
Chapter 1054 It's a pity, where is it locked?

Chapter 1054 It's a pity, where is it locked?
The strange man appeared in front of Tong Yan in an instant, which made his heart tremble.

But before he could speak, the strange man spoke first.

"My friend, I didn't expect you to be here. It seems that we are really destined."

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan immediately frowned, and then asked directly: "Have we met before? But why don't I have any impression of you at all?"

Hearing this, the strange man laughed and said: "Really? Then you are such a nobleman who forgets things. Not long ago, you killed so many of my people in this Heavenly Demon City. You shouldn't let this matter go away." Have you forgotten?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan finally understood.If he didn't guess wrong, this strange man was the leading monster. Not only that, this guy might also be Wendy's eldest brother.

It's just that I didn't expect that this guy would sneak into the City Lord's Mansion alone. No need to guess, he must have come for that mysterious stone.

He smiled, and then said: "So it's you, you are so bold. Do you know where this is? You just broke in like this, aren't you afraid of being hacked to death?"

Hearing this, the strange man smiled disdainfully and said, "Hacked to death with knives? Just rely on the guards here? To tell you the truth, let alone these four-winged demons, even the six-winged demons, I don't pay attention to them at all." .But you, a person from the human world, why do you want to be my enemy? My monsters should have no grievances or enmities with you, right?"

Tong Yan sneered and said: "You're right, your monsters and I have no grievances or enmities, but I can't just watch you kill innocent people indiscriminately. God has the virtue of good life, you are against the sky , the cruelty is limitless, and everyone can be punished, so what's wrong with me killing you?"

When the strange man heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a grim smile suddenly appeared on his red face.

"It's a good one to kill everyone. It seems that you are determined to be my enemy. Anyway, I am here. As long as you kill me, my people will retreat from the Heavenly Demon City. But what? , It also depends on whether you have the ability, if you accidentally die in my hands, then you will no longer be able to protect the people in this city."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said coldly: "Don't worry, I will try my best to kill you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he touched his waist and immediately took out the Mount Tai blade.

In fact, he originally had the idea of ​​capturing the thief first, if there were not too many monsters at that time, and the magic energy in his body was exhausted, otherwise he would have made a move long ago.

Now this guy came alone, how could he miss this great opportunity?
Seeing this, the Yaoyi man shrugged his shoulders and said, "Since you are so overconfident, then just let your horse come here. It happens that I haven't killed for a long time, so I might as well play with you today."

Tong Yan stopped talking nonsense, and immediately slashed out with the Mount Tai blade in his hand.

The strange man was not far away from him, but he cut it out suddenly, but if this guy reacts a little slower, he will not escape the end of his head falling to the ground.

But just when the blade was about to touch this guy's neck, he didn't expect this guy to disappear out of thin air.

Of course, Tong Yan didn't expect to get rid of the monster's leader with a single blow, but he did prove one thing, that is, this monster can also use the method of transposition.

Before the guy showed his figure, he didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately resorted to shifting shape.

The strange man suddenly appeared behind him, and also caught nothing with his claws.

This time, it was the strange man's turn to be surprised.

When I looked again, Tong Yan had already appeared about ten meters away from him.

The strange man looked at it, chuckled and said, "It's really interesting, no wonder you were able to escape easily on the street before. It turns out that you are also proficient in this method of displacement."

Hearing this, Tong Yan sneered and said, "You also surprised me a lot. A magical beast can actually transform itself. It seems that you have worshiped a good master."

The strange man smiled slightly and said: "The master is indeed a master. Just like you, he also came from the world. If you didn't insist on being my enemy, I actually didn't want to hurt you humans. But it's a pity that the relationship between you and me In the end, the winner will be decided. Come on, let me see what skills you have."

Tong Yan moved his wrist, and then said coldly: "Don't worry, I will definitely open your eyes!" As he said, he threw the Tarzan blade upwards, and he was about to use the deadly knife.

The bewitching man was waiting in battle, and when Void grabbed it, a long spear appeared in his hand.

But before the two could decide the winner, they did not expect a spoiler to appear.

I only heard a sudden shout from one side of the forest, "Come here, the intruder is here."

Hearing this, Tong Yan and the Yaoyi man were slightly taken aback.

The strange man glanced at the direction where the shout came from, and then said with a chuckle: "It seems that we can't tell the winner today. Friends, let's fight again in the future."

Hearing this, Tong Yan snorted coldly and said, "In the future? You can fight if you want, why do you care about these useless guards? It's not because you are worried that you won't be my opponent, so you are afraid?"

Hearing this, the bewitching man burst out laughing as if he had heard a joke.

"Afraid? You underestimate me. I just have more important things to do. Otherwise, I will stick with you to the end. My friend, I'll take a step ahead. See you later!" As he spoke, his figure flashed, Immediately disappeared.

Tong Yan withdrew the Mount Tai blade, sighed lightly, had no choice but to use shapeshifting to change positions, and temporarily retreated from this place.

As soon as the two left, a group of guards rushed over with weapons in hand.But after searching around, he found nothing, so he left resentfully.

Tong Yan was a little annoyed and a little helpless, this was definitely the best time for him to get rid of that Warcraft thief leader.If these guards hadn't rushed over suddenly, perhaps he had fulfilled his wish to resolve the danger of Tianmo City.

The shifting method that the monster said should be similar to his shifting method. Once it is used, it can instantly move to a hundred meters away, or a farther distance.If the opportunity is missed this time, it will be difficult to find that guy again.

But having said that, what if he is not the opponent of that Warcraft?Maybe he was the one who died.

No matter what, he was sure of one thing, that is, Wendy didn't lie to him, and the thing her elder brother was looking for was hidden in the City Lord's Mansion.Otherwise, how could that guy sneak in here?
Missing the opportunity to get rid of the monster leader, he can only go on to rescue Kamui and find the mysterious stone.

But where is Kamui locked up?The witch is not lying, is she?
(End of this chapter)

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