
Chapter 1071 The blood is raging, don't be angry and majestic!

Chapter 1071 The blood is raging, don't be angry and majestic!
When they reached the gate of the city, Tong Yan, Xuan Mo and the others had already turned their backs as much as possible so that no one would notice.But there is no way, Xuan Mo is a four-dimensional divine beast, and the aura carried by the divine beast is exactly the opposite of the demonic aura.Some demons with a slightly lower cultivation level may not be able to detect it, but demons who have reached the realm of heavenly demons can be identified with just one glance.

"That is the Xuanwu Divine Beast that is on the run, get it for me quickly!"

Following the order of the leading demon, a large group of people immediately swarmed towards Tong Yan and the others.

When Tong Yan saw it, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart. If he had known this, he shouldn't have led people through this city gate, and he wouldn't have bumped into the elite troops who had just arrived.

The matter has come to this point, and it is useless for him to say anything now.For the current plan, only by killing a bloody path can there be a glimmer of life.

He directly pulled out the Tarzan blade, and then said to Xiaohui and Wendy: "Xiaohui, Wendy, this is a good brother who has lived and died with me. He is in trouble today, and I must not ignore it. But now we have no retreat , If you want to leave alive, you have to fight hard. I will deal with that demon with all my strength later, and you can find a way to rush out when you see the opportunity. Don’t worry about me, I will leave safely. At that time, we will be not far from here Meet in the forest."

Hearing this, Xuan Mo immediately refused: "No, how can I let you take this risk? I will deal with the demon that day, and you all find a way to break through."

Tong Yan looked at him and smiled slightly: "Don't hold on, I know you have injuries. Don't worry, the devil can't kill me that day. If I don't kill him, he's lucky. It's not too late, that's it It's settled." As soon as he finished speaking, he stopped talking, and took the lead in stepping forward, fighting with the charging demon.

His current strength should be at the level of the eight-winged demon, and with the help of several magic weapons, his strength is already higher than that of the eight-winged demon.He didn't know if he could defeat the Ten Winged Demon, but he was sure of getting out of here safely.

The demons who rushed ahead were all small characters.He stabbed one by one, as if he had entered the land of no one.

Seeing how powerful he was, the other devils backed away unconsciously.

Seeing this, the leading ten-winged demon immediately flew into a rage, and with a flash, he rushed to Tong Yan at an extremely fast speed.

Tong Yan knew that at a time like this, he had to use all his strength, and he couldn't take half a step back.He needs to do his best to hold back the ten-winged celestial demon, only in this way can he give Xuan Mo and the others time to break through.

"Magic Wing, now!" As soon as the word "Xian" fell, four huge wings immediately grew from his back.

The ten-winged demon rushed forward and grabbed it with one claw, and without hesitation, he immediately slashed out.

There was only a sound of "噗", and the Taishan blade slashed across the palm of the ten-winged demon. Although it failed to cut the ten-winged demon's hand in half, it also shocked the ten-winged demon's hand back a few steps. outside.

Of course, not only the ten-winged demon retreated, but he also retreated. In order not to lose the wind, he exerted all his strength, and on the surface, it was a tie.

The ten-winged demon in front of him couldn't help showing surprise at Tong Yan's powerful performance.The armor on this ten-winged celestial demon was covered with scratches from weapons, and one could tell at a glance that he was a battle-tested warrior.But facing an opponent like Tong Yan, it still made him a little puzzled.

"You only have four wings, so you should be a four-winged demon. But how can you not be weaker than me? Who are you?"

He was able to ask this question, which hit Tong Yan's heart.Tong Yan wanted this kind of effect, so that he could attract the attention of the ten-winged demon, and this guy had no time to take care of Xuan Mo and others.

See Tong Yan raised his head high, and then said coldly: "Who am I? I am the nemesis of demons, and I specialize in killing demons. If you don't want to die, just let me out of the way obediently. Otherwise, I will kill you forever Duan, let you be wiped out."

Of course, these words are mostly bragging, but at this time he has to say that, as long as the ten-winged demon in front of him is angered, this guy can't chase him?By then, Xuan Mo and the others will be completely safe.

Fortunately, his good intentions received a strong response, and the ten-winged demon in front of him immediately flew into a rage when he heard this: "What a shame! You dare to be rampant in front of me, today I will kill you!"

Tong Yan said with a disdainful smile: "Kill me? Just rely on you? Let me tell you, two of you can't be my match!"

As soon as their eyes collided, the two immediately rushed towards each other.A wonderful fight was staged, but it was a pity that there were not many spectators.

With Tong Yan here to restrain the ten-winged demon, with Xiao Hui and Wendy opening the way, the injured Xuan Mo felt a lot easier.

The three of them lived up to Tong Yan's dedication, and attacked all the way forward, and finally reached the gate of the city smoothly.Seeing that they were about to rush out of the city gate, they could escape, but unexpectedly, at this moment, the two ten-winged demons stationed in Beixing City rushed here quickly after receiving the communication.

"Bold basaltic beast, if you don't let it go, you really want to be killed here by us?"

Xiao Hui looked up, and his enthusiasm suddenly faded by half.

"Ten-winged demon? Why are there two more ten-winged demons? His grandma's, this is to kill us!"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo gritted his teeth and said, "You two benefactors, you have already helped me a lot. These two ten-winged demons are here for me, and I will deal with them. You go first!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hui snorted coldly and said, "You are brother Tong's friend, how can we see death without saving? Even if we die, we can't be deserters!"

Xiao Hui is indeed very interesting, but how can Xuan Mo let irrelevant people accompany him to die?

"You two benefactors, I accept your wishes. But I can't let you take this big risk. Life and death are fate. If I am doomed to die today, no matter how hard I try, I will definitely die. Thank you for your help, I still ask you leave!"

The two ten-winged celestial demons were not in the mood to watch them chatting, so they joined forces without any explanation, and they shot two red balls at the same time, and immediately smashed towards Xuan Mo with great momentum.

Xuan Mo was already seriously injured, and it was impossible for him to survive the strong attack of these two ten-winged demons.But he knew that he had no choice, even if he died, he had to fight until the last moment.

Seeing the two magic balls attacking forcefully, he showed the Xuanming Blade, and was about to make the last resistance.

But at this critical moment, a red figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and swung a huge blade, slashing directly at the two magic balls that were close at hand.

I heard two loud bangs, and the magic ball exploded directly, causing dust to fly and bursts of magic energy.

And the red figure remained motionless, standing in front of him like a god of war, staring ahead.

"If you want to kill my brother, pass me first!"

I saw this red figure wearing a set of red armor with four red bone wings on his back. He was tall and imposing.Taking a closer look, he is not someone else, but Tong Yan who is full of domineering and murderous intent!

(End of this chapter)

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