
Chapter 1053 The magic energy recovered, a chance encounter by the lake!

Chapter 1053 The magic energy recovered, a chance encounter by the lake!
Tong Yan closed his eyes tightly at this moment, and wondered if he had noticed the fleshy ball approaching him.Meatball opened its big mouth and was getting closer and closer to him. Those sharp teeth seemed to be able to bite people off.

Two meters, one meter, half a meter, the meat ball finally bit Tong Yan's head.

But at this critical moment, Tong Yan's whole body suddenly burst into red light, and as soon as the meat ball approached, he was knocked back two meters away by the red light.

Although the meatball has no face or eyes, it seems to have sensed something. It closed its mouth, turned around and was about to crawl away from the place.But it's a pity, before it climbed half a meter away, an invisible hand firmly grasped it, and dragged it back just like that.

A few minutes later, Tong Yan opened his eyes, and a smug smile appeared on his face.Look at the meat ball that sneaked in here, my good guy, it has completely turned into ashes.

The corners of Tong Yan's mouth curled up slightly, and then he said with a smile: "I never thought that such a small thing would have such a strong demon energy. If I can absorb a few more, maybe I can make a breakthrough in my cultivation. But This is already very good, all the consumed magic energy is recovered, enough for me to rescue Shenwei. Now it’s up to that girl, I hope she can bring down the two meat demons smoothly, so that it will be easier to rescue Shenwei Some."

He continued to wait patiently in the gap of the rockery, and finally he waited for the kind girl.

As soon as he came here, the female devil couldn't wait to say: "Hero, those two meat demons have been fascinated by me with the meat mixed with drugs. See if you want to rescue the leader of Shenwei now? "

As soon as Tong Yan heard it, he immediately responded, "Okay, there's no need to delay, I'll go right away."

Hearing this, the witch hesitated and said, "Do you want me to go with you?"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "No need, I can do it by myself. I still have to deal with those dozen guards, it's too risky for you to follow me. It's better for me to go by myself, it's relatively safe."

"But..." Seeing that the witch was hesitant to speak, Tong Yan immediately asked in puzzlement, "What's the matter? What do you want to say?"

"I...I want to leave here, can you take me away?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "Of course, but you'd better stay here now. I'll come here and take you away after I save Shenwei. Okay?"

Hearing this, the witch hurriedly nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for you!"

Tong Yan smiled at her, didn't say anything more, and left this place directly, heading straight for the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

If you want to enter the backyard, you must either climb over the wall or pass through the long corridor leading to the backyard.

The city lord's mansion was heavily guarded, and it would be risky to walk along the long corridor, so Tong Yan decided to climb over the wall.The wall between the front yard and the back yard is not as high as the outer wall, and you can jump over it with a light jump.

It stands to reason that the inner wall between the front yard and the back yard should not be equipped with traps, and it should be much safer.This is indeed the case. When Tong Yan climbed over the wall, he didn't notice anything wrong.

But when he arrived in the backyard, he was suddenly a little surprised.This backyard is really too big, fully catching up with the area of ​​the two front yards.

Not only that, a copper-colored hall is located in this backyard.On both sides of the main hall, there are also smaller side halls, but they are all copper-colored, resembling a palace in the world, but they are not as tall as the imperial palace.But even so, it was a little shocking to see such a building in the City Lord's Mansion.

The so-called city lord is actually somewhat similar to the princes in ancient times.He dominates one side and is not controlled. No matter what his mansion is built, no one will blame him.

Tong Yan stared at these resplendent palaces, and then turned his gaze to look for the place where Shenwei was imprisoned.

The witch made it very clear that Kamuy was imprisoned in a cage in the water.That being the case, it must be found where there is water.

After this search, he finally saw a small lake.This small lake is located among the viewing trees in the backyard, surrounded by a large area of ​​red trees, and flowers and red grass interspersed among them.

Because the distance is a little far away, he can only take a rough look.Apart from this small lake, there seems to be no other place with water in this backyard.

Without further hesitation, he immediately walked towards the small lake quietly.

With these tall trees as cover, even if there are guards patrolling here, it is not so easy to find him.

A few minutes later, he approached the small lake very smoothly.

However, what puzzled him was that there were no guards guarding the small lake?As for the meat demon that the witch said, there was no trace at all.

"Isn't it here? Where would it be?"

He shook his head helplessly, turned around and was about to leave, planning to look elsewhere.

Unexpectedly, just as he turned around, layers of ripples suddenly appeared on the calm lake surface, and after a while, the entire lake water boiled, as if boiling.

The sound of "squeaking" made Tong Yan turn around unconsciously, and then, he saw a strange man in a purple robe slowly emerging from the lake.

"No, this is not a human, but a monster. Another monster in human form? Was it raised by the city lord, or did it sneak in like me?"

There is a big difference between the people transformed by the monsters and the real monsters, and in Tong Yan's eyes, the most intuitive difference is that the air currents they carry are different.He has killed monsters, and has seen many monsters. The airflow of monsters is red and purple, which is somewhat similar to the color of monster aura, but it is deeper and has a corrugated shape. The airflow is bright red, and it is outwardly projecting.

Of course, such a difference cannot be seen by others.Tong Yan's eyes are the eyes of all ghosts, so he can see these things clearly.

After the strange man "drilled out" from the water, he immediately looked around.

This move of his made Tong Yan sneer, if it was really a monster raised in the city lord's mansion, why should this guy be so careful?From this point of view, he should have sneaked in sneakily just like himself.

What would be the reason for a monster to infiltrate the heavily guarded city lord's mansion boldly?Tong Yan naturally thought of the stone that Wendy mentioned, maybe the monster was aiming at that stone.

If that's the case, he could take advantage of it.

He didn't show up directly, but decided to follow the monster to see if he could find any clues about the stone.

Rescuing Kamui is of course important, but finding stones is equally important.

Shenwei should be safe now, if the city lord really wanted his life, he would never wait until now.If Tong Yan could find the mysterious stone through the monster, there would be no need for Shenwei to resolve the danger of the Heavenly Demon City.

But what made him a little helpless was that, before his wishful thinking could come to fruition, the strange man transformed by the monster had already discovered him, and appeared in front of him in an unbelievable instant!

Could it be that this magical beast also has the technique of transposition?
(End of this chapter)

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