
Chapter 1072 With 1 against 3, I suddenly laughed!

Chapter 1072 One against three, suddenly laughing!
According to legend, every ten-winged demon has his own set of exclusive armor.This armor is made by fusing the bones of his body with the devil's energy, and then tempered by Jie Lei, and then he's done.Yes, to become a Heavenly Demon is to start crossing the catastrophe, whether it is from six wings to eight wings, or eight wings to ten wings, etc., it is necessary to cross the catastrophe.

But the bone armor of the ten-winged celestial demon must reach the strength of the ten-winged celestial demon to condense, and the bone armor of each ten-winged celestial demon is different, and there are also grades.A good celestial demon bone armor not only has super strong defense ability, but also can greatly increase the wearer's magic energy and speed, while ordinary celestial devil bone armor can only improve some defensive capabilities, and it is very limited in helping the wearer.

The set of Heavenly Demon Bone Armor worn by Tong Yan is obviously among the best, it not only makes him energetic, but also greatly enhances his strength.It is precisely because of this that he has the strength to fight against the ten-winged demon, and is able to save Xuan Mo and others at this critical juncture.

One more point must be explained, that is, this set of armor is very beautiful, the whole body of the armor is bright red, with red light flowing on it, the helmet looks like a dragon head, with two sharp horns on the top, the brim of the helmet covers all the way to the forehead, reaching the eyebrows, the upper body armor The neckline is very high, even the mouth is protected, the chest is slightly raised, and there are very beautiful lines on it, extending to the crotch, the shoulder armor is slightly raised and spread out, and it is integrated with the arm armor. The legs of the lower body The armor seems to be independent, but in fact it is connected with the upper body armor by a red leather-like substance. Besides, the pair of red bone boots fully cover the knees, and the toes and heels are very sharp. As a weapon against the enemy.

But even so, it was still not an easy task for Tong Yan to block the three ten-winged demons and buy time for Xuan Mo and the others to escape.

Tong Yan had already made up his mind, so he was naturally fearless. He looked coldly at the ten-winged demon in front of him, and he was fully fired.

Xuan Mo looked at Tong Yan, and then said: "Brother Tong, I have already dragged you down, and I must not let you take risks for me anymore. You should go, their goal is only me. As long as I die, they will never let you take risks for me. I will not hunt you down again."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said without looking back: "As long as I'm here, no one can hurt my brother. Xuan Mo, if you still recognize me as a brother, leave here immediately with Xiao Hui and the others. These three guys I'll deal with it, they can't rush through."

Xiao Hui who was behind him hesitated for a moment, and hurriedly stepped forward to pull Xuanmo's arm and said, "Brother Xuanmo, it's better for us to go first at this time. If we stay here, it will only become a burden for him. You have to treat Tong Brother has confidence, I think he will be able to return safely."

Xuan Mo struggled for a while, and finally nodded in response: "Okay, since that's the case, let's take a step first. Brother Tong, you must be safe and sound, we will wait for you."

Tong Yan did not respond, because all his attention was now on the three ten-winged demons in front of him.

Similarly, he was looking at the three ten-winged celestial demons, so why weren't the three ten-winged celestial demons watching him closely?

Although the aura he showed did not completely deter the three ten-winged demons, they all regarded him as the strongest enemy at present.

Xuan Mo, Xiao Hui, and Wendy didn't say anything more, and immediately set off to the outer city.

When the three ten-winged demons saw it, they were about to step forward to block it.

But at this moment, Tong Yan suddenly moved and blocked the way of these three people.

"I've already said, if you want to kill my brother, pass me first."

Seeing this, the three ten-winged demons looked at each other, and immediately attacked Tong Yan with all their strength.

Tong Yan held Taishan blade in his hand, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he did not retreat but advanced, and soon he was fighting with these three heavenly demons.

Although the three ten-winged celestial demons did not show their celestial demon bone armor, the combined strength of the three of them was far from what Tong Yan could deal with.

But Tong Yan can't kill them, and it's hard for them to pose a threat to Tong Yan's life in a short time.

I saw Tong Yan continuously shifting shape and changing positions, always skillfully avoiding the onslaught of the three people, and from time to time he shot the three people with cold arrows.

Rengui has self-knowledge, Tong Yan's current strength is naturally greatly improved, but he knows in his heart that his current strength should be able to deal with one ten-winged demon. It cannot be said that it is impossible to deal with three, but the possibility is very small.

He just needs to delay the time as much as possible so that Xuan Mo and others can retreat from this place safely, then he will be considered a complete victory in this battle.

The three ten-winged celestial demons were no fools, seeing Tong Yan's flickering left and right refusal to fight recklessly, they already guessed his plan.

So the ten-winged demon who came here from the main city immediately said: "Both brothers, I will leave this kid to you to deal with. I will go after that divine beast Xuanwu."

Hearing this, the two ten-winged demons in Beixing City immediately agreed in unison.

Seeing that they were going to split into two groups, Tong Yan knew that he could no longer hide, so he used the five-finger sword without saying a word.He only saw five red air swords shot out from his hands, and immediately howled and stabbed at the ten-winged demon who wanted to chase Xuan Mo.

This guy has very sharp eyes. Seeing that the five qi swords were shooting at him, he turned around quickly and blocked it with the wings on his back.

But how did he know that Tong Yan used this move not to sneak attack, but to keep him.

As soon as the five qi swords approached, Tong Yan suddenly changed his fingering, and quickly formed a five-star seal, saying quickly in his mouth: "The power of the five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint; separation is solitary, and unity is strength; sword There is a way in the tactics, and the sword god is respected; the sword is controlled by the heart, and the soul of the sword is born; the five elements are the sword, and the sword is the five elements; both offensive and defensive, the sword formation is self-contained. Trapped!"

As soon as the word "sleepy" came out, the fired five-fingered swords immediately chased each other, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into a large net with flashing sword lights, directly enveloping the ten-winged demon in it.

At the same time, Tong Yan threw up the Taishan blade in his hand, and was about to use the fatal knife to frighten the three heavenly demons.

But the other two ten-winged demons were not vegetarians either, and before he could make the final move, they showed their weapons one after another and rushed to kill him first.

Seeing it, Tong Yan didn't dare to slack off, first he used Thunderbolt Palm, and then he used the shape-shifting move.

But this time, he miscalculated.He's been using teleportation all the time, and these two guys have already figured out how to deal with it.

So just as his figure appeared again, thin red lines quietly appeared around his body.He stared intently, yelled that it was not good, and wanted to shift shape again and get away in a hurry.

But the speed of these thin red threads was extremely fast, in the blink of an eye, his body was tightly entwined, the body was charged, and the transposition was useless.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two ten-winged demons from Beixing City rushed forward, swung their weapons and slashed at him.

But following the two bangs of "Dangdang", Tong Yan, who was in danger, smiled inexplicably.

Why did he suddenly laugh when his life was at stake?
(End of this chapter)

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