peace of the Demon City.

After thinking for a while, he finally nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I promise you. I'll go to the City Lord's Mansion right now. No matter what, I will find that stone. You can wait here for my good news!"

Wendy heard this, and said with concern: "Aren't you going to rest with me for a while? You must be exhausted after killing so many monsters, right? It's not too late to find that stone after resting for a while!"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled wryly: "Saving people is like putting out a fire. If I find that stone later, a few more people will be killed. How can I rest here with peace of mind? Wendy, thank you. I'll go now. "

"That... can you tell me, what's your name?"

Tong Yan raised his legs and walked out without looking back, "My name is Tong Yan!" As soon as he finished speaking, he had already left the room.

Wendy heard this, and said to herself: "Tong Yan? What a special name, just like him, so special."

Li Zi on the side heard this, giggled and said, "Yes, it's so special. How can we be ordinary people if we can be tempted by the Princess of Warcraft?"

When Wendy heard it, she said coquettishly, "Why are you talking nonsense again? I'm ignoring you. Hmph..."

"Don't, you ignore me, I'm so boring. Come on, tell your sister, do you like him? Yo, if you don't talk, I will take it as your default."


After leaving Wendy's residence, Tong Yan immediately ran towards the City Lord's Mansion.

In order not to be discovered by the monsters along the way, he walked very carefully, stopping and going, dodging here and there, and finally arrived outside the city lord's mansion smoothly after half an hour.

Looking up, I saw thousands of horses and horses lined up outside the city lord's mansion. Look at the armor on them. Who else is it if it's not the soldiers of the beast hunting group?

From this point of view, Li Zi's words are true, the city lord is indeed a cowardly person who fears death, but it's a pity that these soldiers have so little energy, but in the end they become dog slaves who look after other people's homes.It's really ironic when you think about it, it's just to protect him in the end.

His life is life, and the lives of the people in the city are worthless. Such a city lord really deserves to die, but no one can do anything to him.

Tong Yan shook his head helplessly, and stopped thinking about this irritating thing.

The monsters obviously haven't launched their final attack on the City Lord's Mansion. Perhaps they also know that if they really fight to the death with the hunting group, they won't be able to get much benefit.

To truly resolve the danger of the Demon City, perhaps the only thing left is to find the stone Wendy mentioned.But the City Lord's Mansion is so big, it is by no means an easy task to find a stone, if you can find some clues first, it will be much easier.

"It seems that I should find Shenwei first, maybe he will know something about that stone."

With an idea in mind, he immediately walked straight to the position where the soldiers of the beast hunting regiment were lined up.

When the soldiers standing in front saw a blood-stained person approaching, they were startled at first, but they quickly rushed forward.

"Brother, are you okay? Are you injured?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, it seemed that the soldiers of the hunting group still cared about the people in the city.Otherwise, when seeing a man covered in blood like him, he probably wanted to kick him away, so why would he ask?

He shook his head and smiled, "I'm fine, the blood is from the monster. I want to see Captain Shenwei, but where is he now?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of these soldiers changed significantly.Could it be that something happened to Shenwei?

(End of this chapter)

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