
Chapter 1056 You pissed me off, so damn it!

Chapter 1056 You pissed me off, so damn it!

Upon hearing this, Shenwei hurriedly persuaded him, "Master City Master, this is my friend. He thought I was arrested, so... that's why he came looking for me. Please let him go for my sake. Bar!"

Lord Santo?From the looks of it, this fat man is the Lord of the Heavenly Demon City.

But just such a person is also worthy of being the city lord?This guy's eyes are not only small, but also triangular, the hair on his head is sparse, his face is full of flesh, his nose is big, his mouth is bigger, a mouthful of sharp yellow teeth protruding from his thick lips, and a long The most unbearable thing about the big pointed ears is that there is a huge red mole at the corner of his mouth, which is extremely ugly.

However, to Tong Yan's surprise, this guy didn't have wings on his back.I heard people say that he is a four-winged demon, but why are his wings missing?Did he put his wings away?

"Let him go? This city lord finally found him, how could he just let him go like this? Commander Shenwei, I single-handedly picked you up. At this time, you can't turn your elbows outward and speak for outsiders !"

Shenwei's face was a bit ugly, but he tried to persuade him: "My lord, he is not an outsider. He is the reincarnation of Heavenly Demon, and he is my friend. He has never done anything that is not good for Heavenly Demon City. On the contrary, he also helped We are working hard to fight against the monsters. Lord City Lord, please take back your life and let him go! I beg you!"

Speaking of this, he actually wanted to kneel down.

Tong Yan couldn't bear to see this.He was really angry just now, and even thought about getting rid of Kamui.But now, he can be sure that Shenwei was deceived by the damn city lord and some shit demon king of the main city.

There is a kind of people who say they are good, but also do wrong things, and who say they are bad, but are very loyal to their masters.So there is such a word, that is foolish loyalty!
Shenwei is foolish and loyal now, he thought that the city lord and the devil would not lie to him, but this kind of lie would be self-defeating with a little scrutiny.Just imagine, if the magic blood stone is really so important, why would it flow into the Heavenly Demon City instead of the main city?If this magic blood stone really has such a heaven-defying ability, why is it not guarded by a demon king or a demon, but handed over to a demon with only six wings?This is illogical at all and makes no sense at all.

On the one hand, it is a joke to say that the magic blood stone cannot fall into the hands of monsters, but on the other hand, it is only guarded by the six-winged demon.

Only a foolish and loyal person like Shenwei would believe such an illogical lie, and anyone else would see through it directly.

Now Shenwei still thinks that the city lord will let Tong Yan go because of his face. If the city lord really cares about his face, he probably won't let all the beast hunters stay outside the city lord's mansion, right?In the final analysis, the city lord was friendly with him on the surface, but secretly guarded him everywhere, for fear that someone would threaten his position.

The fact is indeed the case. Faced with Shenwei's prayer, the city master didn't take it seriously, and instead criticized Shenwei: "Head of Shenwei, what are you doing? He said he was the reincarnation of the demon, what evidence? I see him and those Warcraft cannot get away with it, otherwise, how could it come to my city lord's mansion at this time? And you are afraid that others will find out and sneak in here? You are so stupid, you were deceived by him. If the city lord did not If you guess wrong, he himself becomes a monster!"

Hearing this, Shenwei couldn't help trembling all over, and quickly explained: "No...impossible, he is not a monster, he cannot be a monster. Lord City Lord, you can just let him go. He is really a good person, you can't wrong him Him."

Seeing this, Tong Yan sneered in his heart, and after shaking his head helplessly, he finally spoke.

"Brother Shenwei, a guy who has no regard for the safety of the people in the city, you still serve him. Let me tell you, the magic blood stone you mentioned is totally fake. The real magic blood stone is definitely not here, if I guessed correctly If so, I am afraid that the magic blood stone has already been dedicated to the ancient demon god. As for the city lord, he is just worried that the monster will kill him. That's why he used the magic blood stone as a cover so that your hunting team will completely obey him. Keep him safe. If you listen to him, the whole city will suffer in the end, and he will never spare your life when you lose your use value. I know you are loyal, but for such a beast in clothes, loyalty is only for him. Come here for fun. I know you don't want to bear the infamy of killing the master, so let me do it! Beast, your time of death has come."

As soon as he finished speaking, he directly pulled out the Taishan Blade and the Blue Soul Sword, his whole body surged with devilish energy, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The city lord of Tianmo City saw it, and immediately said with surprise: "You...what are you going to do? You still dare to kill me? Come, kill him for me, kill him for me immediately."

Tong Yan sneered, and instantly shifted shape.When everyone saw that he was gone, they couldn't help but froze on the spot.

But before they could react, Tong Yan had already appeared behind the city lord.

"Bastard, die to me!"

Tong Yan slashed out with a sharp knife, not only extremely fast, but also full of strength.

When the city lord heard Tong Yan's voice, he immediately turned around to look, but he still waited for him to see clearly.Tong Yan had already cut his neck with a knife, and kicked him out fiercely.

Before the city lord could even utter a scream, Tong Yan chopped off his head.

Seeing that the city lord was killed, the other four-winged demons didn't dare to attack Tong Yan for a while, and they all retreated into the distance in fright.

Shenwei stared blankly at the city lord who fell on the ground, and said in horror, "Brother Tong Yan, did you kill him? Do you know who he is? If you kill him, the main city will not let him go." over yours."

Tong Yan shrugged, and said with a relaxed expression: "I've already killed everyone, what's the use of talking about it now? Brother Shenwei, instead of entangled with a dead person here, I think you might as well lead the beast hunting team to drive the monsters out." Heavenly Demon City. Compared with the life of this villain, the lives of the people in the city are more important, I think you should understand, right?"

Shenwei turned his head and glanced at the city lord's body again, sighed softly and said, "That's all, let's talk about the rest later. But brother Tong Yan, you'd better leave Tianmo City as soon as possible, and go as far as you can .That's all I can tell you."

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I know what's going on. You guys go, I'll calm down first, and I'll get rid of the monsters with you later!"

Shenwei sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to lead the person out.

After a while, Tong Yan was the only one left in the side hall, and of course there was the body of the city lord.

Tong Yan stared at the city lord's body, then raised his legs and walked up to him.

"Bastard, you really deserve to die. I didn't want to kill you. Who told you to anger me? It's your own fault that you ended up like today, and you can't blame anyone else. This is what you deserve!"

As he spoke, he touched the city lord's body.

Soon, he found what he was looking for.

what is it then?Let's talk about it in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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