
Chapter 1051 Arrested and imprisoned, red meat!

Chapter 1051 Arrested and imprisoned, red meat!
Seeing that these soldiers did not respond, Tong Yan felt a little uneasy, and immediately asked again: "I am a friend of Captain Shenwei, where is he now? Could something happen to him?"

One of the older soldiers hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Head of Shenwei...he was arrested!"

arrested?Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning, and hurriedly asked: "What's going on? How could Shenwei be arrested at such an urgent moment when the army of monsters attacked the city? What's going on, hurry up Tell me now!"

"He...he wanted to lead us to resist the monsters, but...but the city lord refused. I locked him up!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan gritted his teeth and said, "This damned city lord, he dare not resist the demonic beast, so why not let others resist? Now the people in the city are in dire straits, if they don't resist, the entire Heavenly Demon City may be ruined .Where is he being held? You tell me I must get him out."

At this time, he really can't care about anything else.Although Shenwei met him by chance, he knew that Shenwei really cared about the people of Tianmo City.Without the divine power, the beast hunting group will be completely controlled by the city lord.At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It is not impossible to rescue Shenwei, let Shenwei wave his arms, and win the position of city lord.If he put all the efforts to resolve the danger of the Demon City on the stone that was hidden somewhere, then he might end up with the Demon City when he finds the stone.

He was not afraid to tell the soldiers in front of him what he was thinking. After all, they were all members of the Beast Hunting Squad. If they still had the head of the group, Shenwei, they would definitely support him.

Sure enough, hearing what Tong Yan said, these soldiers were obviously filled with righteous indignation.

One of the soldiers immediately said: "Brother, in fact, we have wanted to do this for a long time. The city lord does not treat the people in the city as human beings at all. We are all born and raised in Tianmo City. Now that our relatives are uncertain, he actually let us Keep him safe here. There are no such selfish city lords in the world, and we don't want to be watchdogs here at all. But the problem is that we are all outside the city lord's mansion now, and the leader of Shenwei has been escorted into the city lord's mansion. Want to To save him, I'm afraid we can only rebel and break in. It's just... just such a crime, we simply can't bear it. Otherwise, how could we have done nothing?"

What the soldier said was indeed true, and sometimes there were special reasons that could not be ignored.Even if they rescued Shenwei and defeated the invading monsters under the leadership of Shenwei, as long as the city lord is still around, they will definitely not let them go.If he didn't die in the mouth of the monster, he might have to die in the hands of the city lord.

Having said so much, in the final analysis, the problem lies with the Lord of the Heavenly Demon City.It was precisely because no one dared to touch him that the current situation was created.

Tong Yan took a deep breath, and then said: "Try to talk to other people about this first, and see their reactions. I will first enter the city lord's mansion to have a look, and if possible, I will try my best to save Shenwei. Come out. But when the time comes, I will have to trouble you to take care of it.”

When the older soldier heard this, he immediately asked: "Brother, do you have a way to enter the city lord's mansion? This city lord's mansion is as solid as gold, and there are very powerful traps on the walls. Let alone rescue the leader of Shenwei, I'm afraid you Is it difficult to enter the city lord's mansion?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "You don't need to worry about this, I have my own way. Then let's split up! I'll take a step first."

As he said that, he instantly shifted his shape and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

These soldiers were a little stunned for a while when they saw the well-behaved man and suddenly disappeared without a trace.But in turn, there was excitement on their faces.Because the stronger the strength Tong Yan displayed, the more confidence they had in their hearts.

The next moment, Tong Yan had arrived at the unguarded high wall on the side of the City Lord's Mansion.

He thought about climbing over the wall and sneaking into the city lord's mansion, but the soldier just reminded him that there are very powerful traps on the high walls.Although he is not afraid of the authorities, he doesn't want to expose his whereabouts. After all, it is better to carry out the matter of saving people quietly. By the way, he will carefully look for the mysterious stone in the city lord's mansion.

If you don't climb over the wall, how can you enter the City Lord's Mansion?

It's very simple, just use the technique of earth escape.In order not to teleport himself too far, this time he did not borrow the spiritual power of the eight golden luans or the eight great weapon spirits, but was fully supported by his own devilish energy.

After drawing the formation diagram, the magic power activated, and with a flash of red light, he easily entered the city lord's mansion.

The City Lord's Mansion is the most heavily guarded place in Tianmo City, and it is also the most luxurious and mysterious place in Tianmo City.The luxury is naturally because this is the city lord's mansion, and the mystery is because few people step into it. Except for the head and commander of the beast hunting group, only the city lord's personal guard can enter the city lord's mansion.

The people in the city know very little about the lord of Tianmo City, they only know that he is the illegitimate son of a certain demon king, and that he is the strength of the four-winged demon. It is respect.

But it was such a person who unexpectedly locked up Shenwei at such a critical moment.This guy's feelings are not as unbearable as he imagined. When it comes to his own interests and safety, his true colors are revealed.And often such people are the most unpredictable.

The City Lord's Mansion has a large courtyard. There are not only pavilions in the courtyard, but also small bridges and flowing water, as well as rockery and strange rocks.Presumably this city lord is also a person who knows how to enjoy himself. He arranged his mansion like this. It can be seen that he grew up in the deep palace compound since he was a child.

Tong Yan entered it, looked around, but couldn't find a clue.There are several big houses here, and I don't know which one is used for.If you rush in, you will naturally be discovered soon.

In this way, I can only find a servant inside to ask.

He hid in the huge gap in the rockery, quietly looked out, and soon a patrol team composed of ten people came out from the corridor not far away.

These people are all wearing brown leather armor, holding spears in their hands, and there are four wings on their backs.

Good guy, even the patrolling guards are at the level of four-winged demons. This City Lord's Mansion is really extraordinary.

Although he could easily kill these ten guards, it was a bit risky, so he decided to continue waiting here.When did the lonely person come, and when did he come forward to ask.

The patrol team swam around the yard before heading elsewhere.

Less than 10 minutes later, a wingless witch in rough clothes suddenly came out from the house on the far right.With fine wine and dishes in her hands, she was about to walk into the corridor.

Seeing this, Tong Yan knew that the opportunity had come, and without delay, he immediately resorted to shifting shape and appearing directly behind the witch.

The witch didn't notice this, until Tong Yan covered her mouth, and she suddenly realized that there was someone behind her.

"Don't talk, just cooperate with me honestly. Otherwise, I will kill you now!"

The female model was terrified and nodded her head quickly.

And just when Tong Yan was going to drag her to the rockery to check the situation, unexpectedly, a huge red meat ball crawled out from the second house on the left.

This... What the hell is this thing?

(End of this chapter)

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