
Chapter 1077 Punishment in the cave, forgot everything?

Chapter 1077 Punishment in the cave, forget everything?
Xue Ji Demon King was still staring at the rain of blood outside the cave in a daze, but he didn't pay much attention to Tong Yan who was lying on the ground.Perhaps in her opinion, Tong Yan is now being tormented by two different demonic energy, and it is unknown whether he can survive, so naturally he does not pose the slightest threat to her.

Indeed, the previous Tong Yan did not pose a threat to her, but the current Tong Yan is not sure.

Without her "teaching", Tong Yan might not be far from death. Speaking of which, Tong Yan should really thank her.

Only after completely digesting the last bit of demonic energy in his body, Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly got up from the ground.

Although his movement was very light, Xue Ji Demon King still noticed it.Demon King Xue Ji turned around abruptly, looked at him who had stood up, and couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

"You... are you alright? Has the devilish energy in your body been digested by you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "That's right, thanks to you, I'm safe and sound."

Hearing this, Demon King Xueji said lightly: "It seems that you are indeed a bit capable. You can digest two different demonic energy, which is really admirable. But even so, you think I can't handle it. Have you stopped? I advise you to be more honest, and when the rain stops, you can obediently follow me to see the Demon God! Otherwise, I can only make you suffer a little more."

Hearing what she said, Tong Yan immediately laughed as if he had heard some joke.

"Take a little pain? What can you do to me? If it weren't for the two demonic energy in my body just now, you are also my opponent? Little girl, you are really courageous. I can destroy it." I killed two ten-winged demons, so I can kill you naturally. But, I am a person who loves beauty and beauty after all, so you can rest assured that I will not kill you today. But capital crimes can be forgiven, and living crimes are hard to forgive. You are so beautiful, you can kill It's a pity. Still be my woman, and serve me in the future!"

Hearing this, Demon King Xueji giggled and said, "Serve you? You really regard yourself as someone special. Let me tell you, even if I am a Lord Demon God, I will not commit myself easily, let alone you, a toad? Killed two The ten-winged demon is indeed powerful, but in my eyes, it is nothing at all. Don’t you want me to serve you? Then show me some real skills. Just a stinky mouth can’t scare you mine."

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Okay, then I'll let you know if I'm qualified to be your master." Having said that, he immediately put away his smile, turned his hands into claws, and instantly resorted to shape shifting. bit.

Seeing him disappearing suddenly, Demon King Xue Ji didn't dare to delay, and also used the magical power of shifting to dodge to the side.

Tong Yan took the lead in launching the attack, and he was indeed in vain, but just after he appeared, he resorted to shifting shape again.

The two of them came and went in this narrow stone cave, and for a while, neither of them could hold the other.

It's just that the Demon King Xue Ji loves cleanliness too much, and she still refuses to leave the cave. After going back and forth like this, Tong Yan finally seized the opportunity.

Tong Yan used his fingering to connect dots while using shape shifting, and the five-fingered sword was shot out with a "swish", and immediately turned into a sword net, circling in the cave.

The cave is so big, the sword net can cover it from top to bottom, almost blocking all the way out.

As a result, Xue Ji Demon King was finally unable to dodge, so he could only show his body.

It doesn't matter if she shows up, Jianwang rushed over immediately.

Seeing the sword net attacking, she didn't dare to take it lightly, and immediately shot continuously with her jade palm, hoping to repel the sword net.

But this gave Tong Yan an opportunity to take advantage of. Tong Yan had long been waiting in the innermost part of the cave. As a result, she happened to be flanked by the sword net, causing her to be attacked from the back and back, causing chaos.

Although Tong Yan had a demonic heart, he didn't lose his sanity. This method of striking east and west really worked extremely well.

When the Xue Ji Demon King noticed Tong Yan behind him, he had no way to dodge, so he could only use his defensive powers in order to shock Tong Yan back.

But Tong Yan is different from ordinary demons, he has several magic weapons.A mere defensive cover made of magic energy can't stop him at all.

Seeing that the red air shield around Xue Ji Demon King's body had just appeared, the sound of "bang" shattering followed.

As soon as Xue Ji Demon King noticed it, his face paled.But before she released the magic energy body protection again, a big hand was already on her shoulder.

" can't escape from my palm, you should be my woman obediently!" Before she finished speaking, a strong suction immediately came from the shoulder of the Xue Ji Demon King. She wanted to resist, But the body seemed to be frozen, making it difficult to move.

She clearly felt that the devilish energy in her body was continuously being sucked out of her body, and at the same time, another big hand was groping up and down her body.

Until this moment, she realized that she had made a serious mistake, that is, she should not despise this hateful guy, but it was too late now.Not only would she be sucked dry of her demon energy, but she might also be defiled by this villain.

The clothes on her body were torn apart one by one, and the devil's claws became more and more presumptuous on her body. She wanted to beg for mercy, but now, what can begging for mercy change?

The rain of blood outside the cave was still falling, and Xue Ji Demon King finally shed tears of grievance.If she had known this, she shouldn't have come alone; if she had known this, she really wished to get rid of this villain directly.

But if it is really possible to predict the future, people will not be trapped by fate.

Half an hour later, the rain of blood finally stopped, and Demon King Xue Ji was free again.She slumped on the ground stupidly, the tears on her face were so clear.

Tong Yan tidied up his clothes, and then said expressionlessly: "You can go, remember, don't trouble me again in the future. Otherwise, I will never let you off like today."

Hearing this, Xue Ji Demon King gritted his teeth fiercely, and then got up from the ground.She wrapped herself in the clothes that were almost torn, and then said coldly: "I will remember you, and I will never forget you in this life. Everything you did to me today, in the future, I will definitely You will have to pay a terrible price."

Tong Yan smiled contemptuously and said, "Really? Then I'll wait for you. Now, you can get out!"

Xue Ji Demon King stared at Tong Yan with wide eyes, then gritted his teeth and said, "Do you dare to leave your name, I will definitely seek revenge from you in the future!"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Want to know my name? Okay, then I'll tell you! My name is..." At this point, he suddenly froze.Obviously the words came to his lips, but he couldn't speak them out.

"My name... my name... what is my name? What is my name? How did I forget? How did I forget who I am? Ah... ah..."

He suddenly became frightened, because he actually... forgot about himself!

(End of this chapter)

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