
Chapter 1073 Crazy idea, sucking demons!

Chapter 1073 Crazy idea, sucking demons!
To be able to reach the realm of the ten-winged demon, the strength is naturally not weak.But relying on such extraordinary strength, he couldn't even cause harm to Tong Yan, what does this mean?It's actually very simple, it means that Tong Yan has a set of peerless armor that can make him completely invincible.And this set of armor is exactly the Heavenly Demon bone armor given by the Ten-winged Heavenly Demon in the Heavenly Demon City.

Tong Yan clearly watched the swords of the two ten-winged demons in Beixing City hit his chest, and he thought that he might die here.But unexpectedly, this set of celestial demon bone armor turned out to be so powerful. It not only protected his body, but also pushed the two celestial demons back more than ten meters away.

With the help of this peerless armor, what is he afraid of?Even if his strength is weak, he will never lose this battle.It was precisely because of this that he couldn't help laughing out loud; it was precisely because of this that his confidence suddenly doubled and he was full of fighting spirit.

"I thought you ten-winged demons were amazing, but it seems like that. Since you want to fight, then I will fight with you to your heart's content."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tong Yan's devilish energy suddenly burst out, and he heard a few "boom booms", and the thin red threads that imprisoned him were all broken by the devilish energy he radiated.

And in this way, he can fight them without any scruples.

Stretching his hand into his pocket, he immediately took out the Phoenix Heavenly Sword. Holding the sword in one hand and the knife in the other, he completely activated the crazy mode.

The two ten-winged demons in Beixing City obviously didn't think of this. Although they knew that the armor on Tong Yan's body was the demon's bone armor, the protective ability of the demon's bone armor was beyond their expectations.

Now that Tong Yan has fully entered into a fighting stance, they naturally dare not hold back any more.

They saw a sudden burst of red light from their bodies, finally revealing their own demonic bone armor.

As mentioned in the previous chapter, the Heavenly Demon Bone Armor is also divided into three, six, and nine grades.Compared with Tong Yan's colorful and dazzling celestial demon bone armor, the celestial demon bone armor on these two ten-winged celestial demons is really dull, as if assembled from broken copper and rotten iron. That's shabby enough.

Tong Yan suddenly understood that it wasn't that they deliberately wanted to hide their strength, but that they really couldn't use the armor. If they hadn't been forced to help, they probably wouldn't be ashamed of themselves here.

"Stinky boy, don't be crazy. Don't think that with a piece of high-quality bone armor, you can be confident. Let me tell you, you have already angered our brothers. No matter what, you will be killed here today. !"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled disdainfully and said, "Really? Then let the horse come over here! I want to see how capable you are!"

The eyes of the two sides collided, no more words were said, and they rushed towards each other immediately.

At the same time, the ten-winged demon who was trapped in the five-element sword formation had also broken out. Seeing that Xuan Mo and the others had escaped without a trace, he simply poured out his anger on Tong Yan .

Tong Yan had already figured it out, the demon bone armor was so powerful, it would be unreasonable not to kill a ten-winged demon.But if he wanted to get rid of one, he would have to use Wuji Sword Art or Jue Ming Dao Jue.

But these two supernatural powers have a problem, that is, the casting time is too long.One second is enough to reverse the situation if a master fights.So these two supernatural powers are not the best choice now.

So what supernatural power is more suitable for the current situation?He thought of Tai Chi Su Zhen Jue.Tai Chi Absorbing Truth can not only absorb the true qi of people, but also absorb the magical energy of monsters.That being the case, it is also extremely effective against demons and even heavenly demons.

He is eager to improve his strength, but how can he improve quickly?Absorbing other people's demonic energy, and then turning it into one's own use, this may be the shortest and most effective method.

He now has the power of the beast in his body to stick to his dantian, so no matter how much magic energy he absorbs, there should be no possibility of backlash.In addition, Master Zi Yi also taught him a calming spell, and if he gets mad at that time, he can use this calming spell to dissolve the demon in his heart.

Thinking of this, he immediately put Taishan Blade back into his bag, but only held a Phoenix Heavenly Sword.

The reason why he chose the Phoenix Heavenly Sword at this time is very simple, he can take the next best thing and use the Heavenly Path Sword Art.Compared with Wuji Sword Art, although the power of Tianxing Sword Art is slightly weaker, its advantage is also very obvious, that is, it can be used at will, and it is especially effective against monsters and the like.

First use the Tianxing Sword Art to separate the three ten-winged Heavenly Demons, then attack one of them fiercely, and then use the Tai Chi Suction Art at the right time to capture the magic energy, and then leave.This is the plan he has in mind now. As for whether it will be successful, he will only know if he tries it.

Seeing the three ten-winged demons attacking at the same time, he snorted coldly, and immediately struck out the Phoenix Heavenly Sword in his hand. Punish demons with the law, the Heavenly Movement Sword Art, come out!" As soon as the words were written, the Phoenix Heavenly Sword burst into golden light, and shot at the ten-winged Heavenly Demon in front of him first.

When the ten-winged demon saw the Phoenix Heavenly Sword coming, he quickly swung the big knife in his hand and slashed at it head-on.

But the Phoenix Heavenly Sword is small in size and fast in speed, how could he hit it with this strike?

He heard the sound of "Dang", although the Phoenix Heavenly Sword failed to penetrate his body, it knocked him back more than ten meters away.

And in such a short time, the other two ten-winged demons had already approached.Tong Yan turned around and slapped out both palms at the same time.The two red palm prints immediately struck at the offending Ten-winged Demon.

Of course, he didn't expect mere Thunderbolt Palm to repel them, but it was a good opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity to perform teleportation.

The two ten-winged demons rushed forward, but Tong Yan easily dodged them again.

The ten-winged demon who was repelled by the Phoenix Heavenly Sword stabilized his body, saw that Tong Yan had disappeared, and immediately followed the two flying demons to search around, but how did he know that he had already become Tong Yan's target .

Before he found Tong Yan, a hand suddenly grabbed the wings on his back tightly.As soon as he realized it, he was about to wave his wings and shake off the people behind him.

But it's a pity that Tong Yan has already performed the Tai Chi Suction Technique, and he can no longer move a single inch.

"I'm sorry, your devilish energy is mine now!"

Before the ten-winged demon could react, the demon energy in his body gushed out uncontrollably.

Tong Yan's eyes glowed red, and he frantically absorbed the devilish energy in the ten-winged demon's body. After only a short while, his whole body couldn't help but boil.

"As expected of the ten-winged demon, the demonic energy is really enough. If I can absorb all the demonic energy of these three ten-winged demons today, wouldn't my strength be improved by leaps and bounds? I'm so stupid, I have already I should attack the devil. In this way, I might reach the realm of a demon god in a short time. At that time, who else can stand in my way? The entire Asura Dao will be in my pocket! Ha ha ha ha……"

Tong Yan thought that he might be insane, but what he didn't know was that he had completely become a demon just after using the Tai Chi Suction Technique!
(End of this chapter)

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