
Chapter 1055 Demon Blood Stone, Big Lie?

Chapter 1055 Demon Blood Stone, Big Lie?
Tong Yan searched the entire backyard, but found no place with water.Although he didn't want to think this way, he had to start wondering if the witch was lying.

After thinking it over and over again, he decided to go back to the front yard and ask the witch for clarification.

But when he returned to the front yard, the witch had disappeared.In this way, he was even more convinced that the female witch was lying in all likelihood, with only one purpose, that is, not to let him find Shenwei.

He knew that he couldn't waste any more time here, no matter whether he was looking for Shenwei or that stone, he couldn't avoid one person, and this person was the owner of Tianmo City.

That being the case, he might as well take the risk and attack the city lord directly.

After making up his mind, he set foot in the backyard for the second time, and this time, his goal was very clear, that is, the Lord of the Heavenly Demon City.

Looking at the luxurious hall, he was suddenly a little angry. The reason why the Heavenly Demon City came to this point was thanks to the city lord.It's time to teach this bastard a lesson. If necessary, he doesn't mind doing justice for the sky.

There are eight guards guarding the entrance of the main hall. If you want to enter the main hall, the easiest way is to force your way.Tong Yan didn't pay attention to these eight guards.

But just when he was planning to break in head-on, he didn't expect that the closed palace door suddenly opened at this moment.Immediately afterwards, a person walked out from inside.

Taking a closer look, he couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.He really couldn't believe his eyes, this person who walked out of the hall was... actually Shenwei!

"How did this happen? Isn't Shenwei imprisoned? How did he come out of the hall? Could it be... Could it be that everything is fake, a scam set up by their joint efforts?"

At this moment, he was a little shocked, but more angry.

What the hell is going on with all this?Could it be that Shenwei was not imprisoned at all, but joined forces to star in a play with this city?So what is their purpose in doing this?And who is it for?
Tong Yan thought about it for a while, and decided to ask Shenwei for clarification.I hope this is just a misunderstanding, otherwise, he must make these guys who lied to him pay a heavy price.

Shenwei walked out of the main hall, looked left and right, and then walked towards the side hall on the right.

Without hesitation, Tong Yan immediately resorted to shape-shifting, and under the eyes of everyone, he caught up with Shenwei without anyone noticing.

Watching Shenwei open the door of the side hall and walk in.Tong Yan didn't delay, before Shenwei closed the door, he took a step ahead and rushed in.

As soon as Shenwei sensed that someone was breaking in, he clenched his fists and was about to strike.

But when he saw clearly that it was Tong Yan, he immediately let go of his hand and smiled.

But he didn't make a move, but Tong Yan did it without hesitation.

Hearing only a "pop", Tong Yan gave Shenwei a solid punch.

Shenwei was hit by Tong Yan's punch, and he staggered back a few steps before he stabilized his figure.

"Shenwei, you live so comfortably here. Do you know what's going on outside now? Do you know how many innocent people have been killed by monsters? In vain, I came to rescue you regardless of the danger, and made a fuss for a long time , It turns out that you were not arrested at all. You better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise, I will never forgive you!"

Shenwei stretched out his hand and rubbed his swollen face, then said with a wry smile: "Brother Tong Yan, I really didn't expect you to find this place. I'm sorry, I failed to lead the hunting team to fight against the monsters. But you think I really Are you willing to do this? I have my own difficulties, and there is nothing I can do!"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "There is nothing you can do? Is it? There are so many soldiers gathered outside the city lord's mansion, you just need to lead them to fight against the monsters in the city. There is nothing you can do. Do you think this explanation is convincing?"

Shenwei sighed softly and said: "I'm really sorry, I really can't do anything about it. Brother Tong Yan, I also have something to hide. In short, I really want to save the people in the city. But I can't, at least not now!"

Tong Yan moved his wrist, and then said coldly: "It seems that you don't want to say it. Okay, then you can keep these words in your stomach forever. But for a coward like you, I will never let you It’s easy. After I’ve taught you a lesson, I’ll kill that hateful city lord. If none of the people in the city can survive, then none of the people in the city lord’s mansion can live!”

Seeing the murderous intent in Tong Yan's eyes, Shenwei hurriedly comforted him: "Brother Tong Yan, must not do this. You don't understand the situation at all. What does it have to do with those monsters who kill innocent people indiscriminately?" The difference? Well, let me say, I will tell you everything. The reason why I did not lead the army to resist the monsters is because... because I must swear to guard the magic blood stone. Let the magic bloodstone fall into the hands of monsters."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately reprimanded loudly: "It's just full of nonsense! It's just a stone, how can it be more important than the lives of the people in a city? I think you just don't dare to disobey the order of the damned city lord, so you just find this Shenwei, I really misjudged you."

Shenwei gritted his teeth and said: "The reason why you say that is because you don't know what the magic blood stone is. If the magic blood stone is obtained by a monster, then it will not only be bloodbathed by our Heavenly Demon City, I'm afraid More cities will be destroyed. In order to protect more people, I would rather hope for my relatives. Is it wrong to do so?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "Really? Then tell me, what exactly is the magic blood stone and what does it do?"

Shenwei sighed softly and said: "It's a long story, if you want to know, then I'll tell you briefly. This magic blood stone was transformed from the blood essence of the top ten demon gods thousands of years ago, and has the power to destroy the world. The ability of the earth. If it is obtained by a monster, it will create a wild monster. At that time, the entire Asura Dao will be destroyed by the wild monster, and even affect the three realms and six realms. The consequences are unimaginable. But such a stone falls on us Heavenly Demon City. As the head of the beast hunting group, it is imperative to protect the magic blood stone. Is it wrong for you to say that I put everyone in the beast hunting group to protect this stone?"

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Shenwei, who did you hear about this? Was it the city lord who told you?"

Shenwei nodded and said: "That's right, not only the city lord knows about it. I went to the main city before, and the devil king specifically asked me about it. So no matter what the price is, I must protect it." Magic Blood Stone."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed even harder. "You are really stupid. Let me tell you, you have been deceived. The stone you guard with everything can never be the real magic blood stone. It is just a lie made up by the demon king and the city lord."

Upon hearing this, Shenwei frowned and said, "A lie? Impossible, it can't be a lie!"

Tong Yan said with a disdainful smile, "Impossible? Then I'll explain it to you."

But before Tong Yan could express his judgment, he didn't expect that the door of the side hall was kicked open, and then dozens of four-winged demons poured into it.In addition, a fat man in fancy clothes walked in swaggeringly.

"Intruder, I finally found you. Someone, kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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