
Chapter 1074 Become famous in one battle, the demon god is angry!

Chapter 1074 Become famous in one battle, the demon god is angry!
Tong Yan is by no means an ambitious person, but now he actually has the thought of unifying the Asura Way. The appearance of this kind of thought is definitely not a good sign, it is just the embodiment of the evil thought in his heart.

The evil thought for a lifetime cannot be resolved by reciting the meditation mantra a few times. Unless there is a chance, it will be trapped in it forever and it is difficult to extricate itself.

"Haha...haha...all the devilish energy is mine, and your devilish energy is also mine. Haha...haha..."

While frantically absorbing the devilish energy of the ten-winged demon in front of him, he laughed wildly at the two ten-winged demons who rushed forward.

Seeing this, the two ten-winged demons showed serious expressions.One of them immediately said fiercely: "Stinky boy, what on earth are you trying to do? Let him go immediately, otherwise, I will definitely let you die without a place to bury you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan laughed and said: "There is no place to die? You two are in danger now, and you dare to talk nonsense in front of me. Don't worry, I will kill him first, and I will deal with you in a while."

When the ten-winged demon heard this, he rushed forward angrily.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately slapped the ten-winged demon in front of him who had been drained of magic energy.

At the same time, he resorted to shape-shifting, and easily appeared behind another ten-winged demon.

This other ten-winged demon came from the main city. He was not from North Star City, so he naturally didn't care about the life and death of the North Star City demon.It's a pity that even so, he could not escape the fate of becoming Tong Yan's "prey".

As soon as Tong Yan appeared behind him, he used the Tai Chi Suction Technique.He didn't even have a chance to dodge, so he became the second target for Tong Yan to absorb the magic energy.

Seeing this, the only ten-winged demon who hadn't been hit finally realized what was wrong. He no longer wanted to care about others, so he turned around and ran away in fright.

Seeing a "caught fish" escape, Tong Yan couldn't help feeling a little bit unwilling, but he couldn't do anything to chase after it. After all, it couldn't be done in a few seconds if he wanted to completely absorb the magic energy of a ten-winged demon.And as long as it takes more than ten seconds, the "caught fish" will have long since escaped without a trace.

In any case, it was quite a reward for him to drain the magic energy of the two ten-winged demons this time.When the demon energy of these two ten-winged demons is completely digested, his strength will definitely not be what it used to be.

But the question is, how can the devilish energy obtained from other people be tamed so easily?He seems to have a bright future now, but in fact, hidden dangers have been quietly buried.

A few minutes later, he slammed the ten-winged demon in front of him to the ground.The two ten-winged celestial demons who had lost their magic energy were not much different from dead people.He was too lazy to waste time on them, and instead locked his eyes on Beixing City.

There are still so many demons in Beixing City, if they absorb all their demon energy, it will naturally be a considerable "wealth".

And just when he was about to enter the city to attack other demons, he didn't expect that his body felt like ten thousand ants gnawed on him, and he felt a severe pain.

The pain made him miserable, but he still had that evil smile on his face.

"I just absorbed such a little bit of demonic energy, could my body be unable to hold it? Hmph... that's fine, then I'll go and digest the demonic energy first. Later, I'll devour these humble demons. Hehe... ..."

Before the laughter stopped, he had already turned around and flew away from Beixing City.

Although he had left safely, he forgot the agreement with Xuan Mo and Xiao Hui.He didn't go to join them, but hid in the deep mountains alone, and began to cultivate alone.

The next day, the news that the two Ten-winged Heavenly Demons were killed in Beixing City spread rapidly throughout the Demon God Kingdom.

You must know that the Heavenly Demon is a first-rate powerhouse in Asura Dao, and the Ten-Winged Heavenly Demon is regarded as a god by some small cities.For example, in the Heavenly Demon City, what they enshrine is the statue of the Ten-Winged Heavenly Demon.It can be seen from this that the ten-winged demon has such a high status in the Asura Dao.

However, such a powerful existence was actually killed, and two of them were killed at a time.For most demons, this is simply impossible. It may not be an exaggeration to say that this is a fantasy.

However, such a thing really happened, and many demons witnessed it with their own eyes.The destruction of the two ten-winged demons is definitely the first "miracle" in the thousands of years of Asura Dao. As the supreme ruler of the Demon God Kingdom, how can he tolerate such a thing happening?
In the palace of the main city, the demon god Chi Hong was watching the ten-winged demon kneeling in front of him with fierce eyes.This ten-winged demon is no one else, it is the guy who escaped from Beixing City yesterday and fled all the way to the main city.

He is the deputy city lord of Beixing City. The city lord and a ten-winged demon from the main city died in Beixing City. He must report the news to His Majesty the Demon God.One is to plead guilty, and the other is to avoid Tong Yan's pursuit.

Beside him and on both sides, were sitting the Eight Great Demon Kings of the Demon God Kingdom.The eight demon kings seemed very calm, and some even showed strong interest.

This guy didn't dare to look up at the Demon God sitting on the throne, for fear that His Majesty the Demon God would blame him and execute him directly.

But His Majesty the Demon God has clearly become really angry. Even if he escapes death, he will inevitably be severely punished.

After a brief silence, His Majesty the Demon God, who was dressed in a red embroidered high-necked loose robe and a red terrifying mask, finally spoke.

"You mean, the murderer who killed the two ten-winged demons was just a four-winged demon?"

Hearing this, the ten-winged demon kneeling on the ground hurriedly replied: "Reporting to His Majesty the Demon God, that guy indeed only has four demon wings. But... But he has a very powerful set of demon bone armor. It is precisely because of this set of demon bone armor , the three of us will not be able to take him down with our combined efforts."

Before the demon god Chi Hong could speak again, a demon king sitting below couldn't help laughing.

This demon king is also wearing a red robe, but the lines on the robe are quite different from those on the robe of the demon god Chi Hong. The most intuitive difference is that the lines on his robe are thinner and less.In addition, it is the style of the robe. The robe of the demon god Chi Hong has a high collar, while his robe has a low collar.

This laughing demon king is about 50 years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and an ordinary appearance, but there is a black pointed horn about five or six centimeters long and as big as a small fingernail at the center of his eyebrows. Those who don't know it think it is Tumors, but that's really horns.And it is precisely because of this that this demon king is called the horned demon king.

After the horned demon king laughed a few times, he said, "Did you read it wrong? As we all know, only the ten-winged demon and above can possess the demon bone armor. You said that the murderer was a four-winged demon, don't you think so?" Do you find it ridiculous?"

Hearing this, the kneeling ten-winged demon immediately replied: "Sharp-horned demon king, this subordinate is really not talking nonsense. That guy really only showed four demon wings. Not only that, but the weapons he uses are also similar to the ones we are used to. It's quite different. I was wondering, could that guy...could it not be a demon, but an assassin from Doutian Kingdom?"

Hearing this, Demon God Chi Hong immediately said coldly: "No matter what his identity is, since he dared to kill the Heavenly Demon of my Demon God Kingdom, he must not be spared. Xueji Demon King, I will leave this job to you. Within three days, no matter what method you use, you must bring him in front of this Demon God. This Demon God wants to see, who is this guy?"

(End of this chapter)

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