
Chapter 1082 How Important, Under the Devil's Nest!

Chapter 1082 How Important, Under the Devil's Nest!
The one standing in front of Tong Yan was none other than Tan Yu who had been locked up here all this time.She looked at Tong Yan with mixed sorrow and joy, tears still flowing down.But she is trying to smile, although this smile makes people feel distressed, although this smile makes people heartbroken.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Tong Yan suddenly felt an extremely strong joy, he really wanted to embrace this girl in his arms, but... But he couldn't even remember what the girl's name was.He just stood at the door so stupidly, staring at him stupidly, motionless.

Tan Yu still smiled hard, although tears were pouring down like rain, but she was full of joy and happiness in her heart.

"Tong Yan, I knew it was you, I knew we would meet again. Do you know? I dreamed about you last night, dreamed that you came, dreamed that you took me out of here, dreamed of us Together forever. Now that you are here, do you know how happy I am? Even if I die, I have no regrets. Tong Yan, I miss you so much, I miss you all the time."

Having said that, she finally couldn't help herself, and threw herself into Tong Yan's arms and cried loudly.

Although Tong Yan was still trying to figure out who Tan Yu was, tears flowed down his eyes unconsciously.

He knew how important the girl in front of him was to him, even if he couldn't remember it, he couldn't lose it.Stretching out his arms, he held Tan Yu tightly in his arms, but at this moment his chest ached sharply.

But even so, he didn't let go, because he knew that the person in his arms was his whole world.

The two hugged each other tightly for a long time, and Tan Yu also cried for a long time, until Tong Yan's clothes were wet with tears, and then Tan Yu broke free gently.

"Tong Yan, you have changed so much that I almost can't recognize you anymore. But I still recognize you. No matter what you look like, I can recognize you. Do you know why?"

Tong Yan stared at her blankly, then shook his head slightly.

Tan Yu chuckled and said, "Because you have light on your body, a light that others can't see at all. So no matter what you look like, even if it's a sea of ​​people, I can find you at a glance."

"Light? Is there light on me?"

"Yes, but you can't see it yourself."

Tong Yan looked down at himself, and then asked, "You...can you tell me who I am?"

As soon as this remark came out, Tan Yu couldn't help frowning. "Tong Yan, what's wrong with you? Have you lost your memory? You are Tong Yan, have you forgotten?"

Tong Yan nodded lightly and said: "I forgot, I can't remember who I am. Even you... I also forgot. But...but I know you are very important to me, but that's all. Can you talk to me? Can you tell me everything?"

Tan Yu looked at the somewhat dazed Tong Yan, then nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, as long as you know that I am very important to you. Come on, come in, and I will tell you everything."

As she spoke, she took Tong Yan's big hand and led Tong Yan into the house.

Tong Yan just let her hold his hand, and walked directly into the room.

Tan Yu didn't hide anything, she told Tong Yan everything she knew.Tong Yan remembered in his heart that he felt that the person Tan Yu was talking about was him.Although he forgot, everything seemed familiar.

The two talked like this for a long time, until Tan Yu suddenly realized the danger, and then stood up.

"Tong Yan, let's get out of here. That Marceau will probably come here again, it's too dangerous to stay here."

Hearing this, Tong Yan finally showed his charming smile. "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you. It's fine here, otherwise we have nowhere else to go."

Tan Yu shook his head and said, "I don't want to stay here. This is a prison. I hate it. Take me away, okay?"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, I will take you wherever you want to go. From now on, we will never be separated again!"

Tan Yu smiled sweetly, then tiptoed and kissed Tong Yan's lips.

Being kissed by Tan Yu like this, Tong Yan felt warm in his heart. Although he hadn't remembered everything yet, he knew that the Tong Yan Tan Yu was talking about was himself.And Tan Yu is the person he loves the most in this life.

Originally, he wanted to kill Marceau and let Xue Ji tell him his true identity, but now that he knew who he was, he naturally didn't need to go all out with Marceau.

But in fact, he really should look for Marceau desperately.Because it was Marceau who imprisoned Tan Yu here, and it was Marceau who almost killed Tan Yu.Of course, Tan Yu didn't tell him these things, firstly, he didn't want to let him take risks, and secondly, he didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

It may not be so easy to get rid of Marceau, but it is very easy to rescue Tan Yu with Tong Yan's strength.

The two left Marceau's manor and could only find another place to stay.

But the problem is, they have no money on them, so they can't sleep on the road, right?
After much deliberation, Tong Yan decided to take Tan Yu to Xue Ji's palace.Why he made such a decision, of course, has his own plans.

Tan Yu told him everything, and now the little Baihu girl is still being imprisoned in a cell, so she can't let her die, right?But where it is being held, I am afraid that no one knows except those few big shots.

As one of the eight great demon kings, Xue Ji must have known about it, so Tong Yan planned to attack Xue Ji, and then found out where Baihu's little sister was imprisoned.After rescuing the little sister of the white tiger, I will find a way to return to the human world.

In fact, it seems that Tong Yan has forgotten everything and it is quite good.At least he doesn't have to take risks to stop the conspiracy of the ancient demon god, at least he doesn't have to live so tiringly.

But there are some things that really can't be avoided, and troubles will eventually find him.

But this is a later story, let's say that after Tong Yan took Tan Yu out of Marceau's manor, he rushed straight to Xue Ji's palace.

Xue Ji was sitting on the throne, still waiting for Tong Yan's good news, but how did she know that Tong Yan not only did not kill Marceau, but also dragged her into the thief boat.

She originally wanted to use Tong Yan, but now who is using whom is really uncertain.

"Report, report to Lord Demon King. Abu is back! It's just..."

As soon as Xue Ji heard that Abu had returned, she immediately stood up and hurriedly asked, "Just what? Say it!"

"It's's just that he brought back a girl."

Hearing this, Xue Ji frowned and said, "A girl was brought back? What girl? What kind of medicine does this kid sell in the gourd? Bring him to see me."

After a while, Tong Yan and Tan Yu walked into the hall.

When Xue Ji saw Tan Yu, her heart trembled.Of course she knew who Tan Yu was.A member of the messenger group was taken back by the Demon King Marceau to be a concubine.

It's just that she didn't understand, how could Tong Yan bring this woman back?
"Abu, where's Marceau? Did you kill him?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "No, I don't think it's the right time."

This answer made Xue Ji very dissatisfied, even a little angry.

"What do you mean? Don't you want to know who you are?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Of course I want to know, but I can't give up my life just to know who I am, can I? Xue Ji, you and I know exactly what your plan is. You put I'm a fool, are you smart? To tell you the truth, you can kill Marceau if you want. But we have to make a deal again. If you agree, I will kill him for you. If you don't want to, then All I can say is sorry."

Hearing this, Xue Ji realized something, so she asked, "What deal? Let's hear it!"

Tong Yan smiled triumphantly and said, "It's very simple, you save one person for me, and I kill one person for you. What do you think?"

"Save people? Save whom?"

"Princess of the White Tiger Clan!"

Upon hearing this, Xue Ji's eyes widened.

"Are you crazy? You want me to rescue her? Do you know where she is locked up? She is locked up in the forbidden area of ​​the Ancient Demon God. Do you want me to be a snack for the Ancient Demon God?"

As a snack for the ancient demon god?Could it be... Could it be that the ancient demon god was not a demon man, but a monster?

(End of this chapter)

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