
Chapter 1075 The devil's heart has been formed, when will he wake up?

Chapter 1075 The devil's heart has been formed, when will he wake up?
The demon king known as Xue Ji really lived up to her name. She was not only beautiful and charming, but also had better skin than snow, especially her uneven figure, which was enough to make most men crazy about her.And she seems to be very happy to show her seductive side, not only deliberately pulled the neckline to the shoulders to reveal the beautiful collarbone, but also modified the gown a little, turning it into a short gown, so that a pair of beautiful legs are perfectly displayed to everyone before.

Although the skin of most devils is red, but for characters like devil kings and devil gods, don't they just turn into whatever skin color they want?

After being called by the Demon God Chi Hong, she immediately stood up, and then said with a sweet smile: "Your Majesty the Demon King really loves you, and you actually entrusted me with such a good job. All right, since His Majesty the Demon God has spoken, then I will Do your best. But Your Majesty the Demon God, I can't guarantee that I will be able to bring that guy to you within three days, in case he has already escaped. Where do you want me to find? Besides, like this The deputy city lord of Beixing City said, if that guy is really from Dou Tian Kingdom, he might have returned to Dou Tian Kingdom after killing two demons. Yes, try to finish this job well. Do you think it will work?"

There are really not many people who dare to bargain with His Majesty the Demon God, and this Xueji Demon King is one of them.

Hearing this, Demon God Chi Hong chuckled and said, "Okay, then the Demon God will wait for the good news. Xue Ji, I think you will not let me down. Right?"

Demon King Xueji chuckled and said, "Oh, that's not necessarily the case. It's not too late, I'll leave first. My lords, see you later!" As she spoke, she walked out of the hall with twists and turns, Just looking at her back is enough to make people's blood boil.

"This flamboyant hoof is really attractive. When I have a chance, I must have a good taste."

The person who said this was also one of the eight great demon kings. His clothes were similar to those of the other demon kings, but he had black hair, a pair of white eyes, a thin body, and an ordinary appearance.Although he looks young, he is the most arrogant and daring one among the eight great demon kings.Who is he?He is the villain who imprisoned Tan Yu, Marceau the Demon King!
Hearing this, the horned demon king immediately said with a chuckle: "Marceau, don't daydream. Although this Xue Ji looks coquettish, after so many years, I have never heard of anyone who can enter her bedroom." .So, you should give up on this idea. Don’t miss the mutton, and make yourself a show instead!”

Hearing this, Demon King Marceau sneered and said, "Really? Let's wait and see. Before long, I will let her ask me to go to her bedroom. By then, you will know whether I am daydreaming or not." .”

The Horned Demon King laughed and said, "It stands to reason that there should be no shortage of beauties in your place? What about the beauties from the envoys last time? Have you tried it yet?"

Upon hearing this, Demon King Marceau became furious and said, "That damned vixen is forcing her to die. She is killing my patience. When my patience runs out, I will kill her with my own hands."

The two wanted to chat for a few more words, but were interrupted directly by the demon god Chi Hong.

"Did you come here to chat with this Demon God? If there is nothing wrong, get out. By the way, the deputy city lord of Beixing City, although you brought back the news, you are a deserter after all. Come here, let this Demon God drag you out Picking off a wing can be regarded as giving him a long memory. Get out!"

When everyone saw that His Majesty the Demon God was angry, they didn't dare to say anything, and hurried out in desperation.But the ten-winged demon is about to suffer. Having his wing removed is equivalent to pulling out a bone from his body. Although the removed wings can still grow back and their strength will not be affected much, the pain is nothing. Everyone can afford it.But having said that, he still feels lucky. The biggest punishment is to remove all the magic wings. He only removed one, which is already very lucky.

After Xue Ji Demon King took the order, he hurriedly left the main city and headed straight for Beixing City.

There is actually a special reason why the demon god Chi Hong chose her to arrest Tong Yan, that is, her nose is different from others.As long as she can smell a little smell, no matter where the person is hiding, she can follow the smell to find it. Its function is comparable to that of a police dog, but it is thousands of times more sensitive than the sense of smell of a police dog.

Maybe it won't be long before she can find Tong Yan, but where is Tong Yan hiding at this moment?

There are several mountains in the east of Beixing City. The forests on the mountains are very dense. Not only are monsters entrenched in them, but there are rumors that there are also some poisonous plants.It is definitely not a wise thing to go deep into the mountains, but some people don't care about this at all, and start cultivating in the mountains.

In a small cave with a diameter of only two meters and a depth of less than ten meters, Tong Yan was sitting cross-legged, practicing quietly.

The devilish energy of the two ten-winged demons was indeed very powerful and difficult to control. There would be a collision between the devilish energy, which made him a little unexpected.So now there are three demonic energy in his body, one of which is his original, and the other two are the two ten-winged demons.In addition, he also has the power of Kunpeng's beast in his body.

The confrontation between the three demonic energies had already made him miserable, but he didn't expect that the power of the beast would come to join in the fun at this time.

The four streams of gas come and go, refusing to give in to each other, as if they must kill each other.

In this vicious battle between them, there is only one party who really suffers, and that is Tong Yan.

Although Tong Yan was calm on the surface, it was really hard for him to bear the pain.

No, as soon as the demon energy of the demon had the upper hand, he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.The power of the beast over there was slightly dominant, and he couldn't help but spit out another mouthful.

Two mouthfuls of blood spurted out, and his mind became dizzy.If things go on like this, I'm afraid he will have to die here before his "ambition" is realized.

"What should I do? I don't want to die yet, I have to survive. But what should I do? Who can tell me what to do?"

If you have evil thoughts in your heart, you can't deal with them indifferently. If you have ambition, you will naturally fear life and death.

He had changed, as if he had become a stranger.He began to be afraid of death, and he couldn't wait to kill others, and he did everything he could to achieve his goal. This was actually a manifestation of the demon in his heart.

Just when he was at a loss, a woman's voice unexpectedly rang out from the entrance of the cave.

"You're the one who killed the two ten-winged demons, right? What? You're too full to digest?"

As soon as the sound came out, he immediately looked up, and then he suddenly laughed.

"Haha... Another one came to die, your devilish energy is also mine!" Having said that, he completely disregarded his seriously injured body and rushed towards the person who came.

Only this time, his wish might be shattered, because the one who came was no longer the ten-winged celestial demon, but a superior demon king!

(End of this chapter)

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