
Chapter 1076 Almost died, thank you for your enlightenment!

Chapter 1076 Almost died, thank you for your enlightenment!
The person who came was none other than Demon King Xue Ji.This Demon King Xue Ji is really amazing, not only has a sensitive nose, but also is proficient in escapism, otherwise, how could she find Tong Yan in such a short time?
Before coming, she fantasized that the murderer who killed the two ten-winged demons would be an expert, but she was a little disappointed when Tong Yan pounced on him.

"What kind of person do I think I am? I didn't expect it to be just a lost mind. Get the hell out of me, because you deserve to touch me?"

Seeing Tong Yan rushing towards him, she just pushed Tong Yan lightly with her jade hand, and knocked Tong Yan to the ground.

Of course Tong Yan refused to give up, as soon as he fell to the ground, he immediately used the shape-shifting.

Seeing that Tong Yan disappeared out of thin air, Demon King Xue Ji didn't dare to underestimate her. He hurriedly made a seal with both hands, and a red mask immediately appeared around her body, protecting her firmly in it.

And Tong Yan appeared just behind her, pulled out the Tarzan blade, and slashed down with a sharp blow.

Only a "bang" sound was heard, and the red mask shattered, but Xue Ji Demon King who was inside the mask disappeared inexplicably.

Tong Yan used these two moves with reluctance.Now that the knife has been cut, he seems to find it difficult to even stand up.

It's just that the Demon King Xue Ji didn't care about these things, she appeared on Tong Yan's side, and she slapped Tong Yan's arm right in the middle.Tong Yan was already at the end of his strength, and there was no strength to protect his body. When his body was light, he immediately smashed into the stone wall with a "boom".

Demon King Xueji looked at Tong Yan who was dying, and said with a contemptuous smile: "However, this is really disappointing. If it wasn't for the demon god wanting to see you, I would really be too lazy to give you a chance to breathe. Forget it, let me spare your life first. When you meet the Demon God, let him send you off!"

Speaking of this, she grabbed at the void, and an invisible hand immediately firmly grasped Tong Yan, and lifted him out of the stone wall so easily.

In fact, with Tong Yan's strength, if he hadn't been ravaged by those two strands of heavenly demon energy and the power of divine beasts, he would never have been captured so easily by the Demon King Xue Ji.

But there are some things, just like this, you can't do whatever you want, and it's actually helpless to be taken advantage of by the Xue Ji Demon King.

Demon King Xueji carried him and was about to walk out of the cave.

But at this moment, a rain of blood suddenly fell outside the cave.The pouring rain of blood, as if a giant's blood vessel had been cut, was dripping crazily, making people feel a little uncomfortable.

Although Xue Ji Demon King was born as a demon, she is a woman, and she loves beauty very much. Otherwise, she would not change her skin color and become this snow-white beauty.

She looked at the blood rain outside, couldn't help but frowned, and couldn't help complaining: "It's really unlucky, why is it raining blood? Forget it, I'd better go out later, I don't want to be This filthy rain of blood stains the body."

She turned her head to look at Tong Yan again, and then threw him aside.

Tong Yan is now between a coma and a sober state, half sober and half comatose.His body was so heavy that it didn't seem to be his own, and his body was in pain as if it was about to split open.But even so, he was still smiling silly, as if he had really become silly.

Demon King Xue Ji stood calmly in front of the cave entrance, watching the blood rain fall to the ground.

Tong Yan fell to the ground, panting heavily, perhaps not the slightest difference from the lingering lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

It has been raining for a long time, and it seems that it will continue to rain.Maybe Xue Ji Demon King was bored, so he looked at Tong Yan carefully.

Although Tong Yan is in a mess now, he is not ugly, and the most important thing is that his skin is not red, which is quite different from ordinary demons.

Demon King Xueji stared at him for a while, and then asked, "Aren't you a demon? Are you from Doutian Kingdom? Can you tell me, what are you doing in Demon God Kingdom?"

Tong Yan had difficulty breathing, so how could he have the strength to answer her words.

She hesitated for a while, then raised her legs and walked in front of Tong Yan.

"Each demon's demonic energy is different. Although they are all demonic energy, they are also divided into strong and weak, and also divided into yin and yang. Yin and yang restrain each other and also generate each other. You have inhaled them all into your body like this. This is really It's not the right way, but you are ruining yourself. Of course, you also killed two demons after all. Even if you died because of the explosion of demonic energy, you still left a good reputation. Maybe someone will remember it in the future You, it's a pity that you want to survive, I'm afraid it's impossible. Oh, it's so boring. When will this damn rain end?" She walked to the entrance of the cave again, groaning angrily. looking outside.

There is a saying that the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.Her casual remark reminded Tong Yan.

The reason why Tong Yan absorbed the devilish energy of two heavenly demons in a row was of course to improve his cultivation, but he ignored the difference between devilish energy and devilish energy.And it is precisely because of this that he is suffering so much now that life is worse than death.

Xue Ji Demon King mentioned that devil energy can also be divided into yin and yang, which made him suddenly enlightened.What he practiced was the yin and yang art, using the yin and yang channels to absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth and transform it into the purest true energy.

But because this is the Asura Dao, the so-called aura in the aura of heaven and earth is very little, and it is almost replaced by demonic energy.So he began to absorb magic energy and replace true energy with magic energy.

But if the demon energy is also divided into yin and yang, then can he also use the yin and yang art to re-train the demon energy of these two heavenly demons?Of course it makes sense in theory, but it is not an easy task to control these two powerful demonic energy.

But it is not impossible, after all, his original demonic energy is still there, he can rebuild bit by bit, if he succeeds, as long as there is enough time, he can finally re-cultivate these two strands of demonic energy, and then turn them into his own use of.

With an idea in his mind, he just lay down and began to practice.Use your own demonic energy to separate a little bit from the other two strands of demonic energy, and then use the two channels of yin and yang to determine whether they are yin or yang.Sure enough, as Demon King Xue Ji said, these two streams of devil energy are indeed one yin and one yang.He immediately let the extracted magic energy enter from their corresponding yin and yang veins to complete the cycle of heaven and earth.

Unexpectedly, after such a try, it really worked.

After a good start, he drew more and more devilish energy time after time. After only three hours passed, he managed to control the situation and completely suppressed the violent beast power with enough devilish energy .

As long as there is another moment, the remaining devil energy will be completely absorbed, and at that time, he will be able to fight this Xue Ji devil king without any worries.

It's just that the Demon King Xue Ji didn't know about it, and she paid a big "price" for it!
What price?Let's talk about it in the next chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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