
Chapter 1081 Across the Door, Is It Really You?

Chapter 1081 Across the Door, Is It Really You?

In fact, Tong Yan's mind is very confused, on the one hand he can't remember who he is, on the other hand he doesn't want to be driven by others.It was definitely not his intention to kill someone for Xue Ji Demon King, but in order to get himself back, he had no choice but to agree.

Following the maid sent by Xue Ji, the two arrived at a manor in the north of the city in a short time.The manor is surrounded by high stone walls, and only tall trees and majestic palaces can be seen from the outside.

The maid who came along pointed to the manor in front of her, and then said to Tong Yan: "Abu, this is the palace of Demon King Marceau. His portrait is here, please take a look!" He took out a picture scroll and handed it directly to Tong Yan.

Tong Yan reached out to take it, looked at it carefully, and then handed the scroll back to her.

"I remember, you can go."

Hearing this, the maid nodded with a smile, didn't stay any longer, and just walked away.

Tong Yan stared at the manor in front of him, immediately jumped up high, and easily flipped inside.

Marceau's palace is naturally magnificent and extravagant, even the palace of the demon god Chi Hong may not be comparable to this.In addition, there are many trees and many beautiful flowers and plants planted here.It's a little unexpected that a beast like Marceau can have such fun.

Tong Yan had only one purpose for this trip, and that was to kill the beast Marceau. Although the scenery in front of him was pleasant, he wasn't interested at all.

The manor is really big. There are more than a dozen houses inside. Of course, the biggest one is the main hall of the palace, and this is also the most heavily guarded place in the whole manor.

Logically speaking, Marceau should be in the main hall.But Tong Yan didn't want to startle the snake, so he had to start with other houses first.If you can catch a servant and ask the exact location of Namaso, you will save a lot of trouble.

In front of him was a house, the entire manor was surrounded by high walls, and the houses inside were also surrounded by inner walls.

He looked around and after confirming that there was no one there, he quietly climbed over the inner wall and entered the small courtyard in front of him.

Coincidentally, as soon as he stepped into it, he saw four maids busy inside.

It turns out that this is the kitchen, and all the food for the palace is prepared here, and then sent to each house for the adults in the manor to enjoy.

Tong Yan didn't dodge, just walked over.

When the four maids who were busy heard the footsteps, they all turned their heads and looked over.Seeing that it was a stranger, their faces immediately showed doubts.

One of the maids was the first to ask, "Who are you? What are you doing here? Don't you know that this is the kitchen of Lord Demon King? People who are idle are not allowed to enter."

Tong Yan was not in the mood to talk nonsense to them, so he said with a fierce look on his face, "Tell me, where is Marceau?"

As soon as this remark came out, the four maids were taken aback.

"You... why are you asking this? You are not from the palace of the king?"

Tong Yan said coldly: "If you don't want to die, answer my question immediately."

The four maids were a little nervous, but after all, they were the current people in the palace, and they were obviously more courageous than ordinary demons.

"You want to find the Marceau Demon King? Then you go directly to it and ask us what we are doing? Could it be... are you an assassin?"

Tong Yan was a little annoyed, he really didn't want to talk nonsense, so he moved close to one of them and slapped him.

With a scream of "ah", the maid who was hit passed out on the spot, and the other three maids suddenly paled when they saw it.

"Now you can answer my question, otherwise, you will all die!"

This time, the three maids did not dare to talk about anything else.

"I... I said, Lord Demon King should...should be in the main hall."

Another maid said: "No, he should have gone to the west room."

The third maid said again: "You are all wrong, he seems to have gone to see the beautiful fox!"

Three people, three answers.Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning.

"Are you kidding me? Where the hell is he?"

The three maids were terrified, and they immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "My lord, we are just servants who cook, and we have to stay here all the time except delivering food. We really don't know where the devil king is. Either...or, you can search from room to room, and you can always find him."

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "I know where the main hall is, where is the west room you mentioned? And where is the house where the fox beauty lives?"

The older maid hurriedly replied: "The west room is on the west side of the manor. It is a big house, and there are many concubines of the Lord Demon King living in it. As for the beautiful fox, she lives not far from here, which is the first place on the east side. Two houses. My lord, we didn't lie to you, what we said is true. Please, let us go. Please..."

Tong Yan originally wanted to kill the grass and roots to avoid future troubles, but seeing the three maids begging, he didn't kill them in the end.However, in order to prevent the three maids from telling the truth, he still beat them to the ground.

After dealing with all this, he thought about it and decided to start with the house of the closest beauty fox.

What beauty, he is not interested, he just wants to find Marceau, but kills that guy with his own hands.In this way, he can go back to Xue Ji and ask Xue Ji about everything.

The second house on the east side is indeed not far from where he is currently.He continuously shifted shape, and arrived outside the house in less than a minute.

The house was also surrounded by high walls, and he almost didn't stop, so he turned directly into it.

Standing in the courtyard, he smelled a faint fragrance, but looked around, but there was no one in the courtyard.

Looking at the closed door, he hesitated for a moment, then raised his legs and walked forward.

But what puzzled him was that there was a lock under the door.From the lock on the outside, Marceau is definitely not here.

Not wanting to waste time, he turned around and was about to leave here, intending to visit the west room that the maid said.

But at this moment, unexpectedly, a woman's voice sounded in the locked room.

"I don't care who you are, in short, tell Marceau that I will not marry him. Let him let me go, otherwise...or I will die here!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head helplessly, it seemed that Marceau was really not here.Without thinking too much, he jumped up high, onto the wall, and was about to leave here.

But for some reason, he hesitated again.He seemed to feel that the woman's voice seemed to have been heard somewhere before.

After hesitating again and again, he jumped back into the courtyard again, and immediately asked into the room, "You... who are you? I seem to have heard your voice before?"

As soon as he finished speaking, who would have thought that the sound of weeping could be heard in that room.

He became even more puzzled, hurried to the door, and kicked the lock off the door with one kick.

The lock fell to the ground, and he casually pushed the door open. Immediately afterwards, a beautiful face full of tears was presented in front of him!

"Tong Yan, is that really you?"

(End of this chapter)

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